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Documents tabled on Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2007-10-23 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual management report for the Laval Health and Social services Agency, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007. (PDF, 2 MB)  392-20071023 Annual report
2007-10-23 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual management report for the Laurentides Health and Social services Agency, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007. (PDF, 855 KB)  394-20071023 Annual report
2007-10-23 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual management report of the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007. (PDF, 2 MB)  386-20071023 Annual report
2007-10-23 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual management report of the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007. (PDF, 2 MB)  387-20071023 Annual report
2007-10-23 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual report, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007, with regard to the implementation of the complaints examination procedure and the improvement of services of the Laval Health and Social services Agency. (PDF, 710 KB)  388-20071023 Annual report
2007-10-23 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual report, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007, with regard to the implementation of the complaints examination procedure and the improvement of services of the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Health and Social services Agency. (PDF, 3 MB)  389-20071023 Annual report
2007-10-23 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual report, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007, with regard to the implementation of the complaints examination procedure and the improvement of services of the Laurentides Health and Social services Agency. (PDF, 861 KB)  390-20071023 Annual report
2007-10-23 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual report, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007, with regard to the implementation of the complaints examination procedure and the improvement of services of the Outaouais Health and Social services Agency. (PDF, 301 KB)  391-20071023 Annual report
2007-10-23 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual management report for the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean Health and Social services Agency, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007. (PDF, 1 MB)  393-20071023 Annual report
2007-10-23 Malavoy, Marie, Member for Taillon The abstract of a petition respecting the integral protection of Île-Charron land adjacent to Îles-de-Boucherville National Park , and signed by 6774 citizens of Québec. 397-20071023 Abstract of a petition
2007-10-23 Ménard, Nicole, Member for Laporte The abstract of a petition respecting the integral protection of Île-Charron land adjacent to Îles-de-Boucherville National Park, and signed by 5922 citizens of the Greater Montreal and Montérégie regions. 398-20071023 Abstract of a petition
2007-10-23 Diamond, Simon-Pierre, Député de Maguerite-D'Youville The abstract of a petition respecting the integral protection of Île-Charron land adjacent to Îles-de-Boucherville National Park, and signed by 640 citizens of Québec. 400-20071023 Abstract of a petition
2007-10-23 Normandeau, Nathalie, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Regions The transcription of the answer given by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Regions to a question asked by a journalist concerning municipal unions. 402-20071023 Other
2007-10-23 Gingras, Pierre, Député de Blainville Copies of two coroner's investigation reports concerning deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents. 401-20071023 Other
2007-10-23 Morin (Beauce-Sud), Claude, Député de Beauce-Sud The abstract of a petition respecting the training and salary of construction workers, and signed by 1223 citizens of Québec. 399-20071023 Abstract of a petition
2007-10-23 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The report on the implementation of the Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Act and the Code of Conduct for Lobbyists. (PDF, 349 KB)  396-20071023 Other