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Establishment of pre-natal courses relating to essential basic knowledge towards children’s psychological needs

Petition text

WHEREAS the family is a fundamental value of every society and that children have rights and parents obligations;

WHEREAS parents underestimate their children’s psychological needs;

WHEREAS distress within children is often founded on their subconscious memories and stays with them throughout their entire lives;

WHEREAS more than ten percent of the two million children who will be born in Québec during the next twenty years will experience a difficult childhood which could impair a part of their being, in part due to loving parents who will not have sufficient knowledge and skills relating to attachment, promoting self-esteem, support, etc.;

WHEREAS future parents have a right to the information necessary to support the harmonious upbringing of their children;

WHEREAS the suggested measure is complementary to the current practices in regards to mental health, mental illness, and suicide prevention;

WHEREAS training programs will reduce expenses related to mental health for the Ministère, individuals, employers, families and their communities;

WHEREAS Québec can be an example at the international level;

We, the undersigned, ask the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux to establish pre-natal courses relating to essential basic knowledge towards children’s psychological needs.

The signing period for this petition is over.

Signing deadline : September 30, 2016

Number of signatures : 1006

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