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Home > Parliamentary Proceedings > Committee Proceedings > Labour and Economy > Documents tabled under the order to the committee « Interpellation by the Member for Maurice-Richard to the Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy on the following subject: The CAQ government’s lack of transparency as regards the battery industry »

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Documents tabled under the order to the committee « Interpellation by the Member for Maurice-Richard to the Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy on the following subject: The CAQ government’s lack of transparency as regards the battery industry »

A tabled document is a document an MNA makes public during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale or a parliamentary committee.

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To consult all the documents tabled in the Assemblée nationale or in committee 

Date Tabled by Title Number
2023-10-27 Haytayan, Céline
Temporary Chair
M. Bouazzi (Maurice-Richard). Réponse du MEIE à la demande d’accès à l’information transmise le 28 septembre 2023 (PDF, 747 KB)  CET-041
2023-10-27 Haytayan, Céline
Temporary Chair
Québec Solidaire. Plan de transition économique, 300 000 emplois verts pour le Québec (PDF, 4 MB)  CET-042
2023-10-27 Haytayan, Céline
Temporary Chair
Québec Solidaire. Plateforme électorale (PDF, 9 MB)  CET-043