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Home > Voice Your Opinion! > Starting, Signing or Viewing a Petition > Petition: Compliance with the Cavendish-Cavendish road connection project schedule submitted to the BAPE

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Compliance with the Cavendish-Cavendish road connection project schedule submitted to the BAPE

To sign this petition, you must complete 3 steps:

  1. Step 1: fill out the form that appears below the text of the petition and send it (you must accept the signing conditions before sending the form).
  2. Step 2: consult your electronic mailbox and open the message sent by the Assembly.
  3. Step 3: in this message, click on the link enabling you to register your signature.

You may sign a petition only once.

Petition text

WHEREAS, since 2005, the work to extend Cavendish Boulevard as an arterial road (Cavendish/Cavendish/Royalmount) has been the responsibility of Ville de Montréal and the agglomeration in accordance with section 118.85 of the Act respecting the exercise of certain municipal powers in certain agglomerations;

WHEREAS, in 2017, the Quebec government transferred the Hippodrome lands to Ville de Montréal for $1, in order to build housing on the following condition: Art. 5.2.3 The Cavendish-Cavendish link is a road that falls under its [Montréal’s] responsibility, and it undertakes to include it in the agglomeration's transportation plan and its three-year capital program;

WHEREAS, in 2022, Ville de Montréal submitted a project notice to the BAPE confirming the crucial role of the Cavendish project for the development of the Namur Hippodrome (QNH) district;

WHEREAS, in 2024, Ville de Montréal withdrew the Cavendish-Cavendish project from the agglomeration budget and its new QNH urban planning/mobility plan, in violation of the Hippodrome agreement;

WHEREAS, in order to achieve sustainable mobility, it is necessary to have a road on which all modes of transport can circulate;

We, the signatories, ask the Québec government to require, in accordance with the 2017 agreement, that Ville de Montréal comply with the Cavendish-Cavendish road project schedule submitted to the BAPE and put the project back in the ten-year capital budget of the agglomeration (PDI), in order to obtain government funding for housing and/or infrastructure for the QNH.

Signing deadline : October 12, 2024

Number of signatures : 1574

To sign the petition

To sign the petition

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Signing conditions

Signing conditions

  • I have read the petition and support it.
  • I agree to have my family name, given name and place of residence appear on the list of signatures.
  • The information I have provided is accurate.

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