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Documents tabled on Thursday, May 13, 2010

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Consulting Tabled Documents

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Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2010-05-13 Khadir, Amir, Member for Mercier The abstract of a petition respecting the appropriateness of the proposal by Loto-Québec to place games of chance on line, and signed by 2,747 citizens of Québec (PDF, 41 KB)  1298-20100513 Abstract of a petition
2010-05-13 Boucher, Etienne-Alexis, Member for Johnson The abstract of a petition respecting the financing of public transportation in Lévis, and signed by 589 citizens of Québec (PDF, 32 KB)  1299-20100513 Abstract of a petition
2010-05-13 Léger, Nicole, Member for Pointe-aux-Trembles The abstract of a petition respecting a request for financial compensation accorded to informal caregivers and volunteers working within community organizations, and signed by 2,234 citizens of Québec (PDF, 37 KB)  1301-20100513 Abstract of a petition
2010-05-13 Dupuis, Jacques P., Government House Leader The reply from the Government to the petitions tabled on 13 April 2010 by Mr. Morin (Montmagny-L'Islet) and on 14 April 2010 by Mr. Matte (Portneuf) regarding the Financial Assistance Program for Domestic Help Services (PDF, 72 KB)  1296-20100513 Government's written answer to a petition
2010-05-13 Vallières, Yvon, President of the National Assembly The report from the Law Clerk on the following Private Bill: 225 An Act respecting MRC d’Avignon, MRC de Bonaventure, MRC de La Côte-de-Gaspé, MRC de La Haute-Gaspésie, MRC du Rocher-Percé and Municipalité des Îles-de-la-Madeleine. The report states that the notice was drafted and published in accordance with the Rules for the Conduct of Proceedings Respecting Private Bills (PDF, 46 KB)  1290-20100513 Law Clerk's report
2010-05-13 Vallières, Yvon, President of the National Assembly The report from the Law Clerk on the following Private Bill: 226 An Act to amend the Charter of the City of Laval. The report states that the notice was drafted and published in accordance with the Rules for the Conduct of Proceedings Respecting Private Bills (PDF, 43 KB)  1291-20100513 Law Clerk's report
2010-05-13 Bachand, Raymond, Minister of Finance The annual report from the Association des courtiers et agents immobliers du Québec for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2009 (PDF, 19 MB)  1292-20100513 Annual report
2010-05-13 Bachand, Raymond, Minister of Finance The activities report from the Fonds d’indemnisation du courtage immobilier for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2009 (PDF, 18 MB)  1293-20100513 Annual report
2010-05-13 Bolduc, Yves, Minister of Health and Social Services The report for 2010 on the evaluation of the performance of the health and social-services system 1294-20100513 Other
2010-05-13 Boulet, Julie, Minister of Transport The annual management reports from the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec, le Fonds d’assurance automobile du Québec, and the Contrôle routier Québec agency for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2009 (PDF, 5 MB)  1295-20100513 Annual report
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