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Désirée McGraw

Désirée McGraw

  • Member for Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
  • Quebec Liberal Party
  • Temporary Chair
  • Member of the Office of the National Assembly
  • Official Opposition Critic for Social Economy
  • Official Opposition Critic for Social Solidarity and Community Action
  • Official Opposition Critic for the Estrie Region


Here visitors can view the Member’s statements and questions in the Assemblée nationale or parliamentary committee. These interventions are recorded in the Journal des débats (Hansard).

In the "Link to intervention" column, interventions identified by a time of day may contain transcription errors, because they refer to a preliminary unrevised version of the Journal des débats. They were uploaded to make Members' interventions quickly accessible. The time displayed corresponds to the time at which the intervention was made.

In the table, a subject is associated with each intervention once the final version of the Journal des débats is made available. The time displayed corresponds to the time at which the intervention was made.

For more on editions of the Journal des débats (Hansard) available online through the Assemblée nationale website

Date Subject Link to intervention Place
2024-12-03 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-11-28 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-11-21 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-11-20 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-11-19 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-10-10 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CLE
2024-10-10 Subject to be announced 15 h CLE
2024-10-10 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CLE
2024-10-10 Subject to be announced 16 h CLE
2024-10-09 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CLE
2024-10-09 Subject to be announced 12 h CLE
2024-10-09 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CLE
2024-10-09 Subject to be announced 16 h CLE
2024-10-09 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CLE
2024-10-08 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CLE
2024-10-08 Subject to be announced 10 h CLE
2024-10-08 Subject to be announced 11 h CLE
2024-10-08 Subject to be announced 12 h CLE
2024-10-08 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CLE
2024-10-08 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CLE
2024-10-08 Subject to be announced 18 h CLE
2024-10-08 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CLE
2024-10-08 Subject to be announced 19 h CLE
2024-10-04 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CCE
2024-10-04 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2024-10-04 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2024-10-04 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2024-10-04 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2024-10-03 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-10-01 Entente entre le Québec et le Royaume de Belgique modifiant l'Entente en matière de sécurité sociale entre le Québec et le Royaume de Belgique/Approbation/Motion du gouvernement Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-25 Mobilité Infra Québec/Projet de loi n° 61 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-25 Transport en commun/Projet de loi n° 61 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-18 Changements climatiques/Infrastructures/Investissement/Coût/Affaire inscrite (motion) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-18 Shadd Health & Business Centre/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-18 Shadd, Mary Ann/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-06-05 Organisme communautaire/Local/Accès Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-06-04 Delorme, Anne/Humanité & Inclusion Canada/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-06-04 Humanité & Inclusion Canada/Personne handicapée/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-31 Programme de solidarité sociale/Accès Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-30 Aide sociale/Bénéficiaire/Services Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-30 Transformation numérique/Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-21 Centre de communications d'urgence/Projet de loi n° 50 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-21 Ducharme, Pauline/Action communautaire/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-21 Ducharme, Sam/Action communautaire/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-21 Feu de forêt/Protection/Projet de loi n° 50 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-21 Sécurité civile/Sinistre/Projet de loi n° 50 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-09 Subject to be announced 11 h CI
2024-05-09 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CI
2024-05-09 Subject to be announced 12 h CI
2024-05-08 Green, Miriam/Complexe de santé Reine Elizabeth/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-01 Aide sociale/Réforme Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-04-30 Amis du parc Meadowbrook, Les/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-04-25 Subject to be announced 14 h CLE
2024-04-25 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CLE
2024-04-25 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CLE
2024-04-25 Subject to be announced 15 h CLE
2024-04-23 Réalité climatique Canada (organisme)/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-04-23 Schiefke, Peter/Réalité climatique Canada (organisme)/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-04-18 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CLE
2024-04-12 Subject to be announced 10 h CCR
2024-04-12 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCR
2024-04-12 Subject to be announced 11 h CCR
2024-04-12 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCR
2024-03-28 Aide sociale/Réforme Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-03-26 Bâtiment/Performance environnementale/Projet de loi n° 41 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-03-14 Discours sur le budget 2024-2025/Débat parlementaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-03-14 Discours sur le budget 2024-2025/Motion formulant un grief Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-03-14 Fête de la Saint-Patrick/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-03-12 Bâtiment/Performance environnementale/Projet de loi n° 41/Rapport Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-22 Programme de solidarité sociale/Bénéficiaire/Projet de loi n° 693 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-20 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCR
2024-02-20 Subject to be announced 11 h CCR
2024-02-20 Subject to be announced 12 h CCR
2024-02-20 Subject to be announced 10 h CCR
2024-02-20 Subject to be announced 18 h CCR
2024-02-20 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CCR
2024-02-20 Subject to be announced 19 h CCR
2024-02-15 Subject to be announced 12 h CCR
2024-02-15 Subject to be announced 14 h CCR
2024-02-15 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CCR
2024-02-15 Subject to be announced 15 h CCR
2024-02-15 Subject to be announced 16 h CCR
2024-02-14 Subject to be announced 11 h CCR
2024-02-14 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCR
2024-02-14 Subject to be announced 15 h CCR
2024-02-14 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCR
2024-02-14 Subject to be announced 16 h CCR
2024-02-14 Subject to be announced 18 h CCR
2024-02-14 Subject to be announced 17 h CCR
2024-02-14 Banque alimentaire/Financement/Motion sans préavis (non débattue) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-13 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCR
2024-02-13 Subject to be announced 16 h CCR
2024-02-13 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCR
2024-02-13 Subject to be announced 17 h CCR
2024-02-13 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCR
2024-02-13 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CCR
2024-02-13 Subject to be announced 19 h CCR
2024-02-13 LOVE Québec (organisme)/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-13 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CNA
2024-02-13 Subject to be announced 11 h CNA
2024-02-08 Bâtiment/Performance environnementale/Projet de loi n° 41 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-08 Services de garde à l'enfance/Enfant/Protection/Projet de loi n° 46 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-07 King, Janet/Action communautaire/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-06 Subject to be announced 10 h CCR
2024-02-06 Subject to be announced 12 h CCR
2024-02-06 Subject to be announced 17 h CCR
2024-02-01 Climat/Comité consultatif/Jeune/Création/Pétition Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-01-31 Deuil périnatal/Journée de sensibilisation/Projet de loi n° 595 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-30 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CAFENR
2023-11-30 Extra Miles (programme)/Anniversaire de fondation/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-30 Foster, Joan/Extra Miles (programme)/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-30 Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs/Inspection environnementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-30 Swim, Tracie/Extra Miles (programme)/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-28 Expropriation/Projet de loi n° 22 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-22 Expropriation/Projet de loi n° 22/Rapport Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-09 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CTE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CTE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 16 h CPA
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CPA
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 17 h CPA
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CPA
2023-11-02 Magazine Montréal Families/Fermeture/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-31 Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs/Inspection environnementale/Motion sans préavis (non débattue) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 10 h CTE
2023-10-27 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CLE
2023-10-27 Subject to be announced 11 h CLE
2023-10-27 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CLE
2023-10-26 Agent de protection de la faune/Pénurie Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CTE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CTE
2023-10-17 Bibliothèque publique de Montréal-Ouest/Anniversaire de fondation/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-05 Deuil périnatal/Journée de sensibilisation/Projet de loi n° 595 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-03 Northvolt/Projet industriel/Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-03 Northvolt/Projet industriel/Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement/Débat de fin de séance Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-03 Obsolescence programmée/Projet de loi n° 29 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-03 Protection du consommateur/Projet de loi n° 29 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-21 Subject to be announced 15 h CTE
2023-09-20 Obsolescence programmée/Projet de loi n° 29 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-20 Protection du consommateur/Projet de loi n° 29 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-20 Publicité/Automobile/Encadrement/Motion sans préavis (non débattue) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-20 Tramway/Québec (ville)/Gouvernement/Collaboration/Affaire inscrite (motion) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-19 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CTE
2023-09-14 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CPPD
2023-09-14 Subject to be announced 13 h CPPD
2023-09-13 Fête interculturelle NDG/Notre-Dame-de-Grâce (quartier)/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-12 Changements climatiques/Municipalité/Financement/Motion sans préavis (non débattue) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-12 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CLE
2023-09-12 Subject to be announced 17 h CLE
2023-09-12 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CLE
2023-06-07 Collective sélective des déchets/Modernisation/Délai Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-07 Consigne/Modernisation/Délai Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-07 Eau/Gestion/Projet de loi n° 20 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-07 Fonds bleu/Projet de loi n° 20 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-01 Aménagement et urbanisme/Projet de loi n° 16 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-31 Subject to be announced 11 h CTE
2023-05-31 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CTE
2023-05-31 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2023-05-31 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CTE
2023-05-31 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CTE
2023-05-31 Subject to be announced 17 h CTE
2023-05-31 Subject to be announced 16 h CTE
2023-05-30 Logement social/Aménagement Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-30 Projet Chance/Logement social Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 10 h CTE
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CTE
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 11 h CTE
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CTE
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CTE
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 16 h CTE
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 17 h CTE
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CTE
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 19 h 30 CTE
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 20 h CTE
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 20 h 30 CTE
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 21 h CTE
2023-05-25 Eau/Gestion/Projet de loi n° 20 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-25 Envol des femmes, L' (organisme)/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-25 Fonds bleu/Projet de loi n° 20 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-23 Mercier (ville)/Eau potable Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-23 Mercier (ville)/Eau potable/Débat de fin de séance Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-23 Mercier (ville)/Pollution industrielle/Décontamination Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-23 Mercier (ville)/Pollution industrielle/Décontamination/Débat de fin de séance Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-11 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2023-05-11 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CTE
2023-05-10 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CTE
2023-05-10 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CTE
2023-05-10 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CTE
2023-05-10 Subject to be announced 16 h CTE
2023-05-10 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CTE
2023-05-10 Subject to be announced 17 h CTE
2023-05-10 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CTE
2023-05-10 Subject to be announced 18 h CTE
2023-05-10 Changements climatiques/Municipalité/Financement Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CI
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 10 h CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 11 h CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 17 h CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 18 h CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 19 h CTE
2023-05-03 Subject to be announced 17 h CPPD
2023-05-03 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CPPD
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CI
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 10 h CI
2023-04-27 Équipes de hockey de l'école secondaire Loyola/Championnat provincial de hockey scolaire D1/Participation/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-04-26 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CTE
2023-04-26 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2023-04-26 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CTE
2023-04-26 Subject to be announced 15 h CTE
2023-04-26 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CTE
2023-04-26 Subject to be announced 16 h CTE
2023-04-26 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CTE
2023-04-26 Subject to be announced 17 h CTE
2023-04-26 Carboneutralité/Crédit d'impôt/Mise en oeuvre/Pétition Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-04-25 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CTE
2023-04-25 Subject to be announced 10 h CTE
2023-04-25 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CTE
2023-04-06 Pile/Recyclage/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-04-04 Hydro-Québec/Ligne d'interconnexion Hertel-New York/Projet de loi n° 13 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-04-04 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CPF
2023-04-04 Subject to be announced 18 h CPF
2023-03-30 Agression sexuelle/Victime/Protection/Projet de loi n° 12 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-30 Hydro-Québec/Ligne d'interconnexion Hertel-New York/Projet de loi n° 13/Rapport Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-30 Mère porteuse/Droits/Projet de loi n° 12 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-29 Discours sur le budget 2023-2024/Débat parlementaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-29 Discours sur le budget 2023-2024/Motion formulant un grief Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-29 Hydro-Québec/Ligne d'interconnexion Hertel-New York/Projet de loi n° 13/Rapport Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-22 Lutte contre les changements climatiques/Mesure gouvernementale/Motion sans préavis (non débattue) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-21 Composés perfluorés/Pollution/Stratégie gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-21 Norouz (fête)/Communauté iranienne/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-21 Subject to be announced 10 h CAFENR
2023-03-21 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CAFENR
2023-03-21 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CAFENR
2023-03-21 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CAFENR
2023-03-16 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CAFENR
2023-03-16 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CAFENR
2023-03-16 Subject to be announced 14 h CAFENR
2023-03-16 Subject to be announced 15 h CAFENR
2023-03-16 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CAFENR
2023-03-16 Subject to be announced 16 h CAFENR
2023-03-15 Conseil communautaire Notre-Dame-de-Grâce inc./Anniversaire de fondation/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-15 Hydro-Québec/Ligne d'interconnexion Hertel-New York/Projet de loi n° 13 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-14 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CAFENR
2023-03-14 Subject to be announced 10 h CAFENR
2023-03-14 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CAFENR
2023-03-14 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CAFENR
2023-03-14 Subject to be announced 12 h CAFENR
2023-03-14 Subject to be announced 11 h CAFENR
2023-02-15 Développement durable/Stratégie gouvernementale 2023-2028/Audition publique/Rapport Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-07 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CTE
2023-02-07 Subject to be announced 10 h CTE
2023-02-07 Subject to be announced 11 h CTE
2023-02-02 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2023-02-02 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CTE
2023-02-02 Subject to be announced 14 h CTE
2023-02-02 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CTE
2023-02-02 Subject to be announced 15 h CTE
2023-02-01 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CTE
2023-02-01 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CTE
2023-02-01 Subject to be announced 16 h CTE
2023-02-01 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CTE
2023-02-01 Subject to be announced 17 h CTE
2023-02-01 Environnement sain/Droits fondamentaux/Reconnaissance/Projet de loi n° 193 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-01 Qualité de l'air/Limoilou (quartier) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-01-31 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CTE
2023-01-31 Subject to be announced 10 h CTE
2023-01-31 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CTE
2023-01-31 Subject to be announced 11 h CTE
2023-01-31 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CTE
2023-01-31 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2023-01-31 Subject to be announced 16 h CTE
2023-01-31 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CTE
2023-01-31 Subject to be announced 17 h CTE
2023-01-31 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CTE
2022-12-08 Association communautaire et récréative Westhaven Elmhurst/Anniversaire de fondation/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-07 Biodiversité/Protection/Stratégie gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-07 COP15/Biodiversité/Protection/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-07 COP15/Lutte contre les changements climatiques/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-07 Discours d'ouverture/Débat parlementaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-07 Discours parlementaire/Motion formulant un grief Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly