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Committee on Public Finance


Current areas of competence

  • Finance
  • The budget
  • Government administration
  • The public service
  • Revenue
  • Services
  • Procurement
  • Pension plans

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43rd Legislature, 1st Session (November 29, 2022 - )

Current Orders

In the "Participate" column,

  • this icon Comment means that you may send in a comment on the subject of the consultation: click on the icon to go to the comment form or click on the subject to learn more about it before commenting
  • this icon Icône Participer à une consultation. means that you may participate in a public consultation on the subject: click on the icon to go to the consultation page
Current Orders
Title Participate
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 82, An Act respecting the national digital identity and amending other provisions Comment

Past Orders

Past Orders
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 82, An Act respecting the national digital identity and amending other provisions
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 80, an Act respecting the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 12 March 2024 and amending other provisions
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 75, an Act to give effect to fiscal measures announced in the Budget Speech delivered on 12 March 2024 and to certain other measures
Interpellation by the Member for Marguerite-Bourgeoys to the Minister of Finance, on the following subject: The CAQ’s failure regarding the sound management of public finances
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 77, An Act amending mainly Acts establishing public sector pension plans
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse des pétitions numéros 1872-20240926 et 1873-20240926 concernant la demande visant à ce que la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec se départe de ses investissements associés à des violations du droit international
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1703-20240912 concernant la demande pour que la Société des alcools du Québec cesse la vente de vins israéliens produits dans les territoires occupés
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1701-20240912 concernant l’annulation de la hausse du taux de taxation des gains en capital au Québec
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 62, An Act mainly to diversify the acquisition strategies of public bodies and increase their agility in carrying out infrastructure projects
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d’initiative portant sur les logiciels d’intelligence artificielle générative tels que GPT-4
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 62, An Act mainly to diversify the acquisition strategies of public bodies and increase their agility in carrying out infrastructure projects
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 60, an Act to authorize the making of collective agreements with a term of more than three years in the public and parapublic sectors
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d’initiative portant sur la lutte contre le recours aux paradis fiscaux par les entreprises et les particuliers au Québec
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 53, an Act to enact the Act respecting protection against reprisals related to the disclosure of wrongdoings and to amend other legislative provisions
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1444-20240314 concernant l’opposition à la subvention accordée pour la tenue de matchs préparatoires des Kings de Los Angeles à Québec
Continuation of the debate on the Budget Speech
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 53, An Act to enact the Act respecting protection against reprisals related to the disclosure of wrongdoings and to amend other legislative provisions
Examination of the 2024-2025 estimates of expenditure
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d’initiative sur la transition numérique opérée par le gouvernement du Québec
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 49, an Act to give effect to fiscal measures announced in the Budget Speech delivered on 21 March 2023 and to certain other measures
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse des pétitions numéro 1271-20240201 et 1276-20240201 concernant l’indexation des rentes des retraités des secteurs public et parapublic
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 1245-20240130 concernant l’abolition des pénalités aux rentes de retraite des prestataires d'une rente d’invalidité
Clause-by-Clause consideration of Bill 35, An Act respecting the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 21 March 2023 and amending other provisions
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 35, an Act respecting the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 21 March 2023 and amending other provisions
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 205, An Act respecting Beneva Mutual
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition numéro 688-20230608 concernant les hausses salariales équitables dans le secteur public
Clause-by-clause of Bill 33, An Act respecting the collective agreements of the special constables and the bodyguards of the Gouvernement du Québec
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 30, An Act to amend various provisions mainly with respect to the financial sector
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 27, An Act to amend the Taxation Act, the Act respecting the Québec sales tax and other provisions
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d’initiative sur le salon de jeux au Centre Bell à Montréal
Special consultations and public hearings on the report on the application of the Act to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings relating to public bodies
Continuation of the debate on the Budget Speech
Examination of the 2023-2024 estimates of expenditure
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 9, An Act amending mainly certain Acts establishing public sector pension plans
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 9, An Act amending mainly certain Acts establishing public sector pension plans
Clause-by-clause consideration bill 7, An Act respecting the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 22 March 2022 and amending other legislative provisions
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 3, An Act respecting health and social services information and amending various legislative provisions
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 6, an Act to give effect to fiscal measures announced in the Budget Speech delivered on 22 March 2022 and to certain other measures
Séance de travail - Organisation des travaux de la Commission
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill n° 3, An Act respecting health and social services information and amending various legislative provisions
Special consultations and public hearings on Québec Pension Plan public hearings consultation document on a plan adapted to 21st century challenges entitled “Un régime adapté aux défis du 21e siècle
Election of the Committee chair and vice-chair

Reports and discussion papers

Consultations particulières et auditions publiques sur le document de consultation sur le Régime de rentes du Québec intitulé Un régime adapté aux défis du 21e siècle - Observations, recommandations et conclusion - Février 2023 (PDF, 497 KB) 


Coalition avenir Québec

Alice Abou-Khalil

Abou-Khalil, Alice


Member for Fabre

Mathieu Lemay

Lemay, Mathieu


Member for Masson

Carole Mallette

Mallette, Carole


Member for Huntingdon

Samuel Poulin

Poulin, Samuel


Member for Beauce-Sud

Jean-François Simard

Simard, Jean-François


Member for Montmorency

Louis-Charles Thouin

Thouin, Louis-Charles


Member for Rousseau


Quebec Liberal Party

Frederic Beauchemin

Beauchemin, Frédéric


Member for Marguerite-Bourgeoys

Madwa-Nika Cadet

Cadet, Madwa-Nika


Member for Bourassa-Sauvé

André Albert Morin

Morin, André Albert


Member for Acadie


Québec solidaire

Alejandra Zaga Mendez

Zaga Mendez, Alejandra


Member for Verdun



Éric Lefebvre

Lefebvre, Eric


Member for Arthabaska



Vacant position: 1

Contact information for the committee

Clerk : Mr. Félix Fortin-Lauzier
Édifice Pamphile-Le May
1035, rue des Parlementaires
3e étage
Québec (Quebec)  G1A 1A3
Telephone: 418-643-2722