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Documents tabled on Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2007-11-27 Dufour, Marjolain, Member for René-Lévesque A bundle of documents concerning the state of Québec's forests. 690-20071127 Other
2007-11-27 Beauchamp, Line, Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks The map indicating the boundaries of water property in the domain of the State and the protection of wetlands along part of the Rivière Richelieu. 682-20071127 Other
2007-11-27 Courchesne, Michelle, Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports The annual report of the Comité d'agrément des programmes de formation à l'enseignement, for the fiscal year ended 30 June 2007. (PDF, 3 MB)  683-20071127 Annual report
2007-11-27 Dupuis, Jacques P., Minister of Public Security The annual report of the Comité d'agrément des programmes de formation à l'enseignement, for the fiscal year ended 30 June 2007. 684-20071127 Other
2007-11-27 Fournier, Jean-Marc, Government House Leader The answer by Mrs. James, Minister of Immigration and Cultural Communities, to Written Question No. 1, concerning the budgets set aside for the integration and francization of immigrants, placed on the Order Paper and Notices of 15 November 2007 by Mrs. Morissette (Charlesbourg). 685-20071127 Answers to written questions
2007-11-27 Bissonnet, Michel, Président de l'Assemblée nationale The report from the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec on the implementation of section 30.8 of the Act respecting school elections, within the framework of the general election held on 4 November 2007. (PDF, 1,022 KB)  686-20071127 Other
2007-11-27 Paquet, Alain, Member for Laval-des-Rapides The report from the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec on the implementation of section 30.8 of the Act respecting school elections, within the framework of the general election held on 4 November 2007. (PDF, 427 KB)  687-20071127 Committee report
2007-11-27 Simard, Sylvain, Member for Richelieu A report from the Committee on Culture, which met on 22 November 2007 for clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 30, An Act to amend the Act respecting the Société de la Place des Arts de Montréal, the Act respecting the Société de télédiffusion du Québec and the Act respecting the Société du Grand Théâtre de Québec. The report does not contain any amendments to the bill. (PDF, 427 KB)  688-20071127 Committee report
2007-11-27 Paquet, Alain, Member for Laval-des-Rapides The abstract of a petition respecting modifications to ballot papers, and signed by 5921 citizens of Québec. 689-20071127 Abstract of a petition
2007-11-27 Simard, Sylvain, Member for Richelieu A report from the Committee on Culture, which met on 22 November 2007 for clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 30, An Act to amend the Act respecting the Société de la Place des Arts de Montréal, the Act respecting the Société de télédiffusion du Québec and the Act respecting the Société du Grand Théâtre de Québec. The report does not contain any amendments to the bill. (PDF, 67 KB)  688-20071127 Committee report