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Home > Parliamentary Proceedings > Committee Proceedings > Health and Social Services > Briefs tabled under the order to the committee « Étude de la pétition concernant le cancer de la peau et le bronzage artificiel »

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Briefs tabled under the order to the committee « Étude de la pétition concernant le cancer de la peau et le bronzage artificiel »

A brief is a document in which individuals or organizations present their views on a subject examined during consultations held by a parliamentary committee. Briefs become available online within four days after they are filed with a committee.

Procedure for submitting a brief during a public consultation 
To consult all the briefs tabled in the Assemblée nationale and in committee 

Date Tabled by Title Number
2012-02-20 Institut national de santé publique du Québec Institut national de santé publique du Québec (PDF, 271 KB)  002M
2012-02-20 Société canadienne du cancer Société canadienne du cancer (PDF, 6 MB)  001M
2012-02-20 Association des dermatologistes du Québec Association des dermatologistes du Québec (PDF, 5 MB)  003M