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Documents tabled on Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2007-10-16 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual report of Urgences-santé, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007. (PDF, 3 MB)  325-20071016 Annual report
2007-10-16 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual management report of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007. (PDF, 2 MB)  326-20071016 Annual report
2007-10-16 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual report of the Corporation d'hébergement du Québec, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007. (PDF, 1 MB)  327-20071016 Annual report
2007-10-16 Couillard, Philippe, Président du Comité ministériel du développement social The annual management report of the Agence d’évaluation des technologies et des modes d’intervention en santé, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007. (PDF, 372 KB)  328-20071016 Annual report
2007-10-16 Beauchamp, Line, Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks The consultation paper entitled "Government Sustainable Development Strategy – Better Quality of Life for Current and Future Generations". (PDF, 2 MB)  333-20071016 Other
2007-10-16 Lelièvre, Guy, Député de Gaspé The abstract of a petition respecting the maintaining of retirees' living standards, and signed by 2294 citizens of Québec. 341-20071016 Abstract of a petition
2007-10-16 Bissonnet, Michel, Président de l'Assemblée nationale A letter, dated 21 August 2007, received from Mr. Gendron (Abitibi-Ouest), informing him of his appointment as House Leader of the Second Opposition Group, effective on this date. 320-20071016 Other
2007-10-16 Bissonnet, Michel, Président de l'Assemblée nationale A letter, dated 16 October 2007, received from Mrs. Marois, Leader of the Second Opposition Group, confirming the appointment of Mr. François Gendron, Member for Abitibi-Ouest, as House Leader of the Second Opposition Group. 321-20071016 Other
2007-10-16 Bissonnet, Michel, Président de l'Assemblée nationale A letter, dated 16 October 2007, received from Mrs. Marois, Leader of the Second Opposition Group, confirming the appointment of Mr. Stéphane Bédard, Member for Chicoutimi, as Whip of the Second Opposition Group. 322-20071016 Other
2007-10-16 Bissonnet, Michel, Président de l'Assemblée nationale A letter, dated 14 August 2007, received from Mr. Rosaire Betrand Betrand informing him of his resignation as Member for Charlevoix, effective on this date. 323-20071016 Other
2007-10-16 Bissonnet, Michel, Président de l'Assemblée nationale A letter, dated 1 October 2007, which the Secretary General of the National Assembly, Mr. François Côté, had received from the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec in relation to the by-election held on 24 September 2007 in the Electoral Division of Charlevoix, accompanied by a notice proclaiming Mrs. Pauline Marois the candidate returned in the Electoral Division of Charlevoix. 324-20071016 Other
2007-10-16 Bissonnet, Michel, Président de l'Assemblée nationale The annual management report from the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007. (PDF, 2 MB)  334-20071016 Annual report
2007-10-16 Bissonnet, Michel, Président de l'Assemblée nationale The annual management report from the Commission de la représentation électorale, for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2007. (PDF, 452 KB)  335-20071016 Annual report
2007-10-16 Bissonnet, Michel, Président de l'Assemblée nationale Decision 1373 from the Office of the National Assembly concerning the regulation respecting access to private archive holdings of the National Assembly (Règlement sur l'accès aux archives privées détenues par l'Assemblée nationale), dated 20 June 2007. 336-20071016 Décision du Bureau
2007-10-16 Bissonnet, Michel, Président de l'Assemblée nationale Decision 1379 from the Office of the National Assembly concerning the regulation to amend the regulation respecting financial management (Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la gestion financière et administrative), dated 20 June 2007. 337-20071016 Décision du Bureau
2007-10-16 Bissonnet, Michel, Président de l'Assemblée nationale Copy of the notice of motion by Mr. Taillon (Chauveau) which will be placed on the Order Paper and Notices of Wednesday, 17 October 2007, under Business Standing in the Name of Members in Opposition. 338-20071016 Other
2007-10-16 Dionne-Marsolais, Rita, Member for Rosemont The abstract of a petition respecting the correction of the salary scale of nurses holding a bachelor's degree, and signed by 521 citizens of Québec. 340-20071016 Abstract of a petition
2007-10-16 Cholette, Roch, Député de Hull The abstract of a petition respecting the maintaining of retirees' living standards, and signed by 2000 citizens of Québec. 342-20071016 Abstract of a petition
2007-10-16 L'Écuyer, Claude, Député de Saint-Hyacinthe A report from the Committee on Planning and the Public Domain, which met on 1, 4, 5, 19, 20, 21, 26 and 27 June 2007 for clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 6, An Act to amend various legislative provisions respecting municipal affairs. The report contains certain amendments to the bill. (PDF, 2 MB)  339-20071016 Committee report
2007-10-16 Benoit (Décary), Hubert, Député de Montmorency The abstract of a petition respecting the maintaining of retirees' living standards, and signed by 2358 citizens of Québec. 343-20071016 Abstract of a petition
2007-10-16 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Court of Appeal judgement, dated 7 September 2007, concerning the remuneration of Court of Québec justices. 329-20071016 Other
2007-10-16 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Court of Appeal judgement, dated 7 September 2007, concerning the remuneration of muncipal court justices. 330-20071016 Other
2007-10-16 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government's new answer to the Rapport du Comité de la rémunération des juges de la Cour du Québec et des cours municipales, for the period of 2004-2007, chaired by Me Pierre Cimon. 331-20071016 Other
2007-10-16 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader A copy of the title page of the Rapport du Comité de la rémunération des juges de la Cour du Québec et des cours municipales, chaired by Me Pierre Cimon (2004 to 2007), bearing the seal of the National Assembly and sessional paper number 1256-20041028. 332-20071016 Other