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Documents tabled on Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2013-10-01 Marois, Pauline, Premier The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (PDF, 2 MB)  1018-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The 2012-2013 activity report and financial statements of Financement-Québec (PDF, 2 MB)  1019-20131001 Activity report
2013-10-01 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Ministère des Finances et de l'Économie (PDF, 3 MB)  1020-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The 2012-2013 annual report of Société Innovatech du Sud du Québec (PDF, 734 KB)  1021-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The 2012-2013 annual report of Innovatech Régions ressources (PDF, 710 KB)  1022-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The 2012-2013 annual report of Société Innovatech Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches (PDF, 945 KB)  1023-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Kotto, Maka, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications (PDF, 2 MB)  1037-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Kotto, Maka, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2012-2016 strategic plan of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (PDF, 224 KB)  1038-20131001 Strategic plan
2013-10-01 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The 2012-2013 annual report of the Société Innovatech du Grand Montréal (PDF, 864 KB)  1024-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Kotto, Maka, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (PDF, 4 MB)  1039-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The 2012-2013 annual report of the Bureau de décision et de révision du Québec (PDF, 872 KB)  1025-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Kotto, Maka, Minister of Culture and Communications The appendices to the annual management report of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (PDF, 919 KB)  1040-20131001 Other
2013-10-01 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The 2012-2013 annual report of the Société du parc industriel et portuaire de Bécancour (PDF, 5 MB)  1026-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Kotto, Maka, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Conseil du patrimoine culturel du Québec (PDF, 16 MB)  1041-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Maltais, Agnès, Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Commission des normes du travail (PDF, 3 MB)  1027-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Kotto, Maka, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Régie du cinéma (PDF, 1 MB)  1042-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Maltais, Agnès, Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale (PDF, 6 MB)  1028-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Kotto, Maka, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC) (PDF, 8 MB)  1043-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Maltais, Agnès, Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity The 2012-2013 annual management report of Services Québec (PDF, 3 MB)  1030-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Malavoy, Marie, Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (PDF, 2 MB)  1031-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Cloutier, Alexandre, Minister for Canadian Intergovernmental Affairs, the Canadian Francophonie and Sovereignist Governance The 2012-2013 activity report of the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques (PDF, 11 MB)  1044-20131001 Activity report
2013-10-01 Gaudreault, Sylvain, Minister of Transport The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Société des traversiers du Québec (PDF, 7 MB)  1032-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Gaudreault, Sylvain, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Régie du logement (PDF, 4 MB)  1033-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 De Courcy, Diane, Minister responsible for the Charter of the French language The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Office québécois de la langue française, including the activity report of the Commission de toponymie (PDF, 6 MB)  1045-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Gaudreault, Sylvain, Minister of Transport The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Commission des transports du Québec (PDF, 1 MB)  1034-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 De Courcy, Diane, Minister responsible for the Charter of the French language The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Conseil supérieur de la langue française (PDF, 2 MB)  1046-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Gaudreault, Sylvain, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Ministère des Affaires municipales, des Régions et de l'Occupation du territoire (PDF, 15 MB)  1035-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 De Courcy, Diane, Minister of Immigration and Cultural Communities The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (PDF, 2 MB)  1047-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Ministère de la Sécurité publique (PDF, 3 MB)  1048-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Gaudreault, Sylvain, Minister of Transport The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Ministère des Transports (PDF, 11 MB)  1036-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Sûreté du Québec (PDF, 3 MB)  1049-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The 2011-2012 annual report of the Université du Québec and of its constituent universities (PDF, 7 MB)  1050-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Commission d'évaluation de l'enseignement collegial (PDF, 774 KB)  1051-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The 2012-2017 strategic plan of the Commission d'évaluation de l'enseignement collegial (PDF, 266 KB)  1052-20131001 Strategic plan
2013-10-01 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et Culture (PDF, 4 MB)  1053-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et Technologies (PDF, 1 MB)  1054-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (PDF, 2 MB)  1055-20131001 Annual report
2013-10-01 Chagnon, Jacques, President of the National Assembly A letter, dated 25 September 2013, he had received from Mr. Jacques Frémont, President of the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse, concerning the mandates given to the Commission vice-presidents: Mr. Camil Picard, responsible for the statutory mandate under the Youth Protection Act; and Me Renée Dupuis, responsible for the mandate conferred upon the Commission by the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. (PDF, 358 KB)  1056-20131001 Other
2013-10-01 Chagnon, Jacques, President of the National Assembly Copy of the notice of motion by Mr. Deltell (Chauveau) which will be placed on the Order Paper and Notices of Wednesday, 2 October 2013, under Business Standing in the Name of Members in Opposition (PDF, 40 KB)  1057-20131001 Other
2013-10-01 Roy, Nathalie, Member for Montarville A bundle containing the minutes of meetings held by Councils of Commissioners of various school boards (PDF, 1 MB)  1058-20131001 Other
2013-10-01 Maltais, Agnès, Minister of Labour The 2008-2013 five-year report of the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail, concerning the Act to promote workforce skills development and recognition (PDF, 5 MB)  1029-20131001 Other