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Home > Voice Your Opinion! > Starting, Signing or Viewing a Petition > Petition: Maintaining Lachine Hospital’s partnership with the MUHC

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Maintaining Lachine Hospital’s partnership with the MUHC

Petition text

WHEREAS Québec’s Minister of Health and Social Services has announced his intention to transfer the management of the Lachine Hospital from the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) to the CSSS de Dorval-Lachine-LaSalle from which it was removed in 2008;



WHEREAS, since joining the MUHC:

  • the ER has been reopened with high quality healthcare professionals;
  • there has been relentless recruitment of physicians and nurses which has led to the elimination of agency personnel;
  • operating rooms have been modernized;
  • high-tech imaging equipment has been installed;
  • patients have rapid access to internationally renown specialists;
  • the hospital’s important Francophone character has been maintained;

WHEREAS removing the Lachine Hospital from the MUHC threatens the very survival of our hospital;




WHEREAS the government’s rationale is unfounded;




WHEREAS the hospital is in the midst of creating a bright future;




WHEREAS our community has begun to voice its support;




WHEREAS we, the undersigned, believe that the Lachine Hospital’s patients and their families are best served if the hospital remains part of the MUHC;




As concerned citizens and taxpayers, we ask that the Government of Québec halt its plan to retransfer the hospital to the CSSS Dorval-Lachine-LaSalle and to invest the $63 million promised for modernization plans.

The signing period for this petition is over.

Signing deadline : March 5, 2013

Number of signatures : 1522

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