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Committee on Planning and the Public Domain


Current areas of competence

  • Land use planning and development
  • Municipal affairs
  • Housing
  • Sport and recreation
  • Local and regional community development

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43rd Legislature, 1st Session (November 29, 2022 - )

Current Orders

In the "Participate" column,

  • this icon Comment means that you may send in a comment on the subject of the consultation: click on the icon to go to the comment form or click on the subject to learn more about it before commenting
  • this icon Icône Participer à une consultation. means that you may participate in a public consultation on the subject: click on the icon to go to the consultation page
Current Orders
Title Participate
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 2387-20250320 portant sur la reconnaissance de la robotique comme un sport
Examination of the 2025-2026 estimates of expenditure Comment
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 201, An Act respecting Municipalité de Morin-Heights Comment

Past Orders

Past Orders
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 93, An Act respecting, in particular, the transfer of ownership of an immovable of Ville de Blainville
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 86, An Act to ensure the long-term preservation and vitality of agricultural land
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 2084-20241127 concernant la mise en place d’un nouveau programme HLM
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 32, An Act to enact the Act respecting contracting by municipal bodies and to amend various provisions mainly for the purpose of reducing the administrative burden of municipal bodies
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 86, an Act to ensure the long-term preservation and vitality of agricultural land
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d'initiative portant sur la question de la résilience des infrastructures municipales, de leur adaptation aux changements climatiques et de l’encadrement des sinistres comme les inondations
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 79, an Act to enact the Act respecting contracting by municipal bodies and to amend various provisions mainly for the purpose of reducing the administrative burden of municipal bodies
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 209, An Act respecting Ville de Terrebonne
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 210, An Act respecting Ville de Blainville
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 76, an Act mainly to enhance the quality of construction and public safety
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 76, an Act mainly to enhance the quality of construction and public safety
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1663-20240910 portant sur la mise sur pied de mesures pour assurer un environnement de travail sain pour les élus municipaux
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 70, an Act to amend the Animal Health Protection Act
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 70, An Act to amend the Animal Health Protection Act
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse des pétitions numéro 1585-20240521 et 1587-20240521 portant sur l’opposition à la reconstruction de la prison Tanguay sur le terrain entre les rues Poincaré et Tanguay
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 57, An Act to enact the Act to protect elected officers and to facilitate the unhindered exercise of their functions and to amend various legislative provisions concerning municipal affairs
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 57, an Act to enact the Act to protect elected officers and to facilitate the unhindered exercise of their functions and to amend various legislative provisions concerning municipal affairs
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 45, An Act to amend the Act respecting safety in sports mainly to better protect the integrity of persons in recreation and sports
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 50, An Act to enact the Act respecting civil protection to promote disaster resilience and to amend various provisions relating in particular to emergency communication centres and to forest fire protection
Examination of the 2024-2025 estimates of expenditure
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 45, An Act to amend the Act respecting safety in sports mainly to better protect the integrity of persons in recreation and sports
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 50, an Act to enact the Act respecting civil protection to promote disaster resilience and to amend various provisions relating in particular to emergency communication centres and to forest fire protection
Interpellation by the Member for Saint-Laurent to the Minister Responsible for Infrastructure on the following subject: Infrastructure in Québec: the art of fumbling major projects
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse des pétitions numéro 1255-20240131 et 1256-20240131 portant sur une modification du Code de construction du Québec afin de rendre obligatoire les principes du design universel
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1241-20240130 portant sur des modifications au projet de loi n° 31, Loi modifiant diverses dispositions législatives en matière d’habitation
Interpellation by the Member for Mille-Îles to the Minister Responsible for Housing on the following subject: Housing in Québec: another CAQ failure
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 39, An Act to amend the Act respecting municipal taxation and other legislative provisions
Special consultations and public hearings on bill 39, An Act to amend the Act respecting municipal taxation and other legislative provisions
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 204, An Act respecting Ville de Longueuil
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 855-20230928 portant sur une compensation financière pour la perte d'abris ou de camps due au feu de forêt 281
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 734-20230914 concernant la mise en place d’un projet pilote pour loger en appartement les membres de la communauté de rue vivant sous l’autoroute Ville-Marie
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 741-20230919 concernant l’opposition à l'expansion du Port de Québec en territoire agricole à Lévis
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 31, an Act to amend various legislative provisions with respect to housing
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 31, an Act to amend various legislative provisions with respect to housing
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 16, An Act to amend the Act respecting land use planning and development and other provisions
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 202, An Act respecting Ville de Saint-Jérôme
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 200, An Act respecting the cancellation of a servitude encumbering certain lots situated in Ville de Carignan
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 462-20230323 concernant l’atténuation des nuisances sonores à l’Esplanade du Parc Olympique
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 16, An Act to amend the Act respecting land use planning and development and other provisions
Interpellation by the Member for Mille-Îles to the Minister Responsible for Housing on the following subject: Housing in Québec: a sector neglected by a disengaged CAQ government
Examination of the 2023-2024 estimates of expenditure
Séance de travail – Organisation des travaux de la Commission
Election of the Committee chair and vice-chair


Coalition avenir Québec

Suzanne Blais

Blais, Suzanne


Member for Abitibi-Ouest

Yannick Gagnon

Gagnon, Yannick


Member for Jonquière

Éric Girard (Lac-Saint-Jean)

Girard, Éric


Member for Lac-Saint-Jean

Chantale Jeannotte

Jeannotte, Chantale


Member for Labelle

Isabelle Poulet

Poulet, Isabelle


Member for Laporte

Sébastien Schneeberger

Schneeberger, Sébastien


Member for Drummond–Bois-Francs


Quebec Liberal Party

Enrico Ciccone

Ciccone, Enrico


Member for Marquette

Gregory Kelley

Kelley, Gregory


Member for Jacques-Cartier

Michelle Setlakwe

Setlakwe, Michelle


Member for Mont-Royal–Outremont


Québec solidaire

Christine Labrie

Labrie, Christine


Member for Sherbrooke


Contact information for the committee

Clerk : Mrs Éloïse Roy-Gamache
Édifice Pamphile-Le May
1035, rue des Parlementaires
3e étage
Québec (Quebec)  G1A 1A3
Telephone: 418-643-2722