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Documents tabled on Thursday, October 31, 2013

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 4 June 2013 by Mrs. David (Gouin), concerning the moratorium on optimization projects in the health network (PDF, 153 KB)  1284-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petitions tabled on 5 June 2013 by Mrs. Charlebois (Soulanges), concerning Enbridge's Line 9b oil flow reversal and capacity expansion project (PDF, 403 KB)  1285-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 5 June 2013 by Mr. Drolet (Jean-Lesage), concerning the increase in the specific tax on alcohol (PDF, 254 KB)  1286-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 6 June 2013 by Mr. Bonnardel (Granby), concerning the integration of the "Swim to Survive Challenge" into the elementary school curriculum (PDF, 504 KB)  1287-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 12 June 2013 by Mrs. Vallée (Gatineau), concerning the financing of regulated private daycares (PDF, 137 KB)  1289-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 11 June 2013 by Mrs. Richard (Duplessis), concerning priority to the recruitment of workers in proximity to North Shore construction sites (PDF, 868 KB)  1290-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 11 June 2013 by Mrs. Beaudoin (Mirabel), concerning the adequate financing of public education in Québec (PDF, 481 KB)  1291-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 11 June 2013 by Mrs. Charbonneau (Mille-Îles), concerning the adequate financing of public education in Québec (PDF, 509 KB)  1292-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 11 June 2013 by Mrs. David (Gouin), concerning the adequate financing of public education in Québec (PDF, 508 KB)  1293-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petitions tabled on 12 June 2013 by Mr. Richer (Argenteuil), on 14 June 2013 by Mr. Goyer (Deux-Montagnes), and on 18 and 25 September 2013 by Mr. Richer (Argenteuil), concerning the cancellation of the new power line route proposed by Hydro-Québec in Saint-Adolphe-d’Howard (PDF, 408 KB)  1295-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 14 June 2013 by Mr. Bureau-Blouin (Laval-des-Rapides), concerning the establishment of a national committee on the Constitution (PDF, 114 KB)  1297-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 17 September 2013 by Mr. Khadir (Mercier), concerning access to insurance for offenders and their families (PDF, 413 KB)  1298-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 17 September 2013 by Mrs. Proulx (Sainte-Rose), concerning the financing of Laval school board's integrated arts music program (PDF, 498 KB)  1299-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 12 June 2013 by Mrs. St-Amand (Trois-Rivières), concerning the abolition of the ethics and religious culture course (PDF, 406 KB)  1294-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 13 June 2013 by Mr. Deltell (Chauveau), concerning language learning starting in daycare (PDF, 125 KB)  1296-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 11 June 2013 by Mrs. St-Amand (Trois-Rivières), concerning the financing of regulated private daycares (PDF, 137 KB)  1288-20131031 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-31 De Courcy, Diane, Minister of Immigration and Cultural Communities Québec's immigration plan for 2014 of the Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (PDF, 324 KB)  1282-20131031 Other
2013-10-31 Legault, François, Leader of the Second Opposition Group Copy of a document entitled "Nombre et valeur des contrats octroyés par le ministère des Transports aux entreprises dont certains dirigeants se sont incriminés devant la Commission Charbonneau (au 15 août 2013)" (PDF, 25 KB)  1300-20131031 Other
2013-10-31 Gaudreault, Sylvain, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Société d'habitation du Québec (SHQ) (PDF, 30 MB)  1283-20131031 Annual report
2013-10-31 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy Public Accounts 2012-2013 – Consolidated financial statements of the Government of Québec, Volume 1 (PDF, 2 MB)  1280-20131031 Other
2013-10-31 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy Public Accounts 2012-2013 – Financial information on the Consolidated Revenue Fund: General Fund and Special Funds, Volume 2 (PDF, 2 MB)  1281-20131031 Other