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Home > Voice Your Opinion! > Starting, Signing or Viewing a Petition > Petition: Guidelines for the treatment of patients with mental health problems

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Guidelines for the treatment of patients with mental health problems

To sign this petition, you must complete 3 steps:

  1. Step 1: fill out the form that appears below the text of the petition and send it (you must accept the signing conditions before sending the form).
  2. Step 2: consult your electronic mailbox and open the message sent by the Assembly.
  3. Step 3: in this message, click on the link enabling you to register your signature.

You may sign a petition only once.

Petition text

WHEREAS many patients who suffer from mental health issues experience difficulties maintaining a routine and navigating a complex healthcare system;

WHEREAS prior information regarding the obligations of patients and physicians concerning treatment plans is often insufficient;

WHEREAS patients who miss their mental health appointments will be denied access to other services if they miss multiple appointments;

WHEREAS failure to provide required documents may result in injustices such as the loss of disability insurance;

WHEREAS inadequate access to psychiatric care can have significant social and economic repercussions; 

WHEREAS established recourse mechanisms for obtaining further explanations on decisions made by health care institutions, such as St. Mary’s Hospital Centre in Montréal, to discontinue psychiatric services and/or reduce care are often insufficient or not transparent;

We, the undersigned, ask the Government of Québec to:

  • Make available all relevant administrative guidelines and “protocols” governing the treatment of psychiatric patients;
  • Ensure that all health care facilities, such as St. Mary’s Hospital Centre, that provide services for mental health patients urgently review, in the interest of all patients with mental health issues, clear and transparent guidelines governing the obligations of both patients and medical practitioners in any treatment plan.


Signing deadline : August 15, 2024

Number of signatures : 47

To sign the petition

To sign the petition

All fields must be filled out for your signature to be processed.

Signing conditions

Signing conditions

  • I have read the petition and support it.
  • I agree to have my family name, given name and place of residence appear on the list of signatures.
  • The information I have provided is accurate.

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Telephone: 418 643-7239 or, toll free, 1 866 337-8837