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Parliamentary Proceedings

The Parliament of Québec is composed of the Assemblée nationale and the Lieutenant-Governor. The business, discussions and debates of the Assemblée and the parliamentary committees are known collectively as parliamentary proceedings.

National Assembly proceedings

Recent sittings

The National Assembly did not sit during the past 7 days.

Bills under consideration

No.69 - An Act to ensure the responsible governance of energy resources and to amend various legislative provisions

No.79 - An Act to enact the Act respecting contracting by municipal bodies and to amend various provisions mainly for the purpose of reducing the administrative burden of municipal bodies

No.81 - An Act to amend various provisions relating to the environment

No.82 - An Act respecting the national digital identity and amending other provisions

No.83 - An Act to foster the practice of medicine in the public health and social services network

No.84 - An Act respecting national integration

No.85 - An Act to amend various provisions for the main purpose of reducing regulatory and administrative burden

No.86 - An Act to ensure the long-term preservation and vitality of agricultural land

No.89 - An Act to give greater consideration to the needs of the population in the event of a strike or a lock-out

No.91 - Act establishing the Unified Family Tribunal within the Court of Québec

No.93 - An Act respecting, in particular, the transfer of ownership of an immovable of Ville de Blainville

No.190 - An Act to recognize the Members’ oath to the people of Québec as the sole oath required for Members to take office

No.191 - An Act to amend the Act respecting safety in sports to prohibit fighting in sports activities in which persons under 18 years of age participate

No.192 - An Act to ensure student health and safety in the classroom by regulating ambient air quality in schools

No.193 - An Act to amend the Charter of human rights and freedoms to recognize the right to a healthful environment as a fundamental right

No.194 - An Act to establish a presumption of consent to organ or tissue donation after death

No.195 - An Act to amend the Consumer Protection Act to fight planned obsolescence and assert the right to repair goods

No.196 - An Act to amend the Educational Childcare Act to guarantee the right to receive childcare services

No.197 - An Act to improve the quality of care through the setting of ratios in certain institutions governed by the Act respecting health services and social services

No.198 - An Act to amend the Civil Code to ensure greater protection of seniors as lessees against repossession of dwellings and evictions

No.199 - An Act to better protect consumers against abusive credit contracts

No.201 - An Act respecting Municipalité de Morin-Heights

No.203 - An Act respecting the objects and powers of the Roman Catholic Archiepiscopal corporation of Montreal

No.390 - An Act to promote taking gender equality and diversity in an intersectional perspective into account in the budgetary process

No.391 - An Act to amend the Education Act to enshrine the right to free special school projects offered in schools providing preschool or elementary and secondary education and to limit the distance between immovables of a school with a special project

No.392 - An Act respecting the suspension of the issuing of new mining claims and ending the precedence of mining and gas rights over other land uses

No.393 - An Act to combat food waste

No.394 - An Act respecting the implementation of study-family-work balance policies in particular in higher education institutions

No.395 - An Act to replace the name of the electoral division of Matane-Matapédia by Matane-Matapédia-Mitis

No.396 - An Act to amend the Act to reduce the debt and establish the Generations Fund to provide for the achievement of a capitalization of one hundred billion dollars

No.397 - An Act to prevent and fight sexual violence in educational institutions that provide preschool education services, elementary school instructional services or secondary school instructional services in general or vocational education, including adult education services

No.398 - An Act to amend the Education Act to enshrine the right of handicapped students and students with social maladjustments or learning disabilities to receive educational services equivalent to those provided by the school

No.399 - An Act to amend the Act respecting the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec to require the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec to make and to report on investments with sustainable social and environmental impacts

No.490 - An Act to reinforce the qualified majority required for the appointment and removal of persons appointed by the National Assembly

No.491 - An Act amending the Public Infrastructure Act to submit projects included in the Québec infrastructure plan to a climate test

No.492 - An Act to combat waste

No.493 - An Act to amend the Québec Immigration Act to take temporary residents into account for immigration planning purposes

No.494 - An Act to amend the Civil Code to render without effect the clauses of a lease of a dwelling tending to prohibit companion animals

No.495 - Anti-Farm Land Grabbing Act

No.496 - An Act to recognize the white admiral as the emblematic insect of Québec

No.499 - An Act to establish a new electoral system

No.591 - An Act mainly to reinforce Members’ oversight of government action by recognizing their right to visit administrative institutions

No.593 - An Act to amend the Civil Code to prohibit evictions carried out with a view to converting a dwelling into short-term tourist accommodation

No.596 - An Act amending mainly the Act respecting land use planning and development so that municipalities may adopt a differentiated zoning by-law aimed at increasing and sustaining the supply of social housing or affordable housing

No.597 - An Act to amend the Environment Quality Act to establish a right of citizen initiative in environmental matters and reinforce the powers and independence of the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement

No.599 - An Act to amend mainly the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan to abolish the reduction of the retirement pension of a person who receives a disability pension between 60 and 65 years of age

No.690 - An Act to amend the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan to rectify an inequity toward disabled retirees

No.691 - An Act to amend various legislative provisions regarding financial assistance for education expenses

No.693 - An Act to foster the active contribution to society of recipients under the Social Solidarity Program

No.694 - An Act to amend the Highway Safety Code to more effectively fight drinking and driving

No.695 - Parliamentary Budget Officer Act

No.697 - An Act to combat waste

No.699 - An Act to amend the Charter of human rights and freedoms to enshrine the right to decent housing

No.790 - An Act to extend to users sheltered in a continuous assistance residence the application of the Regulation respecting the terms governing the use of monitoring mechanisms by a user sheltered in a facility maintained by an institution operating a residential and long-term care centre

No.791 - An Act to allow public transit authorities to develop real estate projects near or above their public transit infrastructures

No.792 - An Act to enhance the presence of the flag of Québec

No.793 - An Act respecting the process for publishing the documents from the inquiry conducted by Bernard Grenier concerning the activities of Option Canada in the referendum held in Québec in October 1995

No.794 - An Act to declare Québec’s commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050

No.796 - An Act to replace the name of the electoral division of Arthabaska by the name “Arthabaska-L’Érable”

No.892 - An Act to prohibit offering supervised consumption services near an educational childcare facility or an educational institution providing preschool-, elementary- or secondary-level education

No.893 - An Act respecting maintaining seniors’ autonomy

No.894 - An Act to extend health insurance plan and basic prescription drug insurance plan eligibility to all women or persons who are pregnant and living in Québec regardless of their migratory status

No.895 - An Act to establish a common school network to guarantee equal opportunities

No.896 - An Act to indemnify local municipalities when land intended for building or enlarging schools is transferred


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