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Committee on Culture and Education


Current areas of competence

• Culture
• Education
• Vocational training
• Higher education
• Communications


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41st Legislature, 1st Session (May 20, 2014 - August 23, 2018)

Past Orders

Past Orders
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 400, Loi modifiant la Loi concernant la succession de l’honorable Trefflé Berthiaume et la Compagnie de Publication de La Presse, Limitée
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 400, An Act to amend the Act respecting the estate of the Honourable Trefflé Berthiaume and La Compagnie de Publication de La Presse, Limitée
Hearing the Québec Chief Electoral Officer on Bill 185, An Act to defer the next general school election and to allow the Government to provide for the use of a remote voting method
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 239, An Act respecting the subdivision of a lot located within the Percé heritage site
Examination of the 2018-2019 estimates of expenditure
Examination of the draft Homeschooling Regulation
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse des pétitions numéros 4126-20180314 et 4131-20180314 concernant la possibilité d'effectuer des stages de programmes universitaires dans les 17 régions du Québec
Interpellation by the Member for Chambly to the Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports on the following subject: Regional inequities brought about by the Liberal school tax lottery
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 166, An Act to reform the school tax system
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 166, An Act to reform the school tax system
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 151, An Act to prevent and fight sexual violence in higher education institutions
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 234, An Act to amend the Charter of the Université de Montréal
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 151, An Act to prevent and fight sexual violence in higher education institutions
Election of the Chair
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 144, An Act to amend the Education Act and other legislative provisions concerning mainly free educational services and compulsory school attendance
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 144, An Act to amend the Education Act and other legislative provisions concerning mainly free educational services and compulsory school attendance
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d’initiative portant sur les évaluations des apprentissages dans le système scolaire québécois
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 229, An Act respecting certain alienations involving the Unity Building
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 228, An Act respecting the co-ownership Le 221 St-Sacrement
Examination of the 2017-2018 estimates of expenditure
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 224, An Act respecting the parcelling out of a lot located partly in the Maison Louis-Degneau (former Maison Prévost) and Maison de Saint-Hubert (former Maison des Sœurs-du-Sacré-Cœur-de-Jésus) protection areas
Consideration of petitions respecting opposition to weighing students in physical education classes
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse des pétitions numéros 2753-20161115, 2754-20161115 et 2755-20161115 concernant l'opposition de la pesée des élèves dans les cours d'éducation physique
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 114, An Act to modernize the governance of national museums
Election of the Vice-Chair
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 114, An Act to modernize the governance of national museums
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 105, An Act to amend the Education Act
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 105, An Act to amend the Education Act
Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition n° 2082-20160406 concernant l’adoption d'un décret afin d'exclure un terrain d'une zone agricole pour la construction d'une école primaire à Val-des-Monts
Interpellation by the Member for Lac-Saint-Jean to the Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports on the following subject: The Liberal Government's improvisation and cuts in education, and its lack of vision with regard to school success
Examination of the 2016-2017 estimates of expenditure
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 86, An Act to modify the organization and governance of school boards to give schools a greater say in decision-making and ensure parents’ presence within each school board’s decision-making body
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 216, An Act respecting the sale of an immovable situated on the Bois-Franc Ouest range in Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Cœur-d’Issoudun
Interpellation by the Member for Gouin to the Minister of Education, Higher Education and Research on the following subject: Education, a top priority in Québec where all children must be educated under conditions that allow them to reach their full potential
Interpellation by the Member for Lac-Saint-Jean to the Minister of Education, Higher Education and Research on the following subject: The widespread loss of confidence in the Minister of Education, Higher Education and Research
Interpellation by the Member for Lac-Saint-Jean to the Minister of Education, Higher Education and Research, on the following subject: The Premier's admission, according to which some of the Government's cutbacks affect services to the population, including those intended for the most vulnerable people in Québec, and their direct impact on Québec students
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 48, An Act to modernize the governance of Conservatoire de musique et d’art dramatique du Québec
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 48, An Act to modernize the governance of Conservatoire de musique et d’art dramatique du Québec
Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 47, An Act to modernize the governance of Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Special consultations and public hearings on Bill 47, An Act to modernize the governance of Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse d’un mandat d’initiative portant sur le rapport de Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton concernant la Commission scolaire de Montréal
Examination of the 2015-2016 estimates of expenditure
Examination of the policy directions, activities and management of the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles
Séance de travail - Discuter de l’opportunité de se saisir d’un mandat de reddition de comptes sur la Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC)
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition n° 564-20141111 concernant la sauvegarde de l’église Notre-Dame-de-Fatima de Jonquière
Hearing the interested parties and giving clause-by-clause consideration to Private Bill 203, An Act respecting the sale of an immovable situated on the La Grave heritage site
Examination of a the petition concerning sex education classes
Séance de travail - Statuer sur la possibilité que la Commission se saisisse de la pétition 258-20140918 concernant les cours d'éducation sexuelle
Interpellation by the Member for Pointe-aux-Trembles to the Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports on the following subject: The irresponsible statements, trial balloons and cutbacks in services by the Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports
Examination of the 2014-2015 estimates of expenditure
Statutory order – Hearing of the heads of the university-level educational institutions
Séance de travail - Informer les membres sur les activités et le fonctionnement de la Commission et procéder à l’organisation de ses travaux
Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair

Reports and discussion papers

Étude des pétitions nos 2753-20161115, 2754-20161115 et 2755-20161115 concernant l’opposition à la pesée des élèves dans les cours d’éducation physique - Observations, conclusions et recommandations (PDF, 3 MB) 

Examen des orientations, des activités et de la gestion administrative de la Société de développement des entreprises culturelles - Observations (PDF, 2 MB) 

Étude de la pétition n° 258-20140918 concernant les cours d’éducation sexuelle – Observations et conclusions (PDF, 1 MB) 


David Birnbaum

Birnbaum, David


Member for D’Arcy-McGee

Marc Carrière

Carrière, Marc


Member for Chapleau

Alexandre Cloutier

Cloutier, Alexandre


Member for Lac-Saint-Jean

Rita de Santis

de Santis, Rita Lc


Member for Bourassa-Sauvé

Jean Habel

Habel, Jean


Member for Sainte-Rose

Alexandre Iracà

Iracà, Alexandre


Member for Papineau

Maka Kotto

Kotto, Maka


Member for Bourget

Agnès Maltais

Maltais, Agnès


Member for Taschereau

Guy Ouellette

Ouellette, Guy


Member for Chomedey

Carole Poirier

Poirier, Carole


Member for Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

Jean-François Roberge

Roberge, Jean-François


Member for Chambly

Claire Samson

Samson, Claire


Member for Iberville

Monique Sauvé

Sauvé, Monique


Member for Fabre