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Home > Voice Your Opinion! > Starting, Signing or Viewing a Petition > Petition: In Support of Quality Public Education in Québec

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In Support of Quality Public Education in Québec

Petition text

WHEREAS the management offer made by the Government of Québec may have a major impact on working conditions in the education system and on the learning conditions of Québec students in public schools;

WHEREAS this offer is a direct attack on the core mandate of our public education system, which is to enable success for all students;

We, citizens of Québec, ask the Government to:

  • Commit itself to lowering the student-teacher ratio in Québec classes;
  • Commit itself to provide support and necessary services to students with special needs;
  • Reduce the workload of teachers;
  • Recognize all aspects of the work done by the professional staff;
  • Recognize the expertise of support staff and not resort to sub-contracting; 
  • Increase job security;
  • Recognize and respect the professional autonomy of all school board staff.

The signing period for this petition is over.

Signing deadline : February 20, 2015

Number of signatures : 25050

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