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Manon Massé

Manon Massé

  • Member for Sainte-Marie–Saint-Jacques
  • Québec solidaire
  • Second Opposition Group Critic for Relations with the First Nations and the Inuit
  • Second Opposition Group Critic for the LGBTQ+ Community
  • Second Opposition Group Critic for the Côte-Nord Region
  • Second Opposition Group Critic for the Nord-du-Québec Region

Media Activities

Here visitors can view the press conferences and briefings held by the Member in the Assemblée nationale buildings or otherwise recorded by the Assemblée since January 15, 1997. Press conferences and briefings are transcribed in full.

  • February 11, 2025
    Point de presse de Mme Manon Massé, porte-parole du deuxième groupe d’opposition en matière de relations avec les Premières Nations et les Inuit, et M. Alexandre Leduc, porte-parole du deuxième groupe d’opposition en matière d’environnement, de faune et de parcs