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Taking Part in a Public Consultation

Did you know that, during public consultations, citizens' participation helps MNAs gather input on matters being studied? Whether you submit a written opinion or testify during hearings, your contribution is invaluable to MNAs' deliberations.

What Is a Public Consultation?

Consultations make it possible for parliamentary committees to gather input from the general public, as well as from specialists and interest groups, on a bill or on any other matter. Committees may hold consultations on their own initiative or at the request of the Assemblée nationale.

To know what consultations are ongoing, click the link under the "Take part in a consultation" heading on the Parliamentary Proceedings page.

What Is a Public Hearing?

A public hearing is when the witnesses who have been invited present their brief or opinion and answer the MNAs' questions. Hearings generally take place at the hôtel du Parlement in the city of Québec. Witnesses can usually participate in public hearings remotely.

Are There Different Types of Consultations?

Yes, a committee may hold three types of consultations:

  1. general consultations;
  2. special consultations; and
  3. online consultations, which may complement the two other types of consultations..

How Are They Different? What Are Their Characteristics?

Special Consultations

Special consultations are the most common type of consultations. They allow committees to hear persons and organizations that have expertise or experience specific to a field related to a matter being studied or a bill under consideration. This type of consultation is reserved for persons and organizations chosen by the committee or by the Assemblée nationale.

General Consultations

A committee holds general consultations when it invites any person or organization who so wishes to submit a brief or a request to participate with regard to a hearing on the matter being studied by the designated committee.

A public notice of consultation must be issued before a general consultation is held. The notice is published in the Gazette officielle du Québec and in newspapers, and specifies the topic of the consultation and the important dates that have been set under the order of reference.

The committee then chooses the persons and organizations it will hear in public hearings from among those who expressed an interest.

Online Consultations

Online consultations are generally held by means of a questionnaire through which people can express their views on the matter being studied. Online consultations complement mandated special and general consultations.

All responses received during the consultation are transmitted to the members of committees to better inform their work.

How to Take Part in Public Consultations

1. Express Your Opinion in Writing

There are many ways to express your views in writing on a matter that is the subject of a public consultation.

The simplest way to share your point of view with MNAs is by commenting on a matter under study.

You may also express your opinion during online consultations by filling out a form. You can check to see if online consultations are being held on a matter being studied by looking at the overview of current consultations.

If you wish to present a detailed argument, the best way is to submit a brief, which is a document in which you can express your views on the matter in question and provide recommendations.

How to Prepare a Brief

2. Testify in Parliamentary Committee

Public hearings allow invited witnesses to present their views on the matter being studied and to make recommendations. There is also a discussion period when MNAs can ask witnesses questions on the matter.

The committee clerk invites the persons and organizations chosen by the committee or the Assemblée nationale. The invitation includes the time and date of the hearing as well as the amount of time allocated to the person or organization to present their views and discuss points with parliamentarians..

Do you want to be heard? You can express your interest in participating in a specific consultation by contacting the committee clerk and stating the reasons for your request and your experience related to the matter being studied. When general consultations are being held, the notice of consultation includes the terms and conditions for participating.

To prepare for a hearing, see the Witnesses' Guide (PDF, 322 KB)

3. Attend Public Hearings

You can attend parliamentary committee proceedings, except for meetings held in camera. Committee proceedings take place in the various parliamentary committee rooms in the hôtel du Parlement. In some cases, consultations are held elsewhere in Québec.

All public sessions are live streamed and made available as webcasts on the Assemblée nationale channel and in the Video section of the Assemblée nationale website. The transcriptions of public hearings are recorded in the Journal des débats (Hansard).

How to Attend Parliamentary Proceedings

Contacting Parliamentary Committees

For more information on public consultations and how to take part in them, contact the Direction des commissions parlementaires.

Telephone :

  • City of Québec area: 418-643-2722
  • Toll-free: 1-866-337-8837

General information:

Email addresses

List of committees and email addresses
CommitteeEmail address
Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, Energy and Natural Resources
Committee on Planning and the Public Domain
Committee on Culture and Education
Committee on Labour and the Economy
Committee on Public Finance
Committee on Institutions
Committee on Citizen Relations
Committee on Health and Social Services
Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Committee on the National Assembly
Committee on Public Administration

Mailing address

Assemblée nationale du Québec
Direction des commissions parlementaires
Édifice Pamphile-Le May
1035, rue des Parlementaires, 3e étage
Québec (Québec) G1A 1A3


Additional Information