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Home > Voice Your Opinion! > Starting, Signing or Viewing a Petition > Petition: Request to Examine the Comparative Factor of the Assessment Role for the Municipality of Alleyn and Cawood

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Request to Examine the Comparative Factor of the Assessment Role for the Municipality of Alleyn and Cawood

Petition text

WHEREAS the Municipality of Alleyn and Cawood has a comparative factor of 3.7 on the 2024 assessment roll;

WHEREAS this factor has been approved by the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation (MAMH) and is being challenged;

WHEREAS the increase in the assessment will leave residents, many of whom are elderly, retired, or part of young families already struggling with the high cost of living, facing an insurmountable financial burden in 2025;

WHEREAS this egregious increase will only exacerbate financial strain, potentially leading to further impoverishment of communities;

WHEREAS all the communities of the Pontiac RCM and surrounding areas will see similar increases;

WHEREAS adjusting the municipal tax rate as a temporary measure does not address the root of the problem: the flawed assessment process;

WHEREAS the Municipality of Alleyn and Cawood has seen growth in the last couple of years, with vacant lots selling at prices double or triple the current municipal assessment. This is now having an impact on the entire territory;

WHEREAS the comparative factor impacts school taxes and RCM shares;

We, the undersigned, ask the Government of Québec to have the MAMH review  the comparative factor of 3.7 on the assessment roll for the Municipality of Alleyn and Cawood and that the triennial roll process be reviewed to prevent unfair future assessments.

The signing period for this petition is over.

Signing deadline : September 11, 2024

Number of signatures : 1815

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