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Documents tabled on Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2013-10-30 St-Laurent, Michelyne C., Member for Montmorency The abstract of a petition respecting the construction of a synthetic turf sports field at Courvilloise high school, and signed by 509 citizens of Québec (PDF, 407 KB)  1272-20131030 Abstract of a petition
2013-10-30 Vallières, Karine, Member for Richmond The abstract of a petition respecting a review of the Québec Parental Insurance Plan benefits as regards perinatal bereavement, and signed by 5478 citizens of Québec (PDF, 54 KB)  1273-20131030 Abstract of a petition
2013-10-30 Tanguay, Marc, Member for LaFontaine The abstract of a petition respecting right turns on red lights in Montréal, and signed by 411 citizens of the Montréal region (PDF, 392 KB)  1274-20131030 Abstract of a petition
2013-10-30 St-Laurent, Michelyne C., Member for Montmorency The abstract of a petition respecting the construction of a synthetic turf sports field at Courvilloise high school, and signed by 1303 citizens of Québec (PDF, 430 KB)  1275-20131030 Abstract of a petition
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 12 June 2013 by Mrs. Gaudreault (Hull), concerning the creation of a financial assistance plan for caregivers (PDF, 211 KB)  1259-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 12 June 2013 by Mr. Khadir (Mercier), concerning the financing of the CSSS de la Vieille-Capitale (PDF, 69 KB)  1261-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 13 June 2013 by Mr. Schneeberger (DrummondBois-Francs), concerning a national day for the prevention of violence against children (PDF, 424 KB)  1262-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 13 June 2013 by Mrs. Gaudreault (Hull), concerning the reimbursement of medical expenses incurred outside of Québec by Outaouais residents (PDF, 131 KB)  1263-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 13 June 2013 by Mrs. Gaudreault (Hull), concerning the creation of network clinics in the Outaouais region (PDF, 100 KB)  1264-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 13 June 2013 by Mr. Duchesneau (Saint-Jérôme), concerning the Québec Government's electronic tendering system (SEOA) (PDF, 387 KB)  1265-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 13 June 2013 by Mrs. de Santis (Bourassa-Sauvé), concerning a ban on the addition of additives to all tobacco products (PDF, 108 KB)  1266-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 17 September 2013 by Mrs. Vallée (Gatineau), concerning the improvement of ambulance services in the Gatineau region (PDF, 98 KB)  1267-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 17 September 2013 by Mrs. Gadoury-Hamelin (Masson), concerning the distribution of unsold produce by supermarkets to food banks (PDF, 665 KB)  1268-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 17 September 2013 by Mrs. Beaudoin (Mirabel), concerning residential lease clauses prohibiting pet ownership (PDF, 953 KB)  1269-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 24 September 2013 by Mr. Bureau-Blouin (Laval-des-Rapides), concerning the financing of public transportation (PDF, 566 KB)  1270-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The 2012-2013 activity report of Revenu Québec stemming from the comparison, pairing or cross-matching of information files contained in the utilization plan (PDF, 11 MB)  1256-20131030 Activity report
2013-10-30 Bérubé, Pascal, Minister for Tourism The 2012-2013 annual report of the Palais des congrès de Montréal (PDF, 77 MB)  1257-20131030 Annual report
2013-10-30 Bérubé, Pascal, Minister for Tourism Le rapport annuel de gestion 2012-2013 de la Société du Centre des congrès de Québec (PDF, 30 MB)  1258-20131030 Annual report
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 12 June 2013 by Mr. Carrière (Chapleau), concerning the creation of a newborn screening programme for cystic fibrosis (PDF, 89 KB)  1260-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Bédard, Stéphane, Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petition tabled on 24 September 2013 by Mr. Turcotte (Saint-Jean), concerning the financing of independent community organizations (PDF, 734 KB)  1271-20131030 Government's written answer to a petition
2013-10-30 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy Excerpt from the 2010-2011 Budget, p. 264, entitled "Fin de certains contrats spéciaux" (PDF, 18 KB)  1276-20131030 Other
2013-10-30 Deltell, Gérard, House Leader of the Second Opposition Group Copy of a document, dated 21 March 2013, entitled "Informations sur les prélèvements", prepared by the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs (PDF, 100 KB)  1278-20131030 Other
2013-10-30 Deltell, Gérard, House Leader of the Second Opposition Group Copy of a document, dated 11 April 2013, entitled "Identification des phases porteuses de Ni dans des échantillons de poussières et dans les particules récupérées de filtres par microscopie électronique à balayage et analyses à la microsonde électronique", prepared by Mrs. Josée Duchesne of Laval University (PDF, 47 KB)  1277-20131030 Other
2013-10-30 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy A copy of an exchange of emails, dated 24 October 2013, between Mrs. Rafaëlle Perron of the Government House Leader's office and Mr. Éric R. Mercier of the Official Opposition House Leader's office, concerning the participation of the Minister of Finance and the Economy in the Committee on Public Finance proceedings within the framework of the order provided for in Standing Order 292 (PDF, 54 KB)  1279-20131030 Other