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Documents Tabled in the National Assembly and in Committee

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale or a parliamentary committee are called tabled documents.

These documents are online within two working days after being tabled.

Certain types of documents tabled by ministers and the President of the Assemblée nationale during a sitting are available in the Documents tabled today section as soon as they are tabled in the Assemblée.

To learn more, consult the following:

Assembly and Committees




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Date Tabled by Title Number Place Category
2010-12-01 Kelley, Geoffrey, Chair of the Committee on Health and Social Services Mémoire de Me Jean-Pierre Ménard sur le projet de loi n° 125, Loi facilitant les dons d'organes et de tissus (PDF, 103 KB)  CSSS-037 Committee on Health and Social Services Documents tabled in committee
2010-05-11 Bolduc, Yves, Minister of Health and Social Services Règlement sur l’éthique et la déontologie des administrateurs publics. (PDF, 424 KB)  CSSS-038 Committee on Health and Social Services Documents tabled in committee
2010-05-11 Bolduc, Yves, Minister of Health and Social Services Déclaration relative à l’indépendance des administrateurs des sociétés d’État. (PDF, 67 KB)  CSSS-037 Committee on Health and Social Services Documents tabled in committee
2010-05-06 Kelley, Geoffrey, Chair of the Committee on Health and Social Services Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Réponses aux questions particulières. Volume 2. Volet Santé. Étude des crédits 2010-2011. (PDF, 18 MB)  CSSS-036 Committee on Health and Social Services Documents tabled in committee
2010-05-06 Kelley, Geoffrey, Chair of the Committee on Health and Social Services Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Réponses aux questions particulières, volet santé, volume 1. Étude des crédits 2010-2011. (PDF, 20 MB)  CSSS-035 Committee on Health and Social Services Documents tabled in committee
2010-05-06 Kelley, Geoffrey, Chair of the Committee on Health and Social Services Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Cahier explicatif des crédits. Étude des crédits 2010-2011. (PDF, 1 MB)  CSSS-033 Committee on Health and Social Services Documents tabled in committee
2010-05-06 Kelley, Geoffrey, Chair of the Committee on Health and Social Services Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Réponses aux questions générales et particulières. Volet Santé. Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec. Étude des crédits 2010-2011. (PDF, 6 MB)  CSSS-034 Committee on Health and Social Services Documents tabled in committee
2010-05-06 Kelley, Geoffrey, Chair of the Committee on Health and Social Services Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Réponses aux questions générales. Étude des crédits 2010-2011. (PDF, 9 MB)  CSSS-032 Committee on Health and Social Services Documents tabled in committee
2010-05-05 Kelley, Geoffrey, Chair of the Committee on Health and Social Services Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Réponses aux questions particulières. Volet Services sociaux. Volume 2. Étude des crédits 2010-2011. (PDF, 1 MB)  CSSS-030 Committee on Health and Social Services Documents tabled in committee
2010-05-05 Kelley, Geoffrey, Chair of the Committee on Health and Social Services Office des personnes handicapées du Québec. Réponses aux questions générales de l'opposition officielle. Étude des crédits 2010-2011. (PDF, 3 MB)  CSSS-031 Committee on Health and Social Services Documents tabled in committee
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