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Bills Introduced in the National Assembly

Each bill title in the list below links to the text of the most recent version of the bill. Once a bill has been assented to, its title links to the definitive text on the website of Publications du Québec, the Québec Official Publisher.

Bills are generally published within one hour of their introduction.

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Bills - 43rd Legislature, 1st Session (November 29, 2022 - )

No. Title Type Last stage
Take part
1 An Act to limit the indexation of several government tariffs

An Act to limit the indexation of several government tariffs

Government bills Sanction
10 An Act limiting the use of personnel placement agencies’ services and independent labour in the health and social services sector

An Act limiting the use of personnel placement agencies’ services and independent labour in the health and social services sector

Government bills Sanction
11 An Act to amend the Act respecting end-of-life care and other legislative provisions

An Act to amend the Act respecting end-of-life care and other legislative provisions

Government bills Sanction
12 An Act to reform family law with regard to filiation and to protect children born as a result of sexual assault and the victims of that assault as well as the rights of surrogates and of children born of a surrogacy project

An Act to reform family law with regard to filiation and to protect children born as a result of sexual assault and the victims of that assault as well as the rights of surrogates and of children born of a surrogacy project

Government bills Sanction
13 An Act respecting the Hertel-New York interconnection line

An Act respecting the Hertel-New York interconnection line

Government bills Sanction
14 An Act to amend various provisions relating to public security and to enact the Act to assist in locating missing persons

An Act to amend various provisions relating to public security and to enact the Act to assist in locating missing persons

Government bills Sanction
15 An Act to make the health and social services system more effective

An Act to make the health and social services system more effective

Government bills Sanction
16 An Act to amend the Act respecting land use planning and development and other provisions

An Act to amend the Act respecting land use planning and development and other provisions

Government bills Sanction
17 An Act to amend various provisions for the main purpose of reducing regulatory and administrative burden

An Act to amend various provisions for the main purpose of reducing regulatory and administrative burden

Government bills Sanction
18 Appropriation Act No. 1, 2023-2024

Appropriation Act No. 1, 2023-2024

Government bills Sanction
19 An Act respecting the regulation of work by children

An Act respecting the regulation of work by children

Government bills Sanction
190 An Act to recognize the Members’ oath to the people of Québec as the sole oath required for Members to take office

An Act to recognize the Members’ oath to the people of Québec as the sole oath required for Members to take office (PDF, 223 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
191 An Act to amend the Act respecting safety in sports to prohibit fighting in sports activities in which persons under 18 years of age participate

An Act to amend the Act respecting safety in sports to prohibit fighting in sports activities in which persons under 18 years of age participate (PDF, 224 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
192 An Act to ensure student health and safety in the classroom by regulating ambient air quality in schools

An Act to ensure student health and safety in the classroom by regulating ambient air quality in schools (PDF, 279 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
193 An Act to amend the Charter of human rights and freedoms to recognize the right to a healthful environment as a fundamental right

An Act to amend the Charter of human rights and freedoms to recognize the right to a healthful environment as a fundamental right (PDF, 221 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
194 An Act to establish a presumption of consent to organ or tissue donation after death

An Act to establish a presumption of consent to organ or tissue donation after death (PDF, 286 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Adoption du principe Comment
195 An Act to amend the Consumer Protection Act to fight planned obsolescence and assert the right to repair goods

An Act to amend the Consumer Protection Act to fight planned obsolescence and assert the right to repair goods (PDF, 282 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
196 An Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to guarantee the right to receive childcare services

An Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to guarantee the right to receive childcare services (PDF, 216 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
197 An Act to improve the quality of care through the setting of ratios in certain institutions governed by the Act respecting health services and social services

An Act to improve the quality of care through the setting of ratios in certain institutions governed by the Act respecting health services and social services (PDF, 239 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
198 An Act to amend the Civil Code to ensure greater protection of seniors as lessees against repossession of dwellings and evictions

An Act to amend the Civil Code to ensure greater protection of seniors as lessees against repossession of dwellings and evictions (PDF, 226 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
199 An Act to better protect consumers against abusive credit contracts

An Act to better protect consumers against abusive credit contracts (PDF, 251 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
2 An Act mainly to cap the indexation rate for Hydro-Québec domestic distribution rate prices and to further regulate the obligation to distribute electricity

An Act mainly to cap the indexation rate for Hydro-Québec domestic distribution rate prices and to further regulate the obligation to distribute electricity

Government bills Sanction
20 An Act to establish the Blue Fund and to amend other provisions

An Act to establish the Blue Fund and to amend other provisions

Government bills Sanction
200 An Act respecting the cancellation of a servitude encumbering certain lots situated in Ville de Carignan

An Act respecting the cancellation of a servitude encumbering certain lots situated in Ville de Carignan

Private bills Sanction
201 An Act respecting Municipalité de Morin-Heights

An Act respecting Municipalité de Morin-Heights (PDF, 227 KB) 

Private bills Présentation Comment
202 An Act respecting Ville de Saint-Jérôme

An Act respecting Ville de Saint-Jérôme

Private bills Sanction
203 An Act respecting the objects and powers of the Roman Catholic Archiepiscopal corporation of Montreal

An Act respecting the objects and powers of the Roman Catholic Archiepiscopal corporation of Montreal (PDF, 256 KB) 

Private bills Présentation Comment
204 An Act respecting Ville de Longueuil

An Act respecting Ville de Longueuil

Private bills Sanction
205 An Act respecting Beneva Mutual

An Act respecting Beneva Mutual

Private bills Sanction
208 An Act respecting certain alienations involving the maison Robert-Jellard

An Act respecting certain alienations involving the maison Robert-Jellard

Private bills Sanction
209 An Act respecting Ville de Terrebonne

An Act respecting Ville de Terrebonne

Private bills Sanction
21 Appropriation Act No. 2, 2023-2024

Appropriation Act No. 2, 2023-2024

Government bills Sanction
210 An Act respecting Ville de Blainville

An Act respecting Ville de Blainville

Private bills Sanction
211 An Act respecting the École Polytechnique de Montréal

An Act respecting the École Polytechnique de Montréal

Private bills Sanction
212 An Act to amend the Act to incorporate Foyer Wales - The Wales Home

An Act to amend the Act to incorporate Foyer Wales - The Wales Home

Private bills Sanction
213 An Act respecting certain immovables situated in Municipalité de Dixville

An Act respecting certain immovables situated in Municipalité de Dixville

Private bills Sanction
22 An Act respecting expropriation

An Act respecting expropriation

Government bills Sanction
23 An Act to amend mainly the Education Act and to enact the Act respecting the Institut national d’excellence en éducation

An Act to amend mainly the Education Act and to enact the Act respecting the Institut national d’excellence en éducation

Government bills Sanction
24 An Act to follow up on the recommendations of the report of the Comité consultatif indépendant sur la révision de l’indemnité annuelle des membres de l’Assemblée nationale

An Act to follow up on the recommendations of the report of the Comité consultatif indépendant sur la révision de l’indemnité annuelle des membres de l’Assemblée nationale

Government bills Sanction
25 An Act to fight illegal tourist accommodation

An Act to fight illegal tourist accommodation

Government bills Sanction
26 An Act to amend the Courts of Justice Act to, in particular, give effect to the agreement between the chief judge of the Court of Québec and the Minister of Justice

An Act to amend the Courts of Justice Act to, in particular, give effect to the agreement between the chief judge of the Court of Québec and the Minister of Justice

Government bills Sanction
27 An Act to amend the Taxation Act, the Act respecting the Québec sales tax and other provisions

An Act to amend the Taxation Act, the Act respecting the Québec sales tax and other provisions

Government bills Sanction
28 An Act to amend the Act respecting the marketing of agricultural, food and fish products and the Farm Producers Act

An Act to amend the Act respecting the marketing of agricultural, food and fish products and the Farm Producers Act

Government bills Sanction
29 An Act to protect consumers from planned obsolescence and to promote the durability, repairability and maintenance of goods

An Act to protect consumers from planned obsolescence and to promote the durability, repairability and maintenance of goods

Government bills Sanction
3 An Act respecting health and social services information and amending various legislative provisions

An Act respecting health and social services information and amending various legislative provisions

Government bills Sanction
30 An Act to amend various provisions mainly with respect to the financial sector

An Act to amend various provisions mainly with respect to the financial sector

Government bills Sanction
31 An Act to amend various legislative provisions with respect to housing

An Act to amend various legislative provisions with respect to housing

Government bills Sanction
32 An Act to establish the cultural safety approach within the health and social services network

An Act to establish the cultural safety approach within the health and social services network

Government bills Sanction
33 An Act respecting the collective agreements of the special constables and the bodyguards of the Gouvernement du Québec

An Act respecting the collective agreements of the special constables and the bodyguards of the Gouvernement du Québec

Government bills Sanction
34 An Act to modernize the notarial profession and to promote access to justice

An Act to modernize the notarial profession and to promote access to justice

Government bills Sanction
35 An Act respecting the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 21 March 2023 and amending other provisions

An Act respecting the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 21 March 2023 and amending other provisions

Government bills Sanction
36 Opioid-related Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act

Opioid-related Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act

Government bills Sanction
37 An Act respecting the Commissioner for Children’s Well-Being and Rights

An Act respecting the Commissioner for Children’s Well-Being and Rights

Government bills Sanction
38 An Act to amend the Act respecting the governance and management of the information resources of public bodies and government enterprises and other legislative provisions

An Act to amend the Act respecting the governance and management of the information resources of public bodies and government enterprises and other legislative provisions

Government bills Sanction
39 An Act to amend the Act respecting municipal taxation and other legislative provisions

An Act to amend the Act respecting municipal taxation and other legislative provisions

Government bills Sanction
390 An Act to promote taking gender equality and diversity in an intersectional perspective into account in the budgetary process

An Act to promote taking gender equality and diversity in an intersectional perspective into account in the budgetary process (PDF, 232 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
391 An Act to amend the Education Act to enshrine the right to free special school projects offered in schools providing preschool or elementary and secondary education and to limit the distance between immovables of a school with a special project

An Act to amend the Education Act to enshrine the right to free special school projects offered in schools providing preschool or elementary and secondary education and to limit the distance between immovables of a school with a special project (PDF, 245 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
392 An Act respecting the suspension of the issuing of new mining claims and ending the precedence of mining and gas rights over other land uses

An Act respecting the suspension of the issuing of new mining claims and ending the precedence of mining and gas rights over other land uses (PDF, 231 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
393 An Act to combat food waste

An Act to combat food waste (PDF, 268 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
394 An Act respecting the implementation of study-family-work balance policies in particular in higher education institutions

An Act respecting the implementation of study-family-work balance policies in particular in higher education institutions (PDF, 288 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
395 An Act to replace the name of the electoral division of Matane-Matapédia by Matane-Matapédia-Mitis

An Act to replace the name of the electoral division of Matane-Matapédia by Matane-Matapédia-Mitis (PDF, 224 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
396 An Act to amend the Act to reduce the debt and establish the Generations Fund to provide for the achievement of a capitalization of one hundred billion dollars

An Act to amend the Act to reduce the debt and establish the Generations Fund to provide for the achievement of a capitalization of one hundred billion dollars (PDF, 231 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
397 An Act to prevent and fight sexual violence in educational institutions that provide preschool education services, elementary school instructional services or secondary school instructional services in general or vocational education, including adult education services

An Act to prevent and fight sexual violence in educational institutions that provide preschool education services, elementary school instructional services or secondary school instructional services in general or vocational education, including adult education services (PDF, 295 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
398 An Act to amend the Education Act to enshrine the right of handicapped students and students with social maladjustments or learning disabilities to receive educational services equivalent to those provided by the school

An Act to amend the Education Act to enshrine the right of handicapped students and students with social maladjustments or learning disabilities to receive educational services equivalent to those provided by the school (PDF, 244 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
399 An Act to amend the Act respecting the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec to require the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec to make and to report on investments with sustainable social and environmental impacts

An Act to amend the Act respecting the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec to require the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec to make and to report on investments with sustainable social and environmental impacts (PDF, 229 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
4 An Act to recognize the oath provided in the Act respecting the National Assembly as the sole oath required in order to sit in the Assembly

An Act to recognize the oath provided in the Act respecting the National Assembly as the sole oath required in order to sit in the Assembly

Government bills Sanction
40 An Act mainly to reform municipal courts and to improve the justice system’s efficiency, accessibility and performance

An Act mainly to reform municipal courts and to improve the justice system’s efficiency, accessibility and performance

Government bills Sanction
41 An Act to enact the Act respecting the environmental performance of buildings and to amend various provisions regarding energy transition

An Act to enact the Act respecting the environmental performance of buildings and to amend various provisions regarding energy transition

Government bills Sanction
42 An Act to prevent and fight psychological harassment and sexual violence in the workplace

An Act to prevent and fight psychological harassment and sexual violence in the workplace

Government bills Sanction
43 An Act respecting Apostilles for documents to be produced in a foreign State party to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents

An Act respecting Apostilles for documents to be produced in a foreign State party to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents

Government bills Sanction
44 An Act to amend mainly the Act respecting the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation with respect to research

An Act to amend mainly the Act respecting the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation with respect to research

Government bills Sanction
45 An Act to amend the Act respecting safety in sports mainly to better protect the integrity of persons in recreation and sports

An Act to amend the Act respecting safety in sports mainly to better protect the integrity of persons in recreation and sports

Government bills Sanction
46 An Act to improve the protection of children receiving educational childcare services

An Act to improve the protection of children receiving educational childcare services

Government bills Sanction
47 An Act to reinforce the protection of students, including with regard to acts of sexual violence (modified title)

Original title
An Act to reinforce the protection of students

Amended title
An Act to reinforce the protection of students, including with regard to acts of sexual violence (modified title)

Government bills Sanction
48 An Act to amend mainly the Highway Safety Code to introduce provisions relating to detection systems and other highway safety-related provisions

An Act to amend mainly the Highway Safety Code to introduce provisions relating to detection systems and other highway safety-related provisions

Government bills Sanction
49 An Act to give effect to fiscal measures announced in the Budget Speech delivered on 21 March 2023 and to certain other measures

An Act to give effect to fiscal measures announced in the Budget Speech delivered on 21 March 2023 and to certain other measures

Government bills Sanction
490 An Act to reinforce the qualified majority required for the appointment and removal of persons appointed by the National Assembly

An Act to reinforce the qualified majority required for the appointment and removal of persons appointed by the National Assembly (PDF, 260 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
491 An Act amending the Public Infrastructure Act to submit projects included in the Québec infrastructure plan to a climate test

An Act amending the Public Infrastructure Act to submit projects included in the Québec infrastructure plan to a climate test (PDF, 234 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
492 An Act to combat waste

An Act to combat waste (PDF, 315 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
493 An Act to amend the Québec Immigration Act to take temporary residents into account for immigration planning purposes

An Act to amend the Québec Immigration Act to take temporary residents into account for immigration planning purposes (PDF, 225 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
494 An Act to amend the Civil Code to render without effect the clauses of a lease of a dwelling tending to prohibit companion animals

An Act to amend the Civil Code to render without effect the clauses of a lease of a dwelling tending to prohibit companion animals (PDF, 235 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
495 Anti-Farm Land Grabbing Act

Anti-Farm Land Grabbing Act (PDF, 283 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
496 An Act to recognize the white admiral as the emblematic insect of Québec

An Act to recognize the white admiral as the emblematic insect of Québec (PDF, 219 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
498 An Act to proclaim National Maple Day

An Act to proclaim National Maple Day

Private Members’ bills Sanction
499 An Act to establish a new electoral system

An Act to establish a new electoral system (PDF, 9 MB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
5 An Act to ratify the Agreement relating to the concept of parliamentary group, to the conduct of proceedings in the Assembly and in parliamentary committees, to budgetary aspects and to other measures promoting work-family balance

An Act to ratify the Agreement relating to the concept of parliamentary group, to the conduct of proceedings in the Assembly and in parliamentary committees, to budgetary aspects and to other measures promoting work-family balance

Government bills (projet de loi conjoint) Sanction
50 An Act to enact the Act respecting civil protection to promote disaster resilience and to amend various provisions relating in particular to emergency communication centres and to forest fire protection

An Act to enact the Act respecting civil protection to promote disaster resilience and to amend various provisions relating in particular to emergency communication centres and to forest fire protection

Government bills Sanction
51 An Act to modernize the construction industry

An Act to modernize the construction industry

Government bills Sanction
52 An Act to enable the Parliament of Québec to preserve the principle of parliamentary sovereignty with respect to the Act respecting the laicity of the State

An Act to enable the Parliament of Québec to preserve the principle of parliamentary sovereignty with respect to the Act respecting the laicity of the State

Government bills Sanction
53 An Act to enact the Act respecting protection against reprisals related to the disclosure of wrongdoings and to amend other legislative provisions

An Act to enact the Act respecting protection against reprisals related to the disclosure of wrongdoings and to amend other legislative provisions

Government bills Sanction
54 An Act to follow up on the Table Justice-Québec with a view to reducing processing times in criminal and penal matters and to make the administration of justice more efficient

An Act to follow up on the Table Justice-Québec with a view to reducing processing times in criminal and penal matters and to make the administration of justice more efficient

Government bills Sanction
55 Appropriation Act No. 1, 2024-2025

Appropriation Act No. 1, 2024-2025

Government bills Sanction
56 An Act respecting family law reform and establishing the parental union regime

An Act respecting family law reform and establishing the parental union regime

Government bills Sanction
57 An Act to enact the Act to protect elected municipal officers and to facilitate the unhindered exercise of their functions and to amend various legislative provisions concerning municipal affairs (modified title)

Original title
An Act to enact the Act to protect elected officers and to facilitate the unhindered exercise of their functions and to amend various legislative provisions concerning municipal affairs

Amended title
An Act to enact the Act to protect elected municipal officers and to facilitate the unhindered exercise of their functions and to amend various legislative provisions concerning municipal affairs (modified title)

Government bills Sanction
58 Appropriation Act No. 2, 2024-2025

Appropriation Act No. 2, 2024-2025

Government bills Sanction
59 An Act to interrupt the electoral division delimitation process

An Act to interrupt the electoral division delimitation process

Government bills Sanction
591 An Act mainly to reinforce Members’ oversight of government action by recognizing their right to visit administrative institutions

An Act mainly to reinforce Members’ oversight of government action by recognizing their right to visit administrative institutions (PDF, 298 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
593 An Act to amend the Civil Code to prohibit evictions carried out with a view to converting a dwelling into short-term tourist accommodation

An Act to amend the Civil Code to prohibit evictions carried out with a view to converting a dwelling into short-term tourist accommodation (PDF, 214 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
595 An Act to proclaim Québec Perinatal Bereavement Awareness Day

An Act to proclaim Québec Perinatal Bereavement Awareness Day

Private Members’ bills Sanction
596 An Act amending mainly the Act respecting land use planning and development so that municipalities may adopt a differentiated zoning by-law aimed at increasing and sustaining the supply of social housing or affordable housing

An Act amending mainly the Act respecting land use planning and development so that municipalities may adopt a differentiated zoning by-law aimed at increasing and sustaining the supply of social housing or affordable housing (PDF, 270 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
597 An Act to amend the Environment Quality Act to establish a right of citizen initiative in environmental matters and reinforce the powers and independence of the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement

An Act to amend the Environment Quality Act to establish a right of citizen initiative in environmental matters and reinforce the powers and independence of the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (PDF, 264 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
599 An Act to amend mainly the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan to abolish the reduction of the retirement pension of a person who receives a disability pension between 60 and 65 years of age

An Act to amend mainly the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan to abolish the reduction of the retirement pension of a person who receives a disability pension between 60 and 65 years of age (PDF, 291 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
6 An Act to give effect to fiscal measures announced in the Budget Speech delivered on 22 March 2022 and to certain other measures

An Act to give effect to fiscal measures announced in the Budget Speech delivered on 22 March 2022 and to certain other measures

Government bills Sanction
60 An Act to authorize the making of collective agreements with a term of more than three years in the public and parapublic sectors

An Act to authorize the making of collective agreements with a term of more than three years in the public and parapublic sectors

Government bills Sanction
61 An Act enacting the Act respecting Mobilité Infra Québec and amending certain provisions relating to shared transportation

An Act enacting the Act respecting Mobilité Infra Québec and amending certain provisions relating to shared transportation

Government bills Sanction
62 An Act mainly to diversify the acquisition strategies of public bodies and increase their agility in carrying out infrastructure projects

An Act mainly to diversify the acquisition strategies of public bodies and increase their agility in carrying out infrastructure projects

Government bills Sanction
63 An Act to amend the Mining Act and other provisions

An Act to amend the Mining Act and other provisions

Government bills Sanction
64 An Act to establish the Musée national de l’histoire du Québec

An Act to establish the Musée national de l’histoire du Québec

Government bills Sanction
65 An Act to limit lessors’ right of eviction and to enhance the protection of senior lessees

An Act to limit lessors’ right of eviction and to enhance the protection of senior lessees

Government bills Sanction
66 An Act to reinforce the supervision of persons in respect of whom has been rendered a verdict of not criminally responsible by reason of mental disorder or of unfit to stand trial

An Act to reinforce the supervision of persons in respect of whom has been rendered a verdict of not criminally responsible by reason of mental disorder or of unfit to stand trial

Government bills Sanction
67 An Act to amend the Professional Code for the modernization of the professional system and to broaden certain professional practices in the field of health and social services

An Act to amend the Professional Code for the modernization of the professional system and to broaden certain professional practices in the field of health and social services

Government bills Sanction
68 An Act mainly to reduce the administrative burden of physicians

An Act mainly to reduce the administrative burden of physicians

Government bills Sanction
69 An Act to ensure the responsible governance of energy resources and to amend various legislative provisions

An Act to ensure the responsible governance of energy resources and to amend various legislative provisions (PDF, 643 KB) 

Government bills Adoption du principe Comment
690 An Act to amend the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan to rectify an inequity toward disabled retirees

An Act to amend the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan to rectify an inequity toward disabled retirees (PDF, 214 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
691 An Act to amend various legislative provisions regarding financial assistance for education expenses

An Act to amend various legislative provisions regarding financial assistance for education expenses (PDF, 240 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
693 An Act to foster the active contribution to society of recipients under the Social Solidarity Program

An Act to foster the active contribution to society of recipients under the Social Solidarity Program (PDF, 223 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
694 An Act to amend the Highway Safety Code to more effectively fight drinking and driving

An Act to amend the Highway Safety Code to more effectively fight drinking and driving (PDF, 248 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
695 Parliamentary Budget Officer Act

Parliamentary Budget Officer Act (PDF, 324 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
697 An Act to combat waste

An Act to combat waste (PDF, 314 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
699 An Act to amend the Charter of human rights and freedoms to enshrine the right to decent housing

An Act to amend the Charter of human rights and freedoms to enshrine the right to decent housing (PDF, 227 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
7 An Act respecting the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 22 March 2022 and amending other legislative provisions

An Act respecting the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 22 March 2022 and amending other legislative provisions

Government bills Sanction
70 An Act to amend the Animal Health Protection Act

An Act to amend the Animal Health Protection Act

Government bills Sanction
71 An Act to improve support for persons and to simplify the social assistance regime

An Act to improve support for persons and to simplify the social assistance regime

Government bills Sanction
72 An Act to protect consumers against abusive commercial practices and to offer better transparency with respect to prices and credit

An Act to protect consumers against abusive commercial practices and to offer better transparency with respect to prices and credit

Government bills Sanction
73 An Act to counter non-consensual sharing of intimate images and to improve protection and support in civil matters for persons who are victims of violence

An Act to counter non-consensual sharing of intimate images and to improve protection and support in civil matters for persons who are victims of violence

Government bills Sanction
74 An Act mainly to improve the regulatory scheme governing international students

An Act mainly to improve the regulatory scheme governing international students

Government bills Sanction
75 An Act to give effect to fiscal measures announced in the Budget Speech delivered on 12 March 2024 and to certain other measures

An Act to give effect to fiscal measures announced in the Budget Speech delivered on 12 March 2024 and to certain other measures

Government bills Sanction
76 An Act mainly to enhance the quality of construction and public safety

An Act mainly to enhance the quality of construction and public safety

Government bills Sanction
77 An Act amending mainly Acts establishing public sector pension plans

An Act amending mainly Acts establishing public sector pension plans

Government bills Sanction
78 An Act to give effect to the agreement between the Minister of Justice and the Barreau du Québec to improve the tariffs for legal aid

An Act to give effect to the agreement between the Minister of Justice and the Barreau du Québec to improve the tariffs for legal aid

Government bills Sanction
79 An Act to enact the Act respecting contracting by municipal bodies and to amend various provisions mainly for the purpose of reducing the administrative burden of municipal bodies

An Act to enact the Act respecting contracting by municipal bodies and to amend various provisions mainly for the purpose of reducing the administrative burden of municipal bodies

Government bills Sanction
790 An Act to extend to users sheltered in a continuous assistance residence the application of the Regulation respecting the terms governing the use of monitoring mechanisms by a user sheltered in a facility maintained by an institution operating a residential and long-term care centre

An Act to extend to users sheltered in a continuous assistance residence the application of the Regulation respecting the terms governing the use of monitoring mechanisms by a user sheltered in a facility maintained by an institution operating a residential and long-term care centre (PDF, 275 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
791 An Act to allow public transit authorities to develop real estate projects near or above their public transit infrastructures

An Act to allow public transit authorities to develop real estate projects near or above their public transit infrastructures (PDF, 250 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
792 An Act to enhance the presence of the flag of Québec

An Act to enhance the presence of the flag of Québec (PDF, 260 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
793 An Act respecting the process for publishing the documents from the inquiry conducted by Bernard Grenier concerning the activities of Option Canada in the referendum held in Québec in October 1995

An Act respecting the process for publishing the documents from the inquiry conducted by Bernard Grenier concerning the activities of Option Canada in the referendum held in Québec in October 1995 (PDF, 284 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
794 An Act to declare Québec’s commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050

An Act to declare Québec’s commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 (PDF, 238 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
796 An Act to replace the name of the electoral division of Arthabaska by the name “Arthabaska-L’Érable”

An Act to replace the name of the electoral division of Arthabaska by the name “Arthabaska-L’Érable” (PDF, 232 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
8 An Act to improve justice efficiency and accessibility, in particular by promoting mediation and arbitration and by simplifying civil procedure in the Court of Québec

An Act to improve justice efficiency and accessibility, in particular by promoting mediation and arbitration and by simplifying civil procedure in the Court of Québec

Government bills Sanction
80 An Act respecting the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 12 March 2024 and amending other provisions

An Act respecting the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 12 March 2024 and amending other provisions

Government bills Sanction
81 An Act to amend various provisions relating to the environment

An Act to amend various provisions relating to the environment (PDF, 729 KB) 

Government bills Adoption du principe Comment
82 An Act respecting the national digital identity and amending other provisions

An Act respecting the national digital identity and amending other provisions (PDF, 338 KB) 

Government bills Adoption du principe Comment
83 An Act to foster the practice of medicine in the public health and social services network

An Act to foster the practice of medicine in the public health and social services network (PDF, 283 KB) 

Government bills Adoption du principe Comment
84 An Act respecting national integration

An Act respecting national integration (PDF, 313 KB) 

Government bills Dépôt du rapport de commission - Consultation Comment
85 An Act to amend various provisions for the main purpose of reducing regulatory and administrative burden

An Act to amend various provisions for the main purpose of reducing regulatory and administrative burden (PDF, 461 KB) 

Government bills Adoption du principe Comment
86 An Act to ensure the long-term preservation and vitality of agricultural land

An Act to ensure the long-term preservation and vitality of agricultural land

Government bills Sanction
87 An Act respecting mainly the development and enhancement of industrial land and the governance of the Société du parc industriel et portuaire de Bécancour

An Act respecting mainly the development and enhancement of industrial land and the governance of the Société du parc industriel et portuaire de Bécancour

Government bills Sanction
88 An Act amending the Act respecting the process of negotiation of collective agreements and the settlement of disputes in the municipal sector

An Act amending the Act respecting the process of negotiation of collective agreements and the settlement of disputes in the municipal sector

Government bills Sanction
89 An Act to give greater consideration to the needs of the population in the event of a strike or a lock-out

An Act to give greater consideration to the needs of the population in the event of a strike or a lock-out (PDF, 299 KB) 

Government bills Dépôt du rapport de commission - Consultation Comment
892 An Act to prohibit offering supervised consumption services near an educational childcare facility or an educational institution providing preschool-, elementary- or secondary-level education

An Act to prohibit offering supervised consumption services near an educational childcare facility or an educational institution providing preschool-, elementary- or secondary-level education (PDF, 254 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
893 An Act respecting maintaining seniors’ autonomy

An Act respecting maintaining seniors’ autonomy (PDF, 287 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
894 An Act to extend health insurance plan and basic prescription drug insurance plan eligibility to all women or persons who are pregnant and living in Québec regardless of their migratory status

An Act to extend health insurance plan and basic prescription drug insurance plan eligibility to all women or persons who are pregnant and living in Québec regardless of their migratory status (PDF, 287 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
895 An Act to establish a common school network to guarantee equal opportunities

An Act to establish a common school network to guarantee equal opportunities (PDF, 321 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
896 An Act to indemnify local municipalities when land intended for building or enlarging schools is transferred

An Act to indemnify local municipalities when land intended for building or enlarging schools is transferred (PDF, 229 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
897 An Act to amend the Highway Safety Code to provide for the mandatory issue of notices of payment to owners of registered road vehicles and to holders of certain licences

An Act to amend the Highway Safety Code to provide for the mandatory issue of notices of payment to owners of registered road vehicles and to holders of certain licences (PDF, 232 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation Comment
9 An Act amending mainly certain Acts establishing public sector pension plans

An Act amending mainly certain Acts establishing public sector pension plans

Government bills Sanction
90 An Act to recognize ice hockey as the national sport of Québec and concerning national cultural references

An Act to recognize ice hockey as the national sport of Québec and concerning national cultural references

Government bills Sanction
91 Act establishing the Unified Family Tribunal within the Court of Québec

Act establishing the Unified Family Tribunal within the Court of Québec (PDF, 319 KB) 

Government bills Dépôt du rapport de commission - Consultation Comment
93 An Act respecting, in particular, the transfer of ownership of an immovable of Ville de Blainville

An Act respecting, in particular, the transfer of ownership of an immovable of Ville de Blainville (PDF, 297 KB) 

Government bills Sanction
94 An Act to, in particular, reinforce laicity in the education network and to amend various legislative provisions

An Act to, in particular, reinforce laicity in the education network and to amend various legislative provisions (PDF, 390 KB) 

Government bills Présentation Comment
95 An Act to promote equity in access to subsidized educational childcare services provided by permit holders

An Act to promote equity in access to subsidized educational childcare services provided by permit holders (PDF, 351 KB) 

Government bills Présentation Comment
96 Appropriation Act No. 1, 2025-2026

Appropriation Act No. 1, 2025-2026

Government bills Sanction