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Home > Parliamentary Diplomacy > Multilateral Relations > Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas

Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas

Image Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas

A Brief History

In 1997, on the initiative of the Assemblée nationale du Québec, 400 parliamentarians gathered in the city of Québec to launch the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas (COPA). Hailing from 28 countries of the Americas, these delegates created a representative, independent and pluralist forum for discussion. Since then, COPA parliamentarians have regularly held general assemblies and adopted recommendations intended for the governments of the American continent.

COPA has six thematic working committees and a Network of Women Parliamentarians. In 2010-2012, the President of the Assemblée nationale was the President of COPA. The following positions are currently held by Members of the Assemblée nationale:

  • representative of the Québec Secretariat on the Executive Committee;
  • representative of the first host Assembly on the Executive Committee;
  • chair of the Committee on Democracy and Peace;
  • rapporteur for the Committee on Education, Culture, Science and Technology; and
  • representative of the Network of Women Parliamentarians' founding Assembly and Secretariat host on the Network's Executive Committee.

The Assemblée nationale hosts one of COPA's three secretariats and is responsible for the Secretariat of the Network of Women Parliamentarians.

The Québec Branch of COPA fosters ties with COPA-member parliaments.

Gabrielle Angers-Gosselin

Steering Committee

Mathieu Lévesque

Lévesque, Mathieu

Vice-chair of the Québec Section of the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas
Chair of the Democracy and Peace Committee of the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas

Louis-Charles Thouin

Thouin, Louis-Charles

Representative of the Québec Secretariat, Executive Committee of the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas

Marwah Rizqy

Rizqy, Marwah

Vice-chair of the Québec Section of the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas
Representative of the Host Assembly of the First General Assembly of the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas
Rapporteur for the Committee on Education, Culture, Science and Technology of Québec Section of the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas

Valérie Schmaltz

Schmaltz, Valérie

Representative of the Québec Branch Network of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas

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