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Journal des débats (Hansard) of the Committee on Health and Social Services

Ce site donne accès au Journal des débats des séances du 15 janvier 1963 à aujourd’hui. Le Journal des débats d’une séance est d’abord publié en version préliminaire par segments de 30 minutes, puis en texte continu dans sa version finale. La version préliminaire peut contenir des erreurs.

Pour en savoir plus sur le Journal des débats et ses différentes versions

Liste - Journal des débats
Date Journal des débats Mandat
2020-05-22 Vol. 45 N° 56 (Version finale)
  • Entendre la ministre de la Santé et des Services sociaux afin de permettre aux députés d’opposition d’échanger avec le gouvernement au sujet de la pandémie de COVID-19
2019-02-19 Vol. 45 N° 4 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-02-20 Vol. 45 N° 5 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-08-21 Vol. 45 N° 29 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-02-12 Vol. 45 N° 2 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-03-20 Vol. 45 N° 6 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 7, An Act respecting certain terms of employment applicable to officers of the health and social services network
2019-04-30 Vol. 45 N° 7 (Version finale)
  • Examination of the 2019-2020 estimates of expenditure
2019-05-01 Vol. 45 N° 8 (Version finale)
  • Examination of the 2019-2020 estimates of expenditure
2019-05-02 Vol. 45 N° 9 (Version finale)
  • Examination of the 2019-2020 estimates of expenditure
2019-05-07 Vol. 45 N° 10 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 7, An Act respecting certain terms of employment applicable to officers of the health and social services network
2019-05-14 Vol. 45 N° 11 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-05-15 Vol. 45 N° 12 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-05-16 Vol. 45 N° 13 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-05-29 Vol. 45 N° 15 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-05-30 Vol. 45 N° 16 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-06-03 Vol. 45 N° 18 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-05-31 Vol. 45 N° 17 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-06-05 Vol. 45 N° 20 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-06-07 Vol. 45 N° 22 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-06-10 Vol. 45 N° 23 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-06-11 Vol. 45 N° 24 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-06-13 Vol. 45 N° 26 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-06-14 Vol. 45 N° 27 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-08-13 Vol. 45 N° 28 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 28, An Act to allow the establishment of certain health and social services measures related to the Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec health region’s special geographic status
2019-06-12 Vol. 45 N° 25 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-10-02 Vol. 45 N° 30 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 31, An Act to amend mainly the Pharmacy Act to facilitate access to certain services
2019-10-03 Vol. 45 N° 31 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 31, An Act to amend mainly the Pharmacy Act to facilitate access to certain services
2019-10-08 Vol. 45 N° 32 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 31, An Act to amend mainly the Pharmacy Act to facilitate access to certain services
2019-10-25 Vol. 45 N° 35 (Version finale)
  • Interpellation by the Member for Pontiac to the Minister of Health and Social Services on the following subject: The CAQ Government’s inability to improve health services and social services, particularly in the regions
2019-11-06 Vol. 45 N° 36 (Version finale)
  • Order of initiative – The alarming increase in the use of psychostimulants in children and young people in connection with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
2019-11-12 Vol. 45 N° 39 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 43, An Act to amend the Nurses Act and other provisions in order to facilitate access to health services
2019-10-10 Vol. 45 N° 33 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 28, An Act to allow the establishment of certain health and social services measures related to the Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec health region’s special geographic status
2019-10-22 Vol. 45 N° 34 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 28, An Act to allow the establishment of certain health and social services measures related to the Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec health region’s special geographic status
2019-11-08 Vol. 45 N° 38 (Version finale)
  • Order of initiative – The alarming increase in the use of psychostimulants in children and young people in connection with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
2019-11-13 Vol. 45 N° 40 (Version finale)
  • Order of initiative – The alarming increase in the use of psychostimulants in children and young people in connection with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
2019-06-04 Vol. 45 N° 19 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-06-06 Vol. 45 N° 21 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-05-28 Vol. 45 N° 14 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2019-11-21 Vol. 45 N° 42 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 31, An Act to amend mainly the Pharmacy Act to facilitate access to certain services
2019-11-13 Vol. 45 N° 41 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 43, An Act to amend the Nurses Act and other provisions in order to facilitate access to health services
2019-11-07 Vol. 45 N° 37 (Version finale)
  • Order of initiative – The alarming increase in the use of psychostimulants in children and young people in connection with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
2019-11-27 Vol. 45 N° 44 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 31, An Act to amend mainly the Pharmacy Act to facilitate access to certain services
2019-11-26 Vol. 45 N° 43 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 31, An Act to amend mainly the Pharmacy Act to facilitate access to certain services
2020-02-13 Vol. 45 N° 47 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 43, An Act to amend the Nurses Act and other provisions in order to facilitate access to health services
2020-08-18 Vol. 45 N° 58 (Version finale)
  • Examination of the 2019-2020 estimates of expenditure
2020-08-20 Vol. 45 N° 59 (Version finale)
  • Examination of the 2019-2020 estimates of expenditure
2020-09-22 Vol. 45 N° 60 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 52, An Act to strengthen the complaint examination process of the health and social services network, in particular for users receiving services from private institutions
2020-02-11 Vol. 45 N° 45 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 43, An Act to amend the Nurses Act and other provisions in order to facilitate access to health services
2020-02-12 Vol. 45 N° 46 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 43, An Act to amend the Nurses Act and other provisions in order to facilitate access to health services
2020-02-18 Vol. 45 N° 48 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 52, An Act to strengthen the complaint examination process of the health and social services network, in particular for users receiving services from private institutions
2020-02-18 Vol. 45 N° 49 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 43, An Act to amend the Nurses Act and other provisions in order to facilitate access to health services
2020-02-19 Vol. 45 N° 50 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 52, An Act to strengthen the complaint examination process of the health and social services network, in particular for users receiving services from private institutions
2020-02-20 Vol. 45 N° 51 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 52, An Act to strengthen the complaint examination process of the health and social services network, in particular for users receiving services from private institutions
2020-12-09 Vol. 45 N° 70 (Version finale)
  • Hear the National Director of Public Health, Dr. Horacio Arruda, on the COVID-19 pandemic
2021-04-28 Vol. 45 N° 77 (Version finale)
  • Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, volet Santé, accessibilité aux soins et santé publique
2021-04-29 Vol. 45 N° 78 (Version finale)
  • Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, volet Santé et Services sociaux
2020-03-10 Vol. 45 N° 52 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 43, An Act to amend the Nurses Act and other provisions in order to facilitate access to health services
2020-03-11 Vol. 45 N° 53 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 43, An Act to amend the Nurses Act and other provisions in order to facilitate access to health services
2020-03-12 Vol. 45 N° 54 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 43, An Act to amend the Nurses Act and other provisions in order to facilitate access to health services
2020-05-28 Vol. 45 N° 57 (Version finale)
  • Interpellation by the Member for Gouin to the Minister of Health and Social Services on the following subject: The need to establish Pharma-Québec in order to ensure the availability of medications, vaccines and medical equipment for Quebecers while reducing procurement costs
2021-05-28 Vol. 45 N° 79 (Version finale)
  • Interpellation by the Member for D'Arcy-McGee to the Minister of Health and Social Services on the following subject: Increasing needs in mental health, in particular due to distress caused by the pandemic, and actions that need to be taken to shorten wait times
2021-06-01 Vol. 45 N° 80 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 83, An Act respecting mainly the health insurance plan and prescription drug insurance plan eligibility of certain children whose parents’ migratory status is precarious
2021-06-02 Vol. 45 N° 81 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 83, An Act respecting mainly the health insurance plan and prescription drug insurance plan eligibility of certain children whose parents’ migratory status is precarious
2021-06-04 Vol. 45 N° 82 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 83, An Act respecting mainly the health insurance plan and prescription drug insurance plan eligibility of certain children whose parents’ migratory status is precarious
2021-06-08 Vol. 45 N° 83 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 83, An Act respecting mainly the health insurance plan and prescription drug insurance plan eligibility of certain children whose parents’ migratory status is precarious
2021-08-27 Vol. 45 N° 85 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 for caregivers in the health sector and other categories of workers in prolonged contact with the public
2021-08-26 Vol. 45 N° 84 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 for caregivers in the health sector and other categories of workers in prolonged contact with the public
2020-09-25 Vol. 45 N° 61 (Version finale)
  • Interpellation by the Member for Maurice-Richard to the Minister of Health and Social Services on the following subject: The CAQ Government’s management and preparation for the COVID-19 pandemic’s second wave
2020-09-30 Vol. 45 N° 62 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 52, An Act to strengthen the complaint examination process of the health and social services network, in particular for users receiving services from private institutions
2020-10-02 Vol. 45 N° 63 (Version finale)
  • Interpellation by the Member for Rimouski to the Minister Responsible for Seniors and Informal Caregivers on the following subject: The need to hold an independent public inquiry into the management of the COVID-19 pandemic in CHSLDs
2020-10-06 Vol. 45 N° 64 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 52, An Act to strengthen the complaint examination process of the health and social services network, in particular for users receiving services from private institutions
2020-10-21 Vol. 45 N° 65 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 52, An Act to strengthen the complaint examination process of the health and social services network, in particular for users receiving services from private institutions
2020-10-22 Vol. 45 N° 66 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 52, An Act to strengthen the complaint examination process of the health and social services network, in particular for users receiving services from private institutions
2020-10-30 Vol. 45 N° 67 (Version finale)
  • Interpellation by the Member for D’Arcy-McGee to the Minister for Health and Social Services on the following subject: The need for public coverage of mental health care in Québec
2020-11-27 Vol. 45 N° 68 (Version finale)
  • Interpellation by the Leader of the Second Opposition Group to the Minister of Health and Social Services on the following subject: Gaps in the provision of health care and social services for Indigenous peoples in Québec
2020-12-08 Vol. 45 N° 69 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 73, An Act to amend various provisions relating to assisted procreation
2020-12-09 Vol. 45 N° 71 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 73, An Act to amend various provisions relating to assisted procreation
2021-02-04 Vol. 45 N° 72 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 73, An Act to amend various provisions relating to assisted procreation
2021-02-12 Vol. 45 N° 73 (Version finale)
  • Interpellation by the Member for Maurice-Richard to the Minister of Health and Social Services on the following subject: the CAQ Government’s management of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences.
2021-02-17 Vol. 45 N° 74 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 73, An Act to amend various provisions relating to assisted procreation
2021-04-14 Vol. 45 N° 75 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 83, An Act respecting mainly the health insurance plan and prescription drug insurance plan eligibility of certain children whose parents’ migratory status is precarious
2021-04-21 Vol. 45 N° 76 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 83, An Act respecting mainly the health insurance plan and prescription drug insurance plan eligibility of certain children whose parents’ migratory status is precarious
2019-02-13 Vol. 45 N° 3 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 2, An Act to tighten the regulation of cannabis
2018-12-04 Vol. 45 N° 1 (Version finale)
  • Election of the Committee chair and vice-chair
2020-05-01 Vol. 45 N° 55 (Version finale)
  • Entendre la ministre de la Santé et des Services sociaux afin de permettre aux députés d’opposition d’échanger avec le gouvernement au sujet de la pandémie de COVID-19