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Débats de l’Assemblée législative (reconstituted parliamentary debates prior to 1963)

Categories: History, Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée
Language: French
Format: HTML, PDF
Number of pages: Variable, depending on the parliamentary session


Before the creation, in 1964, of the Journal des débats (Hansard) of the Assemblée législative (which became the Assemblée nationale du Québec in 1968), no collection provided access to the matters debated in Parliament. To fill this gap, historians from the Assemblée nationale reconstituted previous debates using accounts published in newspapers by Parliament du Québec press gallery journalists as the main source of information. The reconstituted debates cover the Assemblée législative proceedings from 1867 to 1962.

The reconstituted sessions include:

  • the text of the debates;
  • a historical introduction including, among other things, the session’s key events and issues;
  • an analysis and bibliography of the newspapers and other sources used to reconstitute the debates; and
  • a list of the Cabinet members (ministers) and a list of the parliamentarians.

See the Journal des débats page and the Journal des débats (1867 à ce jour) page.