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Current session - 43rd Legislature, 1st Session (November 29, 2022 - )

Documents tabled on Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Consulting Tabled Documents

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Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2021-11-02 Paradis, François, President of the National Assembly A letter, dated 2 November 2021, he had received from Mr. Pierre Arcand, Chair of the Official Opposition Caucus, informing him that Ms. Marie Montpetit, Member for Maurice-Richard, is no longer a member of the Official Opposition Caucus, effective 1 November 2021 (PDF, 120 KB)  58-20211102 Other
2021-11-02 Guilbault, Geneviève, Minister of Public Security The 2020–2021 annual report of the Bureau de la sécurité privée (PDF, 2 MB)  59-20211102 Annual report
2021-11-02 Guilbault, Geneviève, Minister of Public Security The 2021–2024 strategic plan of the Anti-Corruption Commissioner (PDF, 21 MB)  60-20211102 Strategic plan
2021-11-02 LeBel, Sonia, Minister Responsible for Government Administration The 2019–2020 annual activity report of the Autorité des marchés publics (PDF, 4 MB)  61-20211102 Annual report
2021-11-02 Paradis, François, President of the National Assembly A copy of the notice of motion by Ms. Rizqy (Saint-Laurent) to be placed under Business Standing in the Name of Members in Opposition on the Order Paper and Notices of Wednesday, 3 November 2021 (PDF, 322 KB)  62-20211102 Other
2021-11-02 Rizqy, Marwah, Member for Saint-Laurent A research paper published by Réseau Environnement comparing methods for screening for lead in drinking water entitled “Dépistage du plomb dans l’eau potable, Comparaison de deux méthodes d’analyse : l’analyse par ICP-MS et par analyseur ASV portatif” (PDF, 2 MB)  63-20211102 Other
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