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Home > Voice Your Opinion! > Starting, Signing or Viewing a Petition > Petition: Services provided on the Réseau de transport métropolitain's Candiac line

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Services provided on the Réseau de transport métropolitain's Candiac line

Petition text

CONSIDERING THAT people's schedules are increasingly atypical, especially those of students;

CONSIDERING THAT commuter cars are full at peak hours;

CONSIDERING THAT customers pay a considerable sum, each month, to use the service;

CONSIDERING THAT the Réseau de transport métropolitain has withdrawn the bi-level trains from the Candiac line;

CONSIDERING THAT the Candiac line does not have service on weekends;

We, the undersigned, ask that the Government of Québec reinstate the bi-level trains at peak times and that the Réseau de transport métropolitain increase its departures from the Candiac line in both directions on weeknights and weekends.

The signing period for this petition is over.

Signing deadline : September 14, 2017

Number of signatures : 130

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