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Bernard Drainville

Bernard Drainville

  • Member for Lévis
  • Coalition avenir Québec
  • Minister of Education
  • Minister Responsible for the Chaudière-Appalaches Region


Here visitors can view the Member’s statements and questions in the Assemblée nationale or parliamentary committee. These interventions are recorded in the Journal des débats (Hansard).

In the "Link to intervention" column, interventions identified by a time of day may contain transcription errors, because they refer to a preliminary unrevised version of the Journal des débats. They were uploaded to make Members' interventions quickly accessible. The time displayed corresponds to the time at which the intervention was made.

In the table, a subject is associated with each intervention once the final version of the Journal des débats is made available. The time displayed corresponds to the time at which the intervention was made.

For more on editions of the Journal des débats (Hansard) available online through the Assemblée nationale website

Date Subject Link to intervention Place
2025-03-25 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 Assembly
2025-03-20 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2025-02-20 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2025-02-18 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2025-02-13 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2025-02-11 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2025-02-04 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2025-01-30 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2025-01-29 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2025-01-28 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-11-21 Réussite scolaire/Jeune autochtone/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-11-07 École prématernelle/Mise en oeuvre/Bilan Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-11-07 École prématernelle/Reddition de comptes 2023-2024 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-11-07 Immigrant/Francisation/Milieu scolaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-10-09 Aide alimentaire/École/Gouvernement fédéral/Transfert financier Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-10-04 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2024-10-04 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2024-10-04 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2024-10-04 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2024-10-03 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-10-02 Enseignement/Baccalauréat/Stage/Rémunération/Affaire inscrite (motion) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-10-01 École publique/Semaine thématique/Motion sans préavis Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-10-01 Stagiaire/Fonction publique/Salaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-26 Ministère de l'Éducation/Rapport annuel de gestion 2023-2024 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-26 Personnel enseignant/Pénurie/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-25 Commission consultative de l'enseignement privé/Plan stratégique 2024-2028 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-25 Commission consultative de l'enseignement privé/Rapport annuel de gestion 2023-2024 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-25 Conseil supérieur de l'éducation/Rapport annuel de gestion 2023-2024 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-25 Transport scolaire/Règlement/Modification Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-17 Institut national des mines/Rapport annuel de gestion 2023-2024 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-12 Civisme/Milieu scolaire/Motion sans préavis Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-12 Enseignant/Orientation sexuelle/Menace/Dénonciation/Motion sans préavis Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-10 Éducation/Système scolaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-06-07 Personnel enseignant/Pénurie/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-06-05 Cours d'été/Gratuité Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-29 Enseignement secondaire/Projet pédagogique particulier/Accès Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-28 Lutte contre les agressions sexuelles/Milieu scolaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-23 Centre communautaire d'Ahuntsic/Organisme communautaire/Déménagement Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-21 École privée/États financiers/Publication Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-07 École/Collation/Qualité/Montréal (région) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-07 Éducation/Système scolaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-07 Personnel enseignant/Pénurie Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-04-24 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2024-04-24 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2024-04-24 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2024-04-24 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2024-04-24 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CCE
2024-04-24 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2024-04-24 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2024-04-24 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2024-04-24 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2024-04-24 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2024-04-24 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2024-04-24 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2024-04-23 Personnel enseignant/Pénurie/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-04-17 Projet pédagogique particulier/Aide financière Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-04-10 Personne de soutien/Milieu scolaire/Pénurie Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-04-10 Personnel non-enseignant/Milieu scolaire/Pénurie Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-03-27 Élève/Protection/Projet de loi n° 47 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-03-19 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2024-03-19 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2024-03-19 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2024-03-19 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2024-03-19 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2024-03-19 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2024-03-19 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CCE
2024-03-19 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2024-03-19 Subject to be announced 19 h CCE
2024-03-19 École/Performance/Données Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-03-19 Éducation/Réseau/Statistiques Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-03-14 Subject to be announced 14 h CCE
2024-03-14 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CCE
2024-03-14 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2024-03-14 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2024-03-14 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2024-03-13 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2024-03-13 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2024-03-13 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2024-03-13 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2024-03-13 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2024-02-22 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2024-02-22 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2024-02-22 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2024-02-22 Subject to be announced 14 h CCE
2024-02-22 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CCE
2024-02-22 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2024-02-22 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2024-02-22 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2024-02-21 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2024-02-21 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2024-02-21 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2024-02-21 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2024-02-21 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2024-02-21 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2024-02-14 École confessionnelle/Financement Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-07 Drabo, Djénébou/Prix d'alphabétisation du Conseil de la fédération/Lauréate/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-07 Personnel enseignant/Conditions de travail Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-06 Commission consultative de l'enseignement privé/Rapport 2022-2023 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-06 Élève/Protection/Projet de loi n° 47 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-06 Rattrapage scolaire/Plan Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-01-31 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2024-01-31 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2024-01-31 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2024-01-31 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2024-01-31 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2024-01-31 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2024-01-31 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CCE
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CCE
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-12-07 Conseil supérieur de l'éducation/Éducation/Besoin/Rapport 2021-2023 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-12-07 Personnel de soutien/Milieu scolaire/Conditions de travail Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-12-06 Éducation/Gouvernement/Bilan Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-12-06 Élève/Protection/Projet de loi n° 47 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-12-05 Centre de services scolaire/Gouvernance/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-12-05 Institut national d'excellence en éducation/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-12-05 Instruction publique/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-12-01 Centre de services scolaire/Gouvernance/Projet de loi n° 23/Rapport Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-12-01 Institut national d'excellence en éducation/Projet de loi n° 23/Rapport Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-12-01 Instruction publique/Projet de loi n° 23/Rapport Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-12-01 Personnel de soutien/Milieu scolaire/Conditions de travail Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-30 Élève handicapé ou en difficulté d'adaptation ou d'apprentissage/Services professionnels Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-30 Professionnel/Milieu scolaire/Conditions de travail Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-29 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-11-29 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-11-29 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-11-29 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-11-29 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-11-29 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-11-29 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-11-29 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-11-29 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-11-29 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-11-29 Loi sur le protecteur national de l'élève/Mise en oeuvre/Crédits supplémentaires Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-29 Lutte contre les agressions sexuelles/Milieu scolaire/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-28 Fonction publique/Convention collective/Négociation Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-28 Personnel enseignant/Conditions de travail Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 19 h CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 19 h 30 CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 20 h CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 20 h 30 CCE
2023-11-28 Subject to be announced 21 h CCE
2023-11-22 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-11-22 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-11-22 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-11-22 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-11-22 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-11-22 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-11-22 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-11-22 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-11-22 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-11-22 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-11-22 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 19 h CCE
2023-11-21 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-11-09 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-11-09 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-11-09 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-11-09 Subject to be announced 14 h CCE
2023-11-09 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CCE
2023-11-09 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-11-09 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-11-09 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-11-08 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CCE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CCE
2023-11-07 Subject to be announced 19 h CCE
2023-11-02 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-11-02 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-11-02 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-11-02 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-11-02 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CCE
2023-11-02 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-11-02 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-11-02 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-11-02 École prématernelle/Mise en oeuvre/Bilan 2022-2023 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-02 École prématernelle/Reddition de comptes 2022-2023 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-02 Lutte contre la violence/Milieu scolaire/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-01 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-11-01 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-11-01 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-11-01 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-11-01 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-11-01 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-11-01 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-11-01 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-11-01 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-11-01 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 19 h CCE
2023-10-31 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CCE
2023-10-26 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-10-26 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-10-26 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-10-26 Subject to be announced 14 h CCE
2023-10-26 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CCE
2023-10-26 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-10-26 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-10-26 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-10-26 Fonction publique/Convention collective/Négociation Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-26 Langue française/Enseignement primaire et secondaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-26 Langue française/Enseignement primaire et secondaire/Débat de fin de séance Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-26 Orthographe française/Élève/Résultat Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-26 Orthographe française/Élève/Résultat/Débat de fin de séance Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-26 Personnel enseignant/Conditions de travail Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-25 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-10-25 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-10-25 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-10-25 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-10-25 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-10-25 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-10-25 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-10-25 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-10-25 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-10-25 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-10-24 Subject to be announced 19 h CCE
2023-10-19 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-10-19 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-10-19 Subject to be announced 14 h CCE
2023-10-19 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CCE
2023-10-19 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-10-19 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-10-19 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-10-19 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-10-18 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CCE
2023-10-17 Subject to be announced 19 h CCE
2023-10-05 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-10-05 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-10-05 Subject to be announced 14 h CCE
2023-10-05 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CCE
2023-10-05 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-10-05 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-10-05 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-10-05 Services de garde/Milieu scolaire/Frais/Abolition Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-04 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-10-04 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-10-04 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-10-04 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-10-04 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-10-04 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-10-04 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-10-04 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-10-04 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-10-04 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-10-04 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-10-04 Personnel enseignant/Pénurie/Intégration scolaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 18 h CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CCE
2023-10-03 Subject to be announced 19 h CCE
2023-09-28 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-09-28 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-09-28 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-09-28 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CCE
2023-09-28 Subject to be announced 14 h CCE
2023-09-28 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-09-28 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-09-28 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-09-26 Centre de services scolaire/Gouvernance/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-26 Conseil supérieur de l'éducation/Rapport annuel de gestion 2022-2023 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-26 Infrastructures scolaires/Aménagement/Investissement/Motion sans préavis (non débattue) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-26 Institut national d'excellence en éducation/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-26 Instruction publique/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-26 Ministère de l'Éducation/Rapport annuel de gestion 2022-2023 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-22 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2023-09-22 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2023-09-22 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-09-22 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-09-21 Infrastructures scolaires/Aménagement/École/Choix Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-20 Commission consultative de l'enseignement privé/Rapport annuel de gestion 2022-2023 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-20 Institut national des mines du Québec/Plan stratégique 2023-2028 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-20 Institut national des mines du Québec/Rapport annuel de gestion 2022-2023 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-13 Éducation/Investissement Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-13 Personnel enseignant/Pénurie Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-13 Services de garde/Milieu scolaire/Frais/Abolition Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-12 Centre de services scolaire/Gouvernance/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-12 Institut national d'excellence en éducation/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-12 Instruction publique/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-09 Lutte contre les agressions sexuelles/Établissement d'enseignement/Projet de loi n° 397 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-08 Centre de services scolaire/Municipalité/Terrain Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-07 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-06-07 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-06-07 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-06-07 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-06-07 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-06-07 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-06-07 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-06-07 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-06-07 Centre de services scolaire/Municipalité/Terrain Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-07 Ministère de l'Éducation/Plan stratégique 2023-2027 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-06 École secondaire Saint-Laurent/Entraîneur/Agression sexuelle/Allégation/Enquête indépendante Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-06 Élève handicapé ou en difficulté d'adaptation ou d'apprentissage/Services éducatifs Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-06 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2023-06-06 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2023-06-06 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-06-06 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-06-06 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-06-06 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-06-06 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-06-06 Subject to be announced 19 h 30 CCE
2023-06-06 Subject to be announced 20 h 30 CCE
2023-06-06 Subject to be announced 20 h CCE
2023-06-02 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-06-02 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-06-02 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-06-02 Subject to be announced 13 h CCE
2023-06-02 Centre de services scolaire/Gouvernance/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-02 Éducation/Main-d'oeuvre/Pénurie Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-02 Institut national d'excellence en éducation/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-02 Instruction publique/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-02 Personnel enseignant/Qualification professionnelle Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 13 h CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 15 h CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 20 h CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 20 h 30 CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 21 h CCE
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 19 h 30 CCE
2023-06-01 Éducation/Stratégie gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-01 Éducation/Système scolaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-01 Personnel enseignant/Pénurie/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-01 Personnel enseignant/Qualification professionnelle Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-31 École Bedford/Relations du travail Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-31 Personnel scolaire/Valorisation/Journée thématique/Motion sans préavis Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-30 Personnel enseignant/Pénurie/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-24 Lutte contre les agressions sexuelles/Milieu scolaire/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-09 Centre de services scolaire/Gouvernance/Projet de loi n° 23/Centralisation Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-04 Centre de services scolaire/Gouvernance/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-04 Institut national d'excellence en éducation/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-04 Instruction publique/Projet de loi n° 23 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-02 Activité parascolaire/Milieu scolaire/Accès Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-02 Centre de services scolaire/Gouvernance/Réforme Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-02 Lutte contre les agressions sexuelles/Milieu scolaire/Mesure Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-02 Ministère de l'Éducation/Transformation numérique/Projet Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CCE
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 12 h CCE
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 16 h CCE
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCE
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 17 h CCE
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCE
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCE
2023-04-27 Enseignant/École secondaire Édouard-Montpetit/Violence/Suspension Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-04-27 Enseignante/Centre de services scolaire des Mille-Îles/Violence/Enquête Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-04-25 Enseignante/Centre de services scolaire des Mille-Îles/Violence/Enquête Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-04-20 Éducateur/Services de garde à l'enfance/Conditions de travail Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-04-20 Services de garde à l'enfance/Tarification/Hausse Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-04-20 Services de garde à l'enfance/Tarification/Hausse/Débat de fin de séance Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-04-05 École secondaire/Construction/Val-des-Monts (municipalité) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-04-05 Éducation/Censure/Dénonciation/Motion sans préavis Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-04-05 Lutte contre les agressions sexuelles/Milieu scolaire/Mesure Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-29 Enseignement/Formation Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-29 Londa, Doriana Tesa Basilua/Prix d'alphabétisation du Conseil de la fédération/Lauréate/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-29 Personnel enseignant/Compétence professionnelle/Reconnaissance Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-24 Subject to be announced 10 h CCE
2023-03-24 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCE
2023-03-24 Subject to be announced 11 h CCE
2023-03-24 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCE
2023-03-22 École/Milieu défavorisé/Évaluation/Critère Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-22 École/Qualité de l'eau/Plomb Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-22 École/Repas Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-22 Enseignement secondaire/École publique/Projet pédagogique particulier/Accès Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-22 Établissement scolaire/Aménagement/Budget Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-22 Établissement scolaire/Parc immobilier/Situation Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-22 Ministère de l'Éducation/Crédits provisoires 2023-2024 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-22 Parc immobilier/Établissement scolaire/Entretien/Financement Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-22 Parc immobilier/Établissement scolaire/Inspection/Critère Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-22 Projet pédagogique particulier/Aide financière Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-22 Qualité de l'air/École/Encadrement Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-21 Agression sexuelle/Milieu scolaire/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-21 Agression sexuelle/Milieu scolaire/Mesure gouvernementale/Débat de fin de séance Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-14 Lutte contre la violence/Milieu scolaire/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-14 Lutte contre la violence/Milieu scolaire/Mesure gouvernementale/Débat de fin de séance Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-23 École prématernelle/Accès Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-23 Service de soutien pédagogique à l'intégration des élèves handicapés physiques/Centre de services scolaire de Montréal/Abolition Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-23 Service de soutien pédagogique à l'intégration des élèves handicapés physiques/Centre de services scolaire de Montréal/Abolition/Débat de fin de séance Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-22 École prématernelle/Accès Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-22 École prématernelle/Milieu défavorisé Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-21 Analphabétisme/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-16 Orthopédagogie/Centre de services scolaire de Montréal/Débat de fin de séance Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-16 Service de soutien pédagogique à l'intégration des élèves handicapés physiques/Centre de services scolaire de Montréal/Abolition/Débat de fin de séance Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-15 Orthopédagogue/Milieu scolaire/Services/Accès Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-15 Personnel non-enseignant/Milieu scolaire/Pénurie Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-08 Enseignant/Inconduite sexuelle/Mauricie (région) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-08 Gagné, Michel/Tournoi international atome M11 Desjardins de Lévis/Contribution/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-07 Éducation/Orientation Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-07 Enseignant/Semaine thématique/Motion sans préavis Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-02 Lutte contre les agressions sexuelles/Milieu scolaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-01 Lutte contre la violence/Milieu scolaire/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-01 Lutte contre l'intimidation/Milieu scolaire/Mesure gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-01-31 École secondaire du Chêne-Bleu/Programme sports-études/Transfert Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-09 Comité d'agrément des programmes de formation à l'enseignement/Rapport annuel de gestion 2021-2022 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-09 Commission consultative de l'enseignement privé/Rapport annuel 2021-2022 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-09 Commission consultative de l'enseignement privé/Rapport annuel de gestion 2021-2022 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-09 Conseil supérieur de l'éducation/Rapport annuel de gestion 2021-2022 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-09 École prématernelle/Mise en oeuvre/Bilan Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-09 École prématernelle/Reddition de comptes 2021-2022 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-09 Institut national des mines/Rapport annuel de gestion 2021-2022 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-09 Ministère de l'Éducation/Rapport annuel de gestion 2021-2022 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-09 Projet pédagogique particulier/Milieu scolaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-07 Discours d'ouverture/Débat parlementaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-07 Qualité de l'air/École Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-06 École secondaire du Chêne-Bleu/Programme sports-études/Transfert Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2022-12-06 Éducation/Stratégie gouvernementale Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly