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Committee on Labour and the Economy


Current areas of competence

  • Industry
  • Trade
  • Tourism
  • Labor
  • Labor force
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Income security

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43rd Legislature, 1st Session (November 29, 2022 - )

Current Orders

In the "Participate" column,

  • this icon Comment means that you may send in a comment on the subject of the consultation: click on the icon to go to the comment form or click on the subject to learn more about it before commenting
  • this icon Icône Participer à une consultation. means that you may participate in a public consultation on the subject: click on the icon to go to the consultation page
Current Orders
Title Participate
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 2371-20250319, demande visant à doter les agents des services correctionnels du Québec de vestes de protection
Examination of the 2025-2026 estimates of expenditure Comment
Interpellation by the Member for Taschereau to the Minister Responsible for Social Solidarity and Community Action on the following subject: The erosion of Québec’s social safety net under the CAQ government
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 85, An Act to amend various provisions for the main purpose of reducing regulatory and administrative burden Comment

Past Orders

Past Orders
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 2331-20250227 portant sur les versements et ajustements salariaux découlant du règlement de maintien de l'équité salariale pour le personnel du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition n° 2330-20250227 concernant un moratoire sur l’émission de nouveaux permis d’hébergement touristique dans le Vieux-Montréal
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition n° 2315-20250226, demande visant à augmenter l'allocation de participation au programme PAAS Action
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 89, An Act to give greater consideration to the needs of the population in the event of a strike or a lock-out
Interpellation by the Member for Bourassa-Sauvé to the Minister of Employment on the following subject: Termination of employment: the impact of the CAQ cuts on employability
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 2203-20250130 portant sur la rémunération des stagiaires à la maîtrise infirmière praticienne spécialisée
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 87, an Act respecting mainly the development and enhancement of industrial land and the governance of the Société du parc industriel et portuaire de Bécancour
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 85, an Act to amend various provisions for the main purpose of reducing regulatory and administrative burden
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 87, An Act respecting mainly the development and enhancement of industrial land and the governance of the Société du parc industriel et portuaire de Bécancour
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 71, An Act to improve support for persons and to simplify the social assistance regime
Interpellation by the Member for Marguerite-Bourgeoys to the Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy on the following subject: The CAQ government’s outdated economic vision
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1866-20240925, portant sur la demande visant à étendre la réglementation pour la protection et le soutien des travailleurs étrangers temporaires
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 71, An Act to improve support for persons and to simplify the social assistance regime
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 68, An Act mainly to reduce the administrative burden of physicians
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1675-20240911, concernant la réintégration des diagnostics évidents donnant accès au Programme de solidarité sociale
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1672-20240911, concernant le maintien et prolongation des prestations d'invalidité de la CNESST
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 68, An Act mainly to reduce the administrative burden of physicians
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la commission se saisisse des pétitions 1451-20240319 et 1452-20240319, portant sur la modernisation de la notion de vie maritale pour les prestataires de l'aide sociale
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 51, an Act to modernize the construction industry
Examination of the 2024-2025 estimates of expenditure
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d’initiative portant sur les conditions de travail des immigrants et étrangers
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill Bill 44, An Act to amend mainly the Act respecting the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation with respect to research
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 51, An Act to modernize the construction industry
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 44, an Act to amend mainly the Act respecting the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation with respect to research
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1243-20240130 portant sur la rémunération des stages obligatoires
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 42, an Act to prevent and fight psychological harassment and sexual violence in the workplace
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 42, an Act to prevent and fight psychological harassment and sexual violence in the workplace
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 38, An Act to amend the Act respecting the governance and management of the information resources of public bodies and government enterprises and other legislative provisions
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 38, an Act to amend the Act respecting the governance and management of the information resources of public bodies and government enterprises and other legislative provisions
By the Member for Maurice-Richard to the Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy on the following subject: The CAQ government’s lack of transparency as regards the battery industry (Notice given on 19 October 2023)
Interpellation by the Member for Maurice-Richard to the Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy on the following subject: The CAQ government’s lack of transparency as regards the battery industry
Election of the Commitee vice-chair
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d’initiative portant sur la lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 17, An Act to amend various provisions for the main purpose of reducing regulatory and administrative burden
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 29, An Act to amend various provisions mainly with respect to the financial sector
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 723-20230913 portant sur le retrait de l'exception visant les chauffeurs d'autobus scolaires de la Loi sur les normes du travail
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 621-20230531 portant sur la demande d’un congé de deuil en cas de décès périnatal
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 17, An Act to amend various provisions for the main purpose of reducing regulatory and administrative burden
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 29, an Act to protect consumers from planned obsolescence and to promote the durability, repairability and maintenance of goods
Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d’initiative sur l’émergence et le développement de la technologie d’intelligence artificielle « GPT » et les bouleversements que son avènement entraînera sur le marché du travail québécois
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 25, an Act to fight illegal tourist accommodation
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 25, an Act to fight illegal tourist accommodation
Interpellation by the Member for Pontiac to the Minister Responsible for Regional Economic Development on the following subject: Five years of CAQ failures: the cost of abandoning the regions
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 19, An Act respecting the regulation of work by children
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 19, an Act respecting the regulation of work by children
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d'initiative portant sur les logiciels de télésurveillance
Examination of the 2023-2024 estimates of expenditure
Séance de travail - Organisation des travaux de la Commission
Election of the Committee chair and vice-chair


Coalition avenir Québec

Simon Allaire

Allaire, Simon


Member for Maskinongé

Karine Boivin Roy

Boivin Roy, Karine


Member for Anjou–Louis-Riel

Pierre Dufour

Dufour, Pierre


Member for Abitibi-Est

Carole Mallette

Mallette, Carole


Member for Huntingdon

Donald Martel

Martel, Donald


Member for Nicolet-Bécancour

Suzanne Tremblay

Tremblay, Suzanne


Member for Hull


Quebec Liberal Party

Madwa-Nika Cadet

Cadet, Madwa-Nika


Member for Bourassa-Sauvé

Virginie Dufour

Dufour, Virginie



Member for Mille-Îles

Sona Lakhoyan Olivier

Lakhoyan Olivier, Sona


Member for Chomedey


Québec solidaire

Andrés Fontecilla

Fontecilla, Andrés


Member for Laurier-Dorion


Contact information for the committee

Secrétaire : Mrs Nathalie Belhumeur
Édifice Pamphile-Le May
1035, rue des Parlementaires
3e étage
Québec (Quebec)  G1A 1A3
Telephone: 418-643-2722