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Documents tabled on Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2013-09-25 Maltais, Agnès, Minister of Labour The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Commission de la construction du Québec (PDF, 4 MB)  977-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 Maltais, Agnès, Minister of Labour The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (PDF, 6 MB)  978-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 Maltais, Agnès, Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity The 2012-2013 activity report of the Comité consultatif de lutte contre la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale (PDF, 527 KB)  979-20130925 Activity report
2013-09-25 Richer, Roland, Member for Argenteuil The abstract of a petition respecting the cancellation of the new power transmission line corridor proposed by Hydro-Québec in Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard, and signed by 2463 citizens of Québec (PDF, 447 KB)  997-20130925 Abstract of a petition
2013-09-25 Maltais, Agnès, Minister responsible for the Status of Women The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Conseil du statut de la femme (PDF, 5 MB)  980-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 Maltais, Agnès, Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Commission de l'équité salariale (PDF, 1 MB)  981-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 Maltais, Agnès, Minister of Labour The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Commission des lésions professionnelles (PDF, 949 KB)  982-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 Maltais, Agnès, Minister of Labour The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Commission des relations du travail (PDF, 3 MB)  983-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 Maltais, Agnès, Minister of Labour The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (PDF, 15 MB)  984-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 Maltais, Agnès, Minister of Labour The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Ministère du Travail (PDF, 6 MB)  985-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister responsible for the administration of legislation respecting the professions The 2012-2013 annual report of the Conseil interprofessionnel du Québec (PDF, 3 MB)  986-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Commission des services juridiques (PDF, 2 MB)  987-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2013-2017 strategic plan of the Commission des services juridiques (PDF, 119 KB)  988-20130925 Strategic plan
2013-09-25 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Office de la protection du consommateur (PDF, 3 MB)  990-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2013-2014 action plan of the Bureau des infractions et amendes (PDF, 6 MB)  991-20130925 Other
2013-09-25 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Ministère de la Justice (PDF, 7 MB)  992-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 Bergeron, Stéphane, Minister of Public Security The agreement on the provision of policing services for the community of Manawan, for the period from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014 (PDF, 1 MB)  993-20130925 Other
2013-09-25 Richard, Lorraine, Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education A report from the Committee on Culture and Education, which, on 19, 20, 21 and 26 August and on 17 and 19 September 2013, held public hearings within the framework of special consultations on the consultation paper regarding the regulation of the retail price of new printed and digital books (PDF, 1 MB)  996-20130925 Committee report
2013-09-25 Chagnon, Jacques, President of the National Assembly The 2012-2013 annual activity report of the Public Protector (French and English versions) (PDF, 4 MB)  995-20130925 Annual report
2013-09-25 Chagnon, Jacques, President of the National Assembly The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Public Protector (PDF, 1 MB)  994-20130925 Activity report
2013-09-25 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2012-2013 annual management report of the Directeur des poursuites criminelles et pénales (PDF, 3 MB)  989-20130925 Annual report