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Bills introduced onThursday, May 12, 2011

Introduction is the first stage in the consideration of a bill by the Assemblée nationale.

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No. Title Type Last stage
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An Act to enhance the regulation of the verification carried out for licence purposes and otherwise amend the Private Security Act

Government bills Sanction

An Act respecting the development of mineral resources in keeping with the principles of sustainable development (PDF, 575 KB) 

Government bills Dépôt du rapport de commission - Consultation

An Act to amend various legislative provisions concerning health and social services in order, in particular, to tighten up the certification process for residences for the elderly

Government bills Sanction

An Act to provide for the implementation of a special plan concerning employment injuries and occupational health and safety

Government bills Sanction

An Act to limit oil and gas activities

Government bills Sanction

An Act to establish a temporary electoral representation regime and to suspend certain provisions of the Election Act (PDF, 203 KB) 

Government bills Présentation

An Act respecting Municipalité régionale de comté de Memphrémagog (PDF, 107 KB) 

Private bills Présentation

An Act respecting transparency in union matters and amending various legislative provisions (PDF, 122 KB) 

Private Members’ bills Présentation