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Documents tabled on Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2010-2011 annual report of the Ordre des audioprothésistes du Québec (PDF, 7 MB)  221-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2010-2011 annual report of the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (PDF, 5 MB)  222-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2010-2011 annual report of the Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec (PDF, 4 MB)  220-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2010-2011 annual report of the Ordre des ingénieurs forestiers du Québec (PDF, 3 MB)  223-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2010-2011 annual report of the Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (PDF, 5 MB)  224-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2010-2011 annual report of the Chambre des notaires du Québec (PDF, 7 MB)  225-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2010-2011 annual report of the Ordre des psychologues du Québec (PDF, 5 MB)  226-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2010-2011 annual report of the Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec (PDF, 3 MB)  227-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2010-2011 annual report of the Ordre des urbanistes du Québec (PDF, 19 MB)  228-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2011-2012 annual report of the Barreau du Québec (PDF, 4 MB)  229-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2011-2012 annual report of the Ordre des dentistes du Québec (PDF, 2 MB)  230-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2011-2012 annual report of the Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec (PDF, 1 MB)  231-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2011-2012 annual report of the Chambre des notaires du Québec (PDF, 4 MB)  232-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2011-2012 annual management report of the Office des professions du Québec (PDF, 4 MB)  233-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice The 2011-2012 annual report of the Conseil interprofessionnel du Québec (PDF, 5 MB)  234-20121120 Annual report
2012-11-20 Chagnon, Jacques, President of the National Assembly A letter, dated 15 November 2012, he had received from Mr. Yves-François Blanchet, Chief Government Whip, concerning the Canadian flag in the Legislative Council Chamber (PDF, 29 KB)  235-20121120 Other
2012-11-20 Chagnon, Jacques, President of the National Assembly A letter, dated 16 November 2012, he had received from Mr. Laurent Lessard, Chief Opposition Whip, concerning the Canadian flag in the Legislative Council Chamber (PDF, 43 KB)  236-20121120 Other
2012-11-20 St-Arnaud, Bertrand, Minister of Justice Copy of the notice of motion by Mrs. James (Nelligan) which will be placed on the Order Paper and Notices of Wednesday, 21 November 2012, under Business Standing in the Name of Members in Opposition (PDF, 49 KB)  237-20121120 Other
2012-11-20 Pelletier, Irvin, Chair of the Committee on Public Finance A report from the Committee on Public Finance, which, on 12, 13, 14 and 15 November 2012, held public hearings within the framework of special consultations on Bill 1, Integrity in Public Contracts Act (PDF, 940 KB)  238-20121120 Committee report
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy Public Accounts 2011-2012 – Revenue, appropriation, expenditure and investments of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and financial information on Government of Québec special funds, Volume 2 (PDF, 3 MB)  253-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The summary of budgetary transactions for the 2012-2013 fiscal year (PDF, 18 KB)  239-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The summary of budgetary transactions – 2013-2014 forecast (PDF, 14 KB)  240-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The budgetary revenues of the general fund – 2013-2014 forecast (PDF, 21 KB)  241-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The budgetary expenditures of the general fund – 2013-2014 forecast (PDF, 22 KB)  242-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The non-budgetary transactions – 2013-2014 forecast (PDF, 15 KB)  243-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The financing transactions – 2013-2014 forecast (PDF, 18 KB)  244-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The 2013-2014 Budget Speech 245-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The Budget Plan for 2013-2014 246-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The 2013-2014 budget at a glance 247-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy A document entitled "Investing For Our Prosperity – The Government's Economic Vision" 248-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The list of press releases – Budget Speech 2013-2014 249-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy The expenditure budget for 2013-2014 250-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy A document entitled "A Better Way to Manage Our Infrastructure – Getting the Best Prices - Making the Best Choices" 251-20121120 Budget speech
2012-11-20 Marceau, Nicolas, Minister of Finance and the Economy Public Accounts 2011-2012 – Consolidated financial statements of the Government of Québec, Volume 1 (PDF, 2 MB)  252-20121120 Budget speech