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Documents tabled on Thursday, December 8, 2022

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2022-12-08 Legault, François, Premier The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (PDF, 1 MB)  184-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Minister of Justice The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Société québécoise d’information juridique (PDF, 6 MB)  185-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Minister of Justice The 2021–2022 annual report of the Fonds d’aide aux actions collectives (PDF, 24 MB)  186-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Minister of Justice The 2021–2022 annual report on activities under the Act to assist persons who are victims of criminal offences and to facilitate their recovery (PDF, 3 MB)  187-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Minister of Justice The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Commission des services juridiques (PDF, 17 MB)  188-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Minister of Justice The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Office de la protection du consommateur (PDF, 1 MB)  189-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Minister of Justice The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Tribunal administratif du Québec (PDF, 4 MB)  190-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Minister of Justice The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Directeur des poursuites criminelles et pénales (PDF, 2 MB)  191-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Minister of Justice The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Conseil de la justice administrative (PDF, 573 KB)  192-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Minister of Justice The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Ministère de la Justice (PDF, 2 MB)  193-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Fitzgibbon, Pierre, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Commission de l’éthique en science et en technologie (PDF, 612 KB)  194-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Fitzgibbon, Pierre, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Québec Research Fund–Society and Culture (PDF, 2 MB)  195-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Fitzgibbon, Pierre, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Québec Research Fund–Nature and Technology (PDF, 2 MB)  196-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Fitzgibbon, Pierre, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Québec Research Fund–Health (PDF, 2 MB)  197-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Fitzgibbon, Pierre, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy The consolidated financial statements of the Economic Development Fund for the fiscal year ending 31 March 2022 (PDF, 557 KB)  200-20221208 Other
2022-12-08 Fitzgibbon, Pierre, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy The consolidated financial statements of the Natural Resources and Energy Capital Fund for the fiscal year ending 31 March 2022 (PDF, 461 KB)  201-20221208 Other
2022-12-08 Fitzgibbon, Pierre, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy The consolidated financial statements of the Québec Enterprise Growth Fund for the fiscal year ending 31 March 2022 (PDF, 428 KB)  202-20221208 Other
2022-12-08 Fréchette, Christine, Minister of Immigration, Francization and Integration Québec’s immigration plan for 2023 entitled “Plan d’immigration du Québec 2023 (PDF, 658 KB)  203-20221208 Other
2022-12-08 Fréchette, Christine, Minister of Immigration, Francization and Integration The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Ministère de l’immigration, de la francisation et de l’intégration (PDF, 1 MB)  204-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Lacombe, Mathieu, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (PDF, 25 MB)  206-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Lacombe, Mathieu, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (PDF, 5 MB)  207-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Lacombe, Mathieu, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications (PDF, 3 MB)  208-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Lacombe, Mathieu, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2021–2022 annual activity report of Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (PDF, 4 MB)  209-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Lacombe, Mathieu, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2021–2022 activity report of the Musée nationale des beaux-arts du Québec (PDF, 9 MB)  210-20221208 Activity report
2022-12-08 Lacombe, Mathieu, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2021–2022 annual report of the Société de la Place des Arts de Montréal; (PDF, 10 MB)  211-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Lacombe, Mathieu, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2021–2022 annual report of Télé-Québec (PDF, 4 MB)  212-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Lacombe, Mathieu, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2021–2022 activity report of the Conseil consultatif de la lecture et du livre (PDF, 248 KB)  213-20221208 Activity report
2022-12-08 Lacombe, Mathieu, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2021–2022 annual report of the Montréal Museum of Fine Arts (PDF, 11 MB)  214-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Lacombe, Mathieu, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2021–2022 activity report of the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (PDF, 5 MB)  215-20221208 Activity report
2022-12-08 Lacombe, Mathieu, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2021–2022 annual report of the Musée de la civilisation (PDF, 9 MB)  216-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Boulet, Jean, Minister of Labour The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Tribunal administratif du travail (PDF, 3 MB)  217-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Boulet, Jean, Minister of Labour The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (PDF, 8 MB)  218-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Duranceau, France-Élaine, Minister Responsible for Housing The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Tribunal administratif du logement (PDF, 15 MB)  219-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Duranceau, France-Élaine, Minister Responsible for Housing The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Société d’habitation du Québec (PDF, 4 MB)  220-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Fitzgibbon, Pierre, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Société du parc industriel et portuaire de Bécancour (PDF, 4 MB)  199-20221208 Annual report
2022-12-08 Lacombe, Mathieu, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2021–2023 strategic plan of the Société du Grand théâtre de Québec (PDF, 589 KB)  205-20221208 Other
2022-12-08 Fitzgibbon, Pierre, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy The 2021–2022 annual management report of the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation (PDF, 855 KB)  198-20221208 Annual report