Maintaining Daylight Saving Time
Petition text
WHEREAS rates of depression, anxiety and other related mental health issues increase by 11% during the 10 weeks following the return to Standard Time according to a 2017 study conducted by the Journal of Epidemiology;
WHEREAS, a study published in the Journal of Sleep Medicine found a 10% increase in fatal collisions as a result of the time change;
WHEREAS a study conducted by JPMorgan Chase revealed that consumer spending drops by about 3.5% when the nation makes the switch back to Standard Time - a result of fewer daylight hours in the evening;
WHEREAS various studies conducted in the USA found both a 24% increase in heart attacks, and an 8% increase in strokes following the time change;
WHEREAS, in 2020 alone, 32 states in the USA have introduced bills to abolish the time change in November including Massachusetts and New York;
WHEREAS Saskatchewan and the Yukon keep Daylight Savings Time, and British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario are putting forth bills to abolish the time change;
WHEREAS this year, due to the pandemic, Quebecers are already experiencing unprecedented challenges, we do not need the aforementioned suffering on top of it;
We, the undersigned, ask that the government of Quebec keep Daylight Saving Time (DST) permanent.
The signing period for this petition is over.
Signing deadline : February 4, 2021
Number of signatures : 1333
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