Increase in the allowance for families consisting of 2 adult claimants of Social Solidarity or Social Assistance benefits
Petition text
WHEREAS section 156 of the Individual and Family Assistance Regulation stipulates that ''the social solidarity allowance granted to an independent adult or a family composed of only 1 adult is $954'' and that ''the social solidarity allowance for a family composed of 2 adults is $1,426'';
WHEREAS many couples on the social solidarity program are choosing not to be married or to live together, because the social solidarity allowance for a family of 2 adults is not enough;
WHEREAS section 5 of the Canadian Human Rights Act stipulates that “it is a discriminatory practice in the provision of goods, services, facilities or accommodation customarily available to the general public:
(a) to deny, or to deny access to, any such good, service, facility or accommodation to any individual; or
(b) to differentiate adversely in relation to any individual,
on a prohibited ground of discrimination”;
WHEREAS under section 3 (1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act, ''marital status'' is a prohibited ground of discrimination;
We, the undersigned, ask that the Government of Québec increase the maximum allowance for a family of 2 adults on social solidarity to double the maximum allowance for a single person on social solidarity, for a total of $1 908. We ask that similar measures be taken for a family of 2 adults on social assistance.
The signing period for this petition is over.
Signing deadline : August 12, 2017
Number of signatures : 380
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