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Documents tabled on Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2017-04-05 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to petitions tabled on 21 February 2017 by Mr. LeBel (Rimouski) on increasing social assistance recipients’ allowable employment income (PDF, 267 KB)  3114-20170405 Government's written answer to a petition
2017-04-05 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to petitions tabled on 14 March 2017 by Mr. Birnbaum (D'Arcy-McGee) on the languages used on road safety signage (PDF, 309 KB)  3115-20170405 Government's written answer to a petition
2017-04-05 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to petitions tabled on 14 March 2017 by Mr. Martel (Nicolet-Bécancour) on restoring and ensuring the sustainability of health services at the Centre Christ-Roi in Nicolet and the Centre multiservices en santé et en services sociaux de Fortierville (PDF, 269 KB)  3116-20170405 Government's written answer to a petition
2017-04-05 Bernier, Raymond, Chair of the Committee on Public Finance Report from the Committee on Public Finance - Clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 126, An Act to foster the financial health and sustainability of the Pension Plan of Management Personnel and to amend various legislative provisions (PDF, 2 MB)  3117-20170405 Committee report
2017-04-05 Bernier, Raymond, Chair of the Committee on Public Finance Report from the Committee on Public Finance - Special consultations on the tax haven phenomenon (PDF, 2 MB)  3118-20170405 Committee report
2017-04-05 Ouellette, Guy, Chair of the Committee on Institutions Report from the Committee on Institutions - Examination of the report on the implementation of the Code of ethics and conduct of the Members of the National Assembly (PDF, 5 MB)  3119-20170405 Committee report
2017-04-05 Rochon, Sylvain, Member for Richelieu The abstract of a petition on acquisition of an EBUS bronchoscope for the Hôtel-Dieu de Sorel-Tracy hospital, signed by 2,566 citizens of Québec (PDF, 480 KB)  3120-20170405 Abstract of a petition
2017-04-05 Rochon, Sylvain, Member for Richelieu The abstract of a petition on acquisition of an EBUS bronchoscope for the Hôtel-Dieu de Sorel-Tracy hospital, signed by 6,450 citizens of Québec (PDF, 482 KB)  3121-20170405 Abstract of a petition
2017-04-05 Bourcier, Marc, Member for Saint-Jérôme The abstract of a petition on applying the four prevention mechanisms provided for in the Act respecting occupational health and safety to all sectors of economic activity in Québec, signed by 7,234 citizens of Québec (PDF, 73 KB)  3122-20170405 Abstract of a petition
2017-04-05 Lisée, Jean-François, Leader of the Official Opposition A copy of a document on Bombardier senior executives’ remuneration (PDF, 559 KB)  3123-20170405 Other
2017-04-05 Therrien, Alain, Member for Sanguinet A copy of a document on Bombardier senior executives’remuneation (PDF, 2 MB)  3124-20170405 Other
2017-04-05 Ouellet, Martine, Member for Vachon A copy of a document on water supply risks for populations dependent on the Ottawa and St. Lawrence rivers due to the Energy-East pipeline project entitled: “Risques pour l’approvisionnement en eau des populations tributaires de la rivière Outaouais et du fleuve Saint-Laurent dus au projet d’oléoduc Énergie-Est” (PDF, 16 MB)  3125-20170405 Other