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Home > About the Website > Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

The editorial policy of the National Assembly website

  • sets out Assembly commitments, guidelines and rules with respect to the posting of content
  • includes the Assembly’s policy on the integrity of information

Contact the Assembly for more on this policy.

Commitments With Respect to the Posting of Content

  • To respect the principles set out in the National Assembly website privacy policy
  • To post content that complies as much as possible with the accessibility standards of the Gouvernement du Québec
  • To archive content following the procedure in force at the Assembly
  • To use technology accessible to the greatest possible number of Internet users
  • To answer emails sent to the webmaster’s address ( within 24 hours
  • To analyze any technical or content-related problem identified by a user of the site and make the necessary corrections

The Assembly does not provide any technical assistance to Internet users.

Language Guidelines

All content posted on the Assembly website is available in French. The Assembly commits itself to using correct, straightforward and precise French in the texts posted on its website.

Content Translated Into English

Under the Canadian Constitution, the Assembly is required to post the texts of bills, the Order Paper and Notices, the Votes and Proceedings and the Standing Orders of the National Assembly in English.

The Assembly also posts other texts in English.

Content Translated Into English by Website Section

Content Translated Into English by Website Section
SectionTranslated Content Untranslated Content
About the Site All  
Educational Activities None  
News and Press Room Useful information for representatives of the media, film crews and organizations wishing to meet with the press at the Parliament Building Press releases, news, subjects of interest and new items on the site

(Verbatim transcripts of press conferences and briefings are in the language of the speaker, whether French or English)
Help All  
Library None  
MNAs All except the elements under the Questions and Statements and the Press Conferences tabs of the Members’ biographical notices  
Voice Your Opinion All information texts
Subjects of petitions
Text of petitions launched in French
RSS Feeds None  
History None  
International All  
The ABC of the Assembly All except the list of recipients of the medals of the National Assembly  
Links of interest All  
Contact us All  
Home Page
  • News carousel
  • Texts of the MNAs and Useful Information zones
  • Content of Bills and Public Consultations tabs
  • Texts of the Discover and Participate zone
  • Content of News tab
  • Calendar of Activities
Publications Information on publications translated into English Information on other publications
Search Text of search interfaces and pages of search results leading to English content  
Parliamentary Proceedings


Official documents (Order Paper and Notices, Votes and Proceedings, bills)

Content posted using a database (e.g. identification of committee orders)

Journal des débats (Hansard) (verbatim transcript of interventions made in French or English)
Audio and Video None  
Visitors All Café du Parlement menu

Content Translated Into Spanish

Given the Assembly’s role in the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas, the content of the “International” section is also available in Spanish.

Posting Parliamentary Documents

Certain documents are posted on the Assembly website according to a predetermined calendar.

Posting Parliamentary Documents
DocumentPosting calendar
Document tabled in the Assembly

(Only the reports of the Officers of the Assembly, the annual reports and strategic plans of Québec government departments and bodies, and parliamentary committee reports are available online)
Within 48 hours after a document is tabled.
Order Paper and Notices At 8:00 a.m. on Assembly sitting days.
Journal des débats (Hansard) of committee proceedings Unrevised version, divided into 30-minute segments: generally within one hour, except when two or more reported events are held simultaneously.

Final version: within 2 to 4 months after the sitting.
Journal des débats (Hansard) of House proceedings Unrevised version, divided into 5-minute segments, without a table of contents: within one hour.

The 5-minute segments are gradually replaced by 30-minute segments.

Final version: 5:00 p.m. on the day after the sitting.
Brief presented during public consultations held by a parliamentary committee Within 4 days after the brief is tabled in committee.
Votes and Proceedings Proof version: less than one hour after the Assembly rises.

Final version: within 2 weeks after the proof version is tabled.
Bill (introduction version) Within one hour after it is introduced in the Assembly.

The assent version of the bill is posted on the Publications du Québec site and accessible via a hyperlink on the Assembly site.

Parliamentary committee report on

  • the policy guidelines, activities and management of public bodies
  • subjects of public interest
Within 24 hours after it is tabled in the Assembly.
Transcript of a press conference or briefing Unrevised version: within one hour, except when two or more reported activities are held simultaneously.

Final version: at 5:00 p.m. on the day after the activity.

Legal Value of Electronic Documents

Only the paper copy of documents with legal value (such as bills) is official. The electronic version has no legal value.

Other Rules Governing the Posting of Content

Calendar of Activities

The Assembly’s calendar of activities is subject to change without notice. The calendar may also be changed while the Assembly stands prorogued or dissolved or between 2 sessional periods.

“Additional Information” Zone

This zone, found on several pages of the site, directs the visitor to other elements related to the subject concerned. To avoid redundancy, the content appearing in this zone in the form of hyperlinks is not accessible via the navigation menus on the left and at the top of the page.

External Links

The Assembly website contains links to external sites it considers relevant. The Assembly may not be held responsible in any way for the content of these sites.

The Assembly reserves the right to delete a hyperlink on its site at any time and for any reason it considers warranted.

Advertising Banners

The Assembly does not post any advertising banners on its site, not even those of Québec government departments or bodies.

Policy on the Integrity of Information

  • The Assembly guarantees the integrity of the information on its site at the time it is posted but not afterwards.
  • The Assembly is not responsible for documents, data or other elements of content that are modified in any way before or after they are downloaded.
  • In the event of discrepancies, the official text takes precedence over the content of the website.