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Committee on Institutions


Current areas of competence

  • Chairship of the Conseil exécutif
  • Justice
  • Public security
  • The Constitution
  • Indigenous affairs
  • International and intergovernmental relations

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43rd Legislature, 1st Session (November 29, 2022 - )

Current Orders

In the "Participate" column,

  • this icon Comment means that you may send in a comment on the subject of the consultation: click on the icon to go to the comment form or click on the subject to learn more about it before commenting
  • this icon Icône Participer à une consultation. means that you may participate in a public consultation on the subject: click on the icon to go to the consultation page
Current Orders
Title Participate
Examination of the 2025-2026 estimates of expenditure Comment
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 91, an Act establishing the Unified Family Tribunal within the Court of Québec Comment
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 203, An Act respecting the objects and powers of the Roman Catholic Archiepiscopal corporation of Montréal Comment

Past Orders

Past Orders
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 91, act establishing the Unified Family Tribunal within the Court of Québec
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 88, An Act amending the Act respecting the process of negotiation of collective agreements and the settlement of disputes in the municipal sector
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 88, an Act amending the Act respecting the process of negotiation of collective agreements and the settlement of disputes in the municipal sector
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d’initiative concernant la recrudescence de la violence armée et sur l’aggravation du phénomène des gangs criminalisés et de leurs méthodes de recrutement ciblant particulièrement les jeunes
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 78, an Act to give effect to the agreement between the Minister of Justice and the Barreau du Québec to improve the tariffs for legal aid
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 73, An Act to counter non-consensual sharing of intimate images and to improve protection and support in civil matters for persons who are victims of violence
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 73, an Act to counter non-consensual sharing of intimate images and to improve protection and support in civil matters for persons who are victims of violence
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 67, An Act to amend the Professional Code for the modernization of the professional system and to broaden certain professional practices in the field of health and social services
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 72, an Act to protect consumers against abusive commercial practices and to offer better transparency with respect to prices and credit
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 72, an Act to protect consumers against abusive commercial practices and to offer better transparency with respect to prices and credit
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 67, An Act to amend the Professional Code for the modernization of the professional system and to broaden certain professional practices in the field of health and social services
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 32, an Act to establish the cultural safety approach within the health and social services network
Interpellation by the Member for Jean-Lesage to the Minister Responsible for Canadian Relations and the Canadian Francophonie on the following subject: Québec’s independence as the only adequate leverage to ensure sufficient funding for our public services, meet the challenge of our climate ambitions, and make Québec culture and identity flourish
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 56, an Act respecting family law reform and establishing the parental union regime
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 56, An Act respecting family law reform and establishing the parental union regime
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d’initiative portant sur l’ouverture d’un bureau du Québec à Tel-Aviv
Examination of the 2024-2025 estimates of expenditure
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 54, an Act to follow up on the Table Justice-Québec with a view to reducing processing times in criminal and penal matters and to make the administration of justice more efficient
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d’initiative sur les incendies, la formation et la pénurie de pompiers au Québec
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1374-20240221 concernant l’ajout de mesures visant à prévenir la conduite avec les facultés affaiblies par l’alcool
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 54, an Act to follow up on the Table Justice-Québec with a view to reducing processing times in criminal and penal matters and to make the administration of justice more efficient
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1254-20240131 concernant la protection des droits des minorités de genre
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1200-20231207 concernant l’adoption d'une réforme électorale pour la mise en place d'un mode de scrutin proportionnel mixte
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 40, An Act mainly to reform municipal courts and to improve the justice system’s efficiency, accessibility and performance
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 40, an Act mainly to reform municipal courts and to improve the justice system’s efficiency, accessibility and performance
Special consultations and public hearings on the report on the implementation of the Code of ethics and conduct of the Members of the National Assembly for the period 1 January 2015 to 31 March 2019 entitled : « Incursion au coeur du code d'éthique et de déontologie: de la théorie à la pratique »
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 34, an Act to modernize the notarial profession and to promote access to justice
Interpellation by the Leader of the Third Opposition Group to the Premier on the following subject: The unfulfilled promises of the CAQ government since its election
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 34, An Act to modernize the notarial profession and to promote access to justice
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 32, an Act to establish the cultural safety approach within the health and social services network
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 16, An Act to amend the Courts of Justice Act to, in particular, give effect to the agreement between the chief judge of the Court of Québec and the Minister of Justice
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d'initiative portant sur l’augmentation de la violence au Québec
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 24, An Act to follow up on the recommendations of the report of the Comité consultatif indépendant sur la révision de l’indemnité annuelle des membres de l’Assemblée nationale
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 26, an Act to amend the Courts of Justice Act to, in particular, give effect to the agreement between the chief judge of the Court of Québec and the Minister of Justice
Clause-by-clause consideration og Bill 14, an Act to amend various provisions relating to public security and to enact the Act to assist in locating missing persons
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 12, An Act to reform family law with regard to filiation and to protect children born as a result of sexual assault and the victims of that assault as well as the rights of surrogates and of children born of a surrogacy project
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill14, an Act to amend various provisions relating to public security and to enact the Act to assist in locating missing persons
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 427-20230316 portant sur la reconnaissance du racisme et de la discrimination systémique envers les femmes et les filles autochtones
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 413-20230314 concernant les cyberviolences faites aux femmes
Examination of the 2023-2024 estimates of expenditure
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 12, An Act to reform family law with regard to filiation and to protect children born as a result of sexual assault and the victims of that assault as well as the rights of surrogates and of children born of a surrogacy project
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 8, an Act to improve justice efficiency and accessibility, in particular by promoting mediation and arbitration and by simplifying civil procedure in the Court of Québec
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 8, an Act to improve justice efficiency and accessibility, in particular by promoting mediation and arbitration and by simplifying civil procedure in the Court of Québec
Séance de travail – Organisation des travaux de la Commission
Election of the Committee chair and vice-chair

Reports and discussion papers

Consultations particulières et auditions publiques sur le rapport de mise en œuvre du Code d’éthique et de déontologie des membres de l’Assemblée nationale 2015-2019 intitulé : Incursion au cœur du code d’éthique et de déontologie : de la théorie à la pratique - Observations et recommandations - Novembre 2023 (PDF, 724 KB) 


Coalition avenir Québec

Mario Asselin

Asselin, Mario


Member for Vanier-Les Rivières

André Bachand

Bachand, André


Member for Richmond

Karine Boivin Roy

Boivin Roy, Karine


Member for Anjou–Louis-Riel

Kariane Bourassa

Bourassa, Kariane


Member for Charlevoix–Côte-de-Beaupré

Céline Haytayan

Haytayan, Céline


Member for Laval-des-Rapides

Louis Lemieux

Lemieux, Louis


Member for Saint-Jean

Valérie Schmaltz

Schmaltz, Valérie


Member for Vimont


Quebec Liberal Party

Brigitte Garceau

Garceau, Brigitte B.


Member for Robert-Baldwin

Jennifer Maccarone

Maccarone, Jennifer


Member for Westmount–Saint-Louis

André Albert Morin

Morin, André Albert


Member for Acadie


Québec solidaire

Manon Massé

Massé, Manon


Member for Sainte-Marie–Saint-Jacques



Marie-Claude Nichols

Nichols, Marie-Claude


Member for Vaudreuil


Contact information for the committee

Clerk : Mr. Philippe Brassard
Édifice Pamphile-Le May
1035, rue des Parlementaires
3e étage
Québec (Quebec)  G1A 1A3
Telephone: 418-643-2722