Publication interval: approximately 6 months after a parliamentary session ends
Categories: Parliamentary, Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée
Language: French
Format: Print
Number of pages: varies between editions
At the end of each parliamentary session since 1964, the Assemblée nationale du Québec (the Assembly) has published an index known as the Index du Journal des débats for that session, providing access to the content of the record, known as the Hansard in other jurisdictions, of the Members' work in the Assembly and in parliamentary committees.
The words and expressions that constitute the Index du Journal des débats (called "rubriques" ("entries") or "vedettes" ("entry terms")) are integrated into the advanced search function of the Assembly's website.
To obtain this publication:
the Index du Journal des débats can be ordered for one or more parliamentary sessions.
For further information on ordering this publication, see: How to order a copy.
Varies depending on the session covered by the Index.