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Introduction is the first stage in the consideration of a bill by the Assemblée nationale.
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Bill: An Act to amend the Territorial Division Act and the Courts of Justice Act (PDF, 28 KB)
Assented to: An Act to amend the James Bay Region Development Act
Assented to: An Act to again amend the Taxation Act and other legislative provisions (original title) An Act to amend the Taxation Act and other legislative provisions
Assented to: An Act to amend the Act respecting the Régie de l'assurance-maladie du Québec
Assented to: An Act to repeal the Grain Act and to amend the Act respecting the marketing of agricultural, food and fish products and other legislative provisions
Assented to: An Act to amend certain legislative provisions respecting the Public Curator
Assented to: An Act to amend the Act respecting municipal taxation and the Act respecting municipal debts and loans
Bill: An Act to amend the Securities Act
Bill: An Act respecting the amalgamation of the municipalities of Iberville, L'Acadie, Saint-Athanase, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Saint-Luc (PDF, 37 KB)
Assented to: An Act respecting the Commission de l'aqueduc de la Ville de La Tuque