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Documents tabled on Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2015-03-17 Chagnon, Jacques, President of the National Assembly Le rapport préliminaire de la Commission de la représentation électorale du Québec proposant la délimitation des circonscriptions électorales du Québec (PDF, 2 MB)  874-20150317 Other
2015-03-17 Thériault, Lise, Minister of Public Security The agreement for additional funding on the provision of policing services 2014–2018 between the Kativik Regional Government and the Gouvernement du Québec (French and English versions) (PDF, 142 KB)  853-20150317 Other
2015-03-17 Thériault, Lise, Minister of Public Security The Agreement on the provision of policing services in the Kativik region for the period from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2018 (French and English versions) (PDF, 2 MB)  854-20150317 Other
2015-03-17 Thériault, Lise, Minister of Public Security The Agreement on the provision of policing services in the Mashteuiatsh community for the period from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015 (PDF, 1 MB)  855-20150317 Other
2015-03-17 Dufour, Marjolain, Member for René-Lévesque The abstract of a petition on the maintenance of highway 389, signed by 152 users and carriers (PDF, 42 KB)  878-20150317 Abstract of a petition
2015-03-17 Turcotte, Dave, Member for Saint-Jean The abstract of a petition concerning rejection of the MRC du Haut-Richelieu’s by-law 509, signed by 133 citizens of Québec (PDF, 68 KB)  879-20150317 Abstract of a petition
2015-03-17 LeBel, Harold, Member for Rimouski The abstract of a petition concerning opposition to the dismantling of regional development entities, signed by 6,506 citizens of Québec (PDF, 466 KB)  880-20150317 Abstract of a petition
2015-03-17 Dufour, Marjolain, Member for René-Lévesque The abstract of a petition on improving the framework on sport hunting and the adjustment of the cost of hunting licences, signed by 192 citizens of Québec (PDF, 53 KB)  881-20150317 Abstract of a petition
2015-03-17 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Minister responsible for Access to Information and the Reform of Democratic Institutions The policy paper entitled: “Orientations gouvernementales pour un gouvernement plus transparent, dans le respect du droit à la vie privée et la protection des renseignements personnels” (Government policy directions for a more transparent government, respectful of a person's right to privacy and the protection of personal information) (PDF, 2 MB)  856-20150317 Other
2015-03-17 Bonnardel, François, Member for Granby The abstract of a petition on protecting the wooded areas of the MRC de Haute-Yamaska, signed by 1,006 citizens of Québec (PDF, 42 KB)  882-20150317 Abstract of a petition
2015-03-17 LeBel, Harold, Member for Rimouski The abstract of a petition concerning opposition to the dismantling of regional development entities, signed by 145 citizens of Québec (PDF, 462 KB)  883-20150317 Abstract of a petition
2015-03-17 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to a petition tabled on 4 December 2014 by Mrs. Massé (Sainte-Marie-Saint-Jacques) on maintaining the Carrefour d’éducation populaire de Pointe-Saint-Charles’ services (PDF, 343 KB)  863-20150317 Government's written answer to a petition
2015-03-17 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to a petition tabled on 5 December 2014 by Mr. Bergeron (Verchères) concerning the passage of legislation and the creation of an independent body to report anomalies in public administration (PDF, 287 KB)  864-20150317 Government's written answer to a petition
2015-03-17 David, Hélène, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2013–2014 annual report of the Société de télédiffusion du Québec (Télé-Québec) (PDF, 2 MB)  857-20150317 Annual report
2015-03-17 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to a petition tabled on 10 February 2015 by Mr. Jolin-Barrette (Borduas) concerning retirement income splitting between spouses (PDF, 426 KB)  865-20150317 Government's written answer to a petition
2015-03-17 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to a petition tabled on 10 February 2015 by Mr. Deltell (Chauveau) concerning suspension of the northbound reserved lanes on the Robert-Bourassa highway in Québec City (PDF, 58 KB)  866-20150317 Government's written answer to a petition
2015-03-17 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to a petition tabled on 11 February 2015 by Mr. Jolin-Barrette (Borduas) concerning flexibility in the placement of elderly persons in residential and long-term care centres (CHSLDs) (PDF, 518 KB)  868-20150317 Government's written answer to a petition
2015-03-17 Blais, François, Minister of Education, Higher Education and Research The 2013–2014 annual management report of the Comité d’agrément des programmes de formation à l’enseignement (PDF, 3 MB)  859-20150317 Annual report
2015-03-17 David, Hélène, Minister of Culture and Communications The 2013–2014 annual report of the Société du Grand théâtre de Québec (PDF, 3 MB)  858-20150317 Annual report
2015-03-17 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to the petitions tabled on 10 February 2015 by Mrs. Hivon (Joliette) concerning opposition to the closing of the Lavérendière public laundry in Lanaudière and by Mrs. Maltais (Taschereau) concerning the maintenance of Partagec’s activities (PDF, 385 KB)  867-20150317 Government's written answer to a petition
2015-03-17 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to a petition tabled on 11 February 2015 by Mr. Caire (La Peltrie) concerning the designation of a statutory holiday for Remembrance Day (PDF, 397 KB)  869-20150317 Government's written answer to a petition
2015-03-17 Blais, François, Minister of Education, Higher Education and Research The 2013–2014 annual report of the Religious Affairs Committee (PDF, 3 MB)  860-20150317 Annual report
2015-03-17 Charbonneau, Francine, Minister of Families The 2013–2014 report on the activities of the Fonds pour le développement des jeunes enfants and on those of the Société de gestion Avenir d'enfants (PDF, 1 MB)  861-20150317 Activity report
2015-03-17 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to a petition tabled on 11 February 2015 by Mrs. Soucy (Saint-Hyacinthe) concerning wage indexation (PDF, 459 KB)  870-20150317 Government's written answer to a petition
2015-03-17 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to the petitions tabled on 11 and 12 February 2015 by Mrs. David (Gouin) concerning the maintenance of users’ committees in every health institution; (PDF, 809 KB)  871-20150317 Government's written answer to a petition
2015-03-17 Poëti, Robert, Minister of Transport The 2014 evaluation report on photographic speed detection devices and red-light traffic control camera systems (PDF, 881 KB)  862-20150317 Other
2015-03-17 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The reply to a written question from Mr. Jolin-Barrette (Borduas) on the abolishment of positions of technicians and scientists at the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs ─ Question No. 38, Order Paper and Notices of 17 February 2015 (PDF, 399 KB)  873-20150317 Answers to written questions
2015-03-17 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to a petition tabled on 12 February 2015 by Mrs. Ouellet (Vachon) concerning opposition to renaming the Champlain Bridge (PDF, 43 KB)  872-20150317 Government's written answer to a petition
2015-03-17 Chagnon, Jacques, President of the National Assembly A copy of the notice of motion moved by Mr. Deltell (Chauveau) to be placed on the Order Paper and Notices of Wednesday, 18 March 2015, under Business Standing in the Name of Members in Opposition (PDF, 81 KB)  875-20150317 Other
2015-03-17 Chagnon, Jacques, President of the National Assembly The new seating plan of the National Assembly, dated 17 March 2015 (PDF, 131 KB)  876-20150317 Other
2015-03-17 Lisée, Jean-François, Vice-chair of the Committee on Institutions The report from the Committee on Institutions, which met on 17, 18, 24, 25 and 26 February 2015 for clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 26, An Act to ensure mainly the recovery of amounts obtained as a result of fraud or fraudulent tactics in connection with public contracts. The report contains amendments to the bill, including an amendment to its title (PDF, 2 MB)  877-20150317 Committee report
2015-03-17 Chagnon, Jacques, President of the National Assembly A letter, dated 16 March 2015, addressed to Mr. Michel Bonsaint, Secretary General of the National Assembly, from Mrs. Lucie Fiset, Chief Electoral Officer of Québec, regarding the by-election held on 9 March 2015 in the electoral division of Richelieu accompanied by a notice proclaiming Mr. Sylvain Rochon the candidate returned in the electoral division of Richelieu (PDF, 61 KB)  852-20150317 Other