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Brigitte Garceau

Brigitte B. Garceau

  • Member for Robert-Baldwin
  • Quebec Liberal Party
  • Vice-chair of the Committee on Institutions
  • Official Opposition Critic for the Status of Women
  • Official Opposition Critic for Culture and Communications
  • Official Opposition Critic for Youth Protection
  • Official Opposition Critic for the Follow-up to the Report Rebâtir la confiance (Rebuilding Trust)
  • Official Opposition Critic for the Centre-du-Québec Region

Media Activities

Here visitors can view the press conferences and briefings held by the Member in the Assemblée nationale buildings or otherwise recorded by the Assemblée since January 15, 1997. Press conferences and briefings are transcribed in full.

  • May 9, 2024
    Point de presse de Mme Brigitte B. Garceau, porte-parole de l’opposition officielle pour la protection de la jeunesse
  • March 14, 2024
    Point de presse de Mme Brigitte B. Garceau, porte-parole de l’opposition officielle en matière de condition féminine, Mme Ruba Ghazal, porte-parole du deuxième groupe d’opposition en matière de condition féminine, et M. Joël Arseneau, porte-parole du troisième groupe d’opposition en matière d’habitation