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Ruba Ghazal

Ruba Ghazal

  • Member for Mercier
  • Québec solidaire
  • Second Opposition Group Critic for Independence
  • Second Opposition Group Critic for Feminism
  • Second Opposition Group Critic for Inclusive Nationalism
  • Second Opposition Group Critic for the Canadian Intergovernmental Relations
  • Second Opposition Group Critic for the Mauricie Region
  • Second Opposition Group Critic for the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean Region


Here visitors can view the bills introduced by the Member. 

For more on the bills available online through the Assemblée nationale website

Number Title
895 An Act to establish a common school network to guarantee equal opportunities
397 An Act to prevent and fight sexual violence in educational institutions that provide preschool education services, elementary school instructional services or secondary school instructional services in general or vocational education, including adult education services
390 An Act to promote taking gender equality and diversity in an intersectional perspective into account in the budgetary process