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Home > Parliamentary Proceedings > Committee Proceedings > Culture and Education > Documents tabled under the order to the committee « Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 86, An Act to modify the organization and governance of school boards to give schools a greater say in decision-making and ensure parents’ presence within each school board’s decision-making body »

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Documents tabled under the order to the committee « Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 86, An Act to modify the organization and governance of school boards to give schools a greater say in decision-making and ensure parents’ presence within each school board’s decision-making body »

A tabled document is a document an MNA makes public during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale or a parliamentary committee.

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Date Tabled by Title Number
2016-03-22 Rotiroti, Filomena
Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education
Lettre adressée à Mme Filomena Rotiroti, présidente de la Commission de la culture et de l’éducation, concernant le mémoire sur le projet de loi n° 86 déposé par l’Association montréalaise des directions d’établissements scolaires (PDF, 168 KB)  CCE-043
2016-03-15 Auger, Pierre Michel
Chair of the Committee on Planning and the Public Domain
Réaction de la Fédération des cégeps au mémoire sur le projet de loi n° 86 déposé par la Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (PDF, 194 KB)  CCE-042