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Simon Jolin-Barette

Simon Jolin-Barrette

  • Member for Borduas
  • Coalition avenir Québec
  • Minister of Justice
  • Minister Responsible for Canadian Relations
  • Government House Leader


Here visitors can view the bills introduced by the Member. 

For more on the bills available online through the Assemblée nationale website

Number Title
91 Act establishing the Unified Family Tribunal within the Court of Québec
78 An Act to give effect to the agreement between the Minister of Justice and the Barreau du Québec to improve the tariffs for legal aid
73 An Act to counter non-consensual sharing of intimate images and to improve protection and support in civil matters for persons who are victims of violence
72 An Act to protect consumers against abusive commercial practices and to offer better transparency with respect to prices and credit
56 An Act respecting family law reform and establishing the parental union regime
54 An Act to follow up on the Table Justice-Québec with a view to reducing processing times in criminal and penal matters and to make the administration of justice more efficient
40 An Act mainly to reform municipal courts and to improve the justice system’s efficiency, accessibility and performance
34 An Act to modernize the notarial profession and to promote access to justice
29 An Act to protect consumers from planned obsolescence and to promote the durability, repairability and maintenance of goods
26 An Act to amend the Courts of Justice Act to, in particular, give effect to the agreement between the chief judge of the Court of Québec and the Minister of Justice
24 An Act to follow up on the recommendations of the report of the Comité consultatif indépendant sur la révision de l’indemnité annuelle des membres de l’Assemblée nationale
12 An Act to reform family law with regard to filiation and to protect children born as a result of sexual assault and the victims of that assault as well as the rights of surrogates and of children born of a surrogacy project
8 An Act to improve justice efficiency and accessibility, in particular by promoting mediation and arbitration and by simplifying civil procedure in the Court of Québec
5 An Act to ratify the Agreement relating to the concept of parliamentary group, to the conduct of proceedings in the Assembly and in parliamentary committees, to budgetary aspects and to other measures promoting work-family balance