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Journal des débats (Hansard) of the Committee on Citizen Relations

Ce site donne accès au Journal des débats des séances du 15 janvier 1963 à aujourd’hui. Le Journal des débats d’une séance est d’abord publié en version préliminaire par segments de 30 minutes, puis en texte continu dans sa version finale. La version préliminaire peut contenir des erreurs.

Pour en savoir plus sur le Journal des débats et ses différentes versions

Liste - Journal des débats
Date Journal des débats Mandat
2021-10-21 Vol. 46 N° 1 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 101, An Act to strengthen the fight against maltreatment of seniors and other persons of full age in vulnerable situations as well as the monitoring of the quality of health services and social services
2021-10-26 Vol. 46 N° 2 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 101, An Act to strengthen the fight against maltreatment of seniors and other persons of full age in vulnerable situations as well as the monitoring of the quality of health services and social services
2021-10-28 Vol. 46 N° 4 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 101, An Act to strengthen the fight against maltreatment of seniors and other persons of full age in vulnerable situations as well as the monitoring of the quality of health services and social services
2021-10-27 Vol. 46 N° 3 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 101, An Act to strengthen the fight against maltreatment of seniors and other persons of full age in vulnerable situations as well as the monitoring of the quality of health services and social services
2021-11-05 Vol. 46 N° 5 (Version finale)
  • Interpellation of the Member for LaFontaine to the Minister of Families on the following subject: The CAQ government’s mirage and its inaction regarding childcare services, negative results after 3 years
2021-11-23 Vol. 46 N° 6 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 1, An Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2021-11-24 Vol. 46 N° 7 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 1, An Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2021-11-25 Vol. 46 N° 8 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 1, An Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-02-01 Vol. 46 N° 9 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-02-02 Vol. 46 N° 10 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-02-03 Vol. 46 N° 11 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-02-08 Vol. 46 N° 12 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-02-09 Vol. 46 N° 13 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-02-10 Vol. 46 N° 14 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-02-15 Vol. 46 N° 15 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-02-16 Vol. 46 N° 16 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-02-17 Vol. 46 N° 17 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 101, An Act to strengthen the fight against maltreatment of seniors and other persons of full age in vulnerable situations as well as the monitoring of the quality of health services and social services
2022-02-22 Vol. 46 N° 18 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-02-23 Vol. 46 N° 19 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-02-23 Vol. 46 N° 20 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 101, An Act to strengthen the fight against maltreatment of seniors and other persons of full age in vulnerable situations as well as the monitoring of the quality of health services and social services
2022-03-15 Vol. 46 N° 21 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 101, An Act to strengthen the fight against maltreatment of seniors and other persons of full age in vulnerable situations as well as the monitoring of the quality of health services and social services
2022-03-15 Vol. 46 N° 22 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-03-16 Vol. 46 N° 23 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-03-22 Vol. 46 N° 24 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 101, An Act to strengthen the fight against maltreatment of seniors and other persons of full age in vulnerable situations as well as the monitoring of the quality of health services and social services
2022-03-22 Vol. 46 N° 25 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-03-23 Vol. 46 N° 26 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 1, an Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to improve access to the educational childcare services network and complete its development
2022-04-26 Vol. 46 N° 27 (Version finale)
  • Étude des crédits budgétaires du ministère de la Famille, volet Lutte contre l'intimidation
2022-04-26 Vol. 46 N° 28 (Version finale)
  • Étude des crédits budgétaires du ministère de la Justice, volet Protection des consommateurs
2022-04-27 Vol. 46 N° 29 (Version finale)
  • Étude des crédits budgétaires du ministère du Conseil exécutif, volet Jeunesse
2022-05-03 Vol. 46 N° 30 (Version finale)
  • Étude des crédits budgétaires du ministère de la Famille, volet Famille
2022-05-03 Vol. 46 N° 31 (Version finale)
  • Étude des crédits budgétaires du ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, volet Lutte contre le racisme
2022-05-03 Vol. 46 N° 32 (Version finale)
  • Étude des crédits budgétaires du ministère de l'Éducation, volet Condition féminine
2022-05-04 Vol. 46 N° 33 (Version finale)
  • Étude des crédits budgétaires du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, volet Aînés et proches aidants
2022-05-04 Vol. 46 N° 34 (Version finale)
  • Étude des crédits budgétaires du ministère de la Famille, volet Famille
2022-05-05 Vol. 46 N° 35 (Version finale)
  • Étude des crédits budgétaires du ministère de l'Immigration, de la Francisation et de l'Intégration, volet Immigration, francisation, diversité et inclusion
2022-05-10 Vol. 46 N° 36 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 32, An Act respecting academic freedom in the university sector
2022-05-11 Vol. 46 N° 37 (Version finale)
  • Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 32, An Act respecting academic freedom in the university sector
2022-05-25 Vol. 46 N° 38 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 32, An Act respecting academic freedom in the university sector
2022-05-26 Vol. 46 N° 39 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 32, An Act respecting academic freedom in the university sector
2022-05-31 Vol. 46 N° 40 (Version finale)
  • Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 32, An Act respecting academic freedom in the university sector