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Cat neutering and welfare

Petition text

WHEREAS each year, thousands of adoptable and perfectly healthy cats are killed for the sole reason that animal services are overwhelmed;

WHEREAS colonies of stray cats are multiplying uncontrollably thus subjecting them to horrible conditions of life and death;

WHEREAS citizens, unable to turn a blind eye to this situation of feline wanderings, are trying by all means to save them, spending time and money at the expense of their mental and financial health;

WHEREAS the Animal Welfare and Safety Act recognizes that animals are sentient beings and are a social concern;

We, the undersigned, ask the Government of Québec to:

  • Impose uniform regulation for feline neutering with some exceptions;
  • Facilitate access to fixed and mobile clinics providing affordable neutering and microchipping services for all citizens without discrimination and provide financial assistance for low income citizens;
  • Monitor and financially support the establishment of TNRM (trap, neuter, release, maintain) programs in all municipalities and centralize results and statistics obtained in order to manage them effectively;
  • Request the involvement of the Order of Veterinarians of Quebec in the solution by carrying out the revision of its regulations and policies to facilitate the neutering and microchipping of cats, thus fulfilling its mission to ensure the health and welfare of animals and maintain public health.

The signing period for this petition is over.

Signing deadline : August 24, 2019

Number of signatures : 6799

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